ll 0.13 README ============================================================================== Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Kurt A. Stephens and Ion, Inc., All Rights Reserved. http://www.ionink.com/~stephens Kurt A. Stephens and Ion, Inc. MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Kurt A. Stephens and Ion, Inc. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. $Id: COPYRIGHT,v 1.4 2001/10/20 04:41:49 stephens Exp $ ============================================================================== ll 0.13 README ============================================================================== -*- outline -*- * ll README ** Preface Author: Kurt A. Stephens Contact: stephensk@acm.org Version: 0.9 Version Id: $Id: README,v 1.4 1999/04/13 03:04:13 stephensk Exp $ ** Overview ll is an embeddable, pure, class-based, object Lisp system C library with multiple inheritance based on ideas from Scheme, Oaklisp and Dylan. It differs from most implementations by its easy integration with the C programming language. It intergrates well with existing C applications better than Oaklisp (due to its namespace usage and proper tail-call implementation) and provide object-oriented features that do not exist in other embeddable Scheme environments like GNU's guile library. *** Compatiblity ll should be compatable with the Revised 5 Report, except for the macro facility. ll supports lexical closures and proper tail recursion. ll makes it easy to defined new primitive methods in C. In the future ll will handle calling in and out of C with a automatic C runtime system. ll might also be made source-code compatable with GNU guile. *** Conventions ll uses the typical s-expression Scheme syntax for all expressions. All types are named with angle brackets ("", "", "", etc.) All type predicates are suffixed with '?' ("cons?", "object?", "number?", etc.) All mutating (setter) operations are begin with 'set-' and end with '!' ("set-car!", etc.) ** Tutorial You should be familar with Scheme to understand the basics. Recommended reading: [R5RS] Revised 5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme, ACM SIGPLAN Procedings, Vol. 33, Number 9. *** Messaging All values in ll are objects, even the internal objects and compiler are defined using objects. All operations in ll happen by sending messages; the car position of a function call is a object, the cdr contains the reciever and any arguments. The object is used as a key for looking up a method in the receiver's type. Message expresions take the form: (^operation^ ^receiver^ . ^arguments^) or (^operation^) For example, the expression: (car (cons 'x 'y)) Sends the stored in the 'cons global to 'x with the argument 'y. A method for the cons is stored in , which is a subtype. Then the stored in the 'car global variable is send to the result. The root type of most objects is . The type is also a subtype of . The method for message expressions with no receiver (^operation^) are found within the type. *** Type instantiation All objects have zero or more supertypes and zero or more instance slots. New types are created by sending the 'make to the ' object. (make ^supers^ ^slots^) Both ^supers^ and ^slots^ are objects. For example, the type might be defined as: (define (make (list ) (list 'car 'cdr))) *** Object instantiation All objects respond to 'make. :make allocates a new object of it's type and sends it an 'initialize message with the remaining arguments. For example, the expression: (cons 'x 'y) => (make 'x 'y). In this example the :intitialize method might be implemented as: (add-method (initialize ( car cdr) self a d) (set! car a) (set! cdr d) self) *** Operations New operations are created with (make ). objects are anonymous. *** Settable Operations New settable operations are created with (make ). Settable operations respond to (setter ^operation^). Most of the accessor primitives, like 'car, are defined as objects. For example; The 'car is defined: (define car (make )) (define set-car! (setter car)) The compiler macro expands (set! (^op^ . ^args^) ^value^) to ((setter ^op^) . ^args^ ^value^) Thus (set! (car x) 'y) is ((setter car) x 'y). *** Methods New objects are created and added to objects using the following syntax: (add-method (^op^ (^type^ . ^slots^) . ^formals^) . ^body^) ^slots^ is a list of slots defined in ^type^ that are lexically bound in the ^body^. You cannot access ^slots^ within super or types of ^type^ directly. You must defined operations and methods to do so. For example, the car and set-car! objects for types might be defined as: (add-method (car ( car) self) car) (add-method ((setter car) ( car) self new-car) (set! car new-car)) A method with no ^formals^ must be added to because all messages with no reciever and arguments is directed to . 'add-method forms can be lexically scoped within each other. *** Closures Closures are actually anonymous objects with a object added to the type. ll essentally macro expands: (lambda ^formals^ . ^body^) ==> (add-method (make ) () . ^formals^) . ^body^) Note: the 'add-method form always returns the anonymous . *** Object Coercion All objects respond to (coercer ^^) which evaluates to an anonymous object that can be sent to an object to coerce it to a ^^ object. ((coercer ) "5") ==> (number->string "5") -> 5 *** Memory Managment ll uses the Boehm garbage collector for memory managment. If you link against the ll library you will need to make sure your other code uses GC_malloc() instead of malloc(). *** Errors and the Debugger The debugger is envoked when the system sends the 'handle-error message to an object. allow the user to use a new value to recover from the error by using (db exit ^value^). objects return to the top-level loop after (db exit). objects, which never get seen by the user, dump themselves and call the C abort() function. You can envoke the debugger by calling (debugger). Eval (db help) within the debugger for more info. ** System Catalog *** Type Catalog Here is a list of the base system types. *** Operation Catalog Here is a list of the base system operations. We use the <^type^>:^operation^' syntax to name them. ** Building ll has been built on: Windows 98 using cygwin-b20 Linux using gcc You will need gcc to support proper tail recursion. To build ll unpack ll*.tgz into a directory. cd into src/ll. Run "make all" to build. ** Packages *** llt llt is a simple interactive interpreter. Running llt, creates an interpreter and begins a top-level read, eval, and print loop. *** ll C Interface **** Limitations 'call/cc is not yet supported. You should never longjmp from within ll to your C code as it will destroy the object chain. Use ll_CATCH_BEGIN to define an escape . There is only one interpreter per process. ll cannot yet support threads. **** Headers ll.h contains all the declarations. **** Initialization You must call ll_init(&argc, &argv, &envp) from within your C main() function. ll_init() returns non-zero if the initialization fails. **** Values ll_v Is the C typedef for an ll value. ***** Constants ll_nil Is the null object. '() ll_undef Is the object. #u ll_unspec Is the object. #s. All operations that evaluate to an unspecified value will return this object. See [R5RS]. ll_t Is the true value. #t ll_f Is the false value. #f ll_eos Is the value. ll_s(NAME) Is the interned of the name NAME. The C indentifier NAME is translated using the following rules: Leading underscores '_' are replaced with '%'. "__" maps to "->". "_" maps to "-". "ADD" maps to "+", "SUB" maps to "-". "MUL" maps to "*". "DIV" maps to "/". "NEG" maps to "-". "C" maps to ":". "S" maps to "*". "Q" maps to "?". "P" maps to "%". "E" maps to "!". Example: ll_s(__ADD__to_meQ) is the '%%+->to-me? symbol. See ll/symbol.h for a list of system symbol constants. ***** Global Variables ll_g(GLOBAL_VAR_NAME) Is the global value for the global variable named by the symbol ll_s(GLOBAL_VAR). ll_set_g(GLOBAL_VAR_NAME, ll_v ^value^) Sets the global value to ^value^. ll_o(GLOBAL_VAR_NAME) Is the object stored in the global variable. It similar to ll_g(GLOBAL_VAR_NAME) except the ll_init() routine will allocate and define ll_g(NAME) as a (or if a ll_o(set_'GLOBAL_VAR_NAME'E) is referenced). ll_type(NAME) Is the object stored in the global variable named "<^NAME^>". See ll/globals.h for a list of system global names. ***** Constructors SYNC THESE!!!! ****** Fixnum (small integers) ll_v ll_box_fixnum(long x); long ll_unbox_fixnum(ll_v); long ll_UNBOX_fixnum(ll_v); ****** Flonum (floating point reals) ll_v ll_box_flonum(float x); float ll_unbox_flonum(ll_v); float ll_UNBOX_flonum(ll_v); ****** Pair and List ll_v ll_cons(ll_v car, ll_v cdr); ll_v ll_immutable_cons(ll_v car, ll_v cdr); ll_v ll_listn(int n, ll_v value, ...); ll_v ll_listv(int n, ll_v *values); ****** String ll_v ll_make_string(char *buf, size_t size); ll_v ll_make_string_copy(const char *buf, size_t size); ****** Vector ll_v ll_make_vector(ll_v *buf, size_t size); ll_v ll_make_vector_copy(const ll_v *buf, size_t size); ****** Symbol ll_v ll_make_symbol(ll_v name); ll_v ll_make_symbol_(const char *name); ****** Object Use ll_call(ll_o(make), ^N^, (^type^, ^inits^ ...)) to construct other types. **** Messaging ll_v ll_call(ll_v op, int nargs, (ll_v args ...)); Sends ^op^ with an argument list. **** Defining Primitive Types See ll/type.h for a list of all primitive types. **** Defining Primitive Methods ll_define_primitive(^type^, ^op^, ^nargs^, (^formals^), _^n^(^options^ ...)) { ... } ll_define_primitive_end Defines a primitive method object that is automatically added to ^type^ using ^op^. If (^formals^) is prefixed with "_", the primitive has rest args. ***** Primitive Method Body ****** Primitive Method Body Values These can only be used within a ll_define_primitive() int ll_ARGC; The number of arguments the method was called with. Do not modify this value. ll_v *ll_ARGV; A pointer to the argument vector the method was called with. ll_v ll_SELF; Same as ll_ARGV[0]. ll_tsa_^type^ *ll_THIS; A pointer to the C structure for the ll_SELF object. ll_v ll_OP; The object the method was called with. ****** Primitive Method Body Functions These can only be used within a ll_define_primitive(). void ll_tail_call(op, nargs, (arglist ...)); Does a tail call within a ll_define_primitive. void ll_return(value); Returns a value from a ll_define_primitive. ll_v ll_call_super(ll_v op, ll_v super, int nargs, (ll_v args ...)); void ll_tail_call_super(ll_v op, ll_v super, int nargs, (ll_v args ...)); Send ^op^ to ll_SELF's supertype. Do not include ll_SELF in the args list. **** Defining Macro Primitives Macros do lexical transformations to ll_define_macro(^type^, ^car_symbol^, ^nargs^, (^formals^), _^n^(^options^ ...)) { ... } ll_define_macro_end Creates an operation that is bound to ^car_symbol^'s macro binding, that will transform s-exprs with objects of ^type^ in the cadr position. See ll/syntax.c for implementations of the required R5RS library syntax. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== NAME ll VERSION 0.13 CATEGORY Object Oriented DESC An embeddable pure, class-based, object Lisp system C library with multiple inheritance based on ideas from Scheme, Oaklisp and Dylan. CONTAINS_PKGS ll util maks bin hash REQUIRES_OTHERS gcc gnumake perl readline sh DATE 2003/02/15 09:48:49 README /home/stephens/public_html/research/pub/ll0.13.txt ARCHIVE /home/stephens/public_html/research/pub/ll0.13.tgz NAME ll VERSION 0.13 CATEGORY Object Oriented DESC An embeddable pure, class-based, object Lisp system C library with multiple inheritance based on ideas from Scheme, Oaklisp and Dylan. SRC_DIR /home/stephens/ion/src/ll CHANGES_RELEASES 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 CVSLOG CVSLOG MAKE make MAKE_CLEAN clean veryclean RCS_ID $Id: PKG,v 1.18 2003/02/15 09:33:53 stephens Exp $ README README REQUIRES_OTHERS gcc perl gnumake readline REQUIRES_PKGS ../util ../hash NAME util VERSION 0.4 CATEGORY Development Tools DESC A C library with path, mem, and other functions. SRC_DIR /home/stephens/ion/src/util CHANGES_RELEASES 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 CVSLOG CVSLOG MAKE make MAKE_CLEAN clean veryclean RCS_ID $Id: PKG,v 1.7 1999/05/07 12:30:05 stephensk Exp $ README README REQUIRES_OTHERS perl REQUIRES_PKGS ../maks NAME maks VERSION 0.2 CATEGORY Development Tools DESC A Makefile library. Handles automatic header file dependencies and interpackage dependencies. SRC_DIR /home/stephens/ion/src/maks CVSLOG CVSLOG MAKE make MAKE_CLEAN clean veryclean README README REQUIRES_OTHERS gnumake sh REQUIRES_PKGS ../bin NAME bin VERSION 0.1 CATEGORY Development Tools DESC A development script library. Tools for: publishing PKG packages, adding COPYRIGHT and RCS version strings to source files, etc. SRC_DIR /home/stephens/ion/src/bin CVSLOG CVSLOG MAKE make MAKE_CLEAN clean veryclean README README REQUIRES_OTHERS perl sh REQUIRES_PKGS NAME hash VERSION 0.5 CATEGORY Development Tools DESC A C template library for efficient, configurable hash tables. SRC_DIR /home/stephens/ion/src/hash CVSLOG CVSLOG MAKE make MAKE_CLEAN clean veryclean RCS_ID $Id: PKG,v 1.6 1999/10/13 17:34:58 stephensk Exp $ README README REQUIRES_OTHERS REQUIRES_PKGS ../util OTHER gcc OTHER gnumake OTHER perl OTHER readline OTHER sh ============================================================================== ll 0.13 CHANGES ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Changes from release 'PUBLISH_ll0_12' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_13' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added voidP_voidP_*. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/PKG: New PKG version. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: Use HASH_MALLOC, HASH_FREE. Compare first key char before calling strcmp for speed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: Use HASH_MALLOC, HASH_FREE. Compare first key char before calling strcmp for speed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/hash.c: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Added write barrier support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Coerce hash value to unsigned int to avoid array index underflow. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash.def: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash.h: Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash_end.def: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added lookup cache support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Checkpoint. Need curses for readline. Make sure tools get built too. Enabled -Wall. Explicitly make gc.a. Added new ll:hashstats. Added lcache.c. New inits. Automagically define CONFIG_H_VARS. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Make sure ../util/signals.h gets made. Added props.c. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added cadr.c, doc.c, sig.c. Added doc.c. Added readline.c. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. Enumerate PRODUCTS. clean: rm $(PRODUCTS). Do not compile lookup.c with debugging. Added toplevel.c. Added debug target. Added debugger.c Added errors.h ar.h and H_FILES. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c Make all O_FILES dependent on Makefile. Don't bother scanning anything except bmethod.c for ll_bc defs. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added binding.c. Add makefile targets for $(GC_LIB) Added locative.c. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/PKG: New revision. No longer requires gc_boehm. v0.12 New version. New version. New version. New version. Fixed 0,6. New version id. Added GNU readline support. Needs gnumake. New version. Bump release number: new debugger. Added CHANGES_RELEASES. PUBLISH:ll0.3 Bump version number; major fixes and features. Integrated Boehm GC. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/README: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. More documentation. Added README src/ll/TODO: New version. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. no message should be . Checkpoint. More TODO. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Misc changes. Fixed stupid errors. src/ll/ar.c: No side-effect methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Remove quotes from write. no message Added ar.c. src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: new BC stack nargs attribute. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New version. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bcompile.c: Emit slot names, not ir slot bindings; closed over vars are always in exports vector; do not emit code for magic operators. Disable internal debugging. Better checking and debugging. Added blank lines between methods. new properties format; Added ll_assert_ref()s. Changes from ion03 New stack probing. Added props, debug expr, doc string, non-tail body constant opt. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Use properties-mixin. Use new global binding protocol to support readonly globals. Added const-folding support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Properly compile body defines. Elide if branches if test is a constant. Renamed macros to not conflict with formals. New error system. ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Do not close-over globals. Use new %write-shallow-contents. (super . ) is now (super . ) Removed debugging code in :%ir-compile2-body. Fixed (if ...) compilation. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. <%ir>:initialize now defaults parent and car-pos? arguments to #f if not specified. Only car-pos lambda share code vectors. All nested lambda share const and global vectors. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Major fixes: Do not generate code to construct unreferenced rest args. Properly inline car-position lambda. Properly handle make-locative to car-position lambda formals. Do not allocate space for unreferenced car-position lambdas formals. Checkpoint. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: new properties format Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. binding uses properties-mixin. Added :binding-doc docstring support. Use new %write-shallow-contents. super implies ll_SELF! Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. src/ll/bmethod.c: Handle slot op arguments; rewrite slot as slot_ op. Whitespace. Formatting. new properties format Changes from ion03 Added more bc meter support. New stack probing, bytecode metering, dissassembler. new BC stack nargs attrib, prompt, run and dump printing, bytecode metering, debug expr, method properties. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Compute stack motion for a byte-code string. Use new global binding protocol to support readonly globals. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Use proper names for bmethod function. rtn instruction uses ll_return(x) to properly unwind stack. Added :%dump for code gen debugging. Initialize formals, alist with something tractable. _ll_make_method* should make , not . New error system. Avoid compile warnings on _ll_val_sp volatility. Avoid stack pointer side-effects. Fixed super calls. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Proper tail and super call implementation. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. glo(X) instruction is rewritten to glo_(Y) where; X is the index into the const vector for the global name (symbol), Y is the locative to the global's binding value. Added byte-codes for: 1. argument count checking. 2. rest arg list construction. 3. car-positon lambda rest arg list construction. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bool.c: new properties format Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added not primitive. ll_g() is no longer an lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cadr.c: new properties format Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added new files. src/ll/cadr.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: Added blank lines between methods. Changes from ion03 New stack buffers. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types stack.c handles saving all globals on stack unwind. Minor changes. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). New error system. Catch application can now take 0 or 1 args. PUBLISH:ll0.2 argc must be 3 for caught body. ll_g() is no longer an lval. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Unwind fluid bindings. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: new properties format Proper ll_unboc_char, char=? methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New error system. Restart method after type and range check for integer->char. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: new properties format Other changes. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. locative-car/cdr is has no side-effect Fixed set-c[ad]r! functions. Implemented locative functions. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Fixed immutable-type problem. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Use new immutable-type/mutable-type cloning protocol. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Don't bother calling (super initialize). Distinguish and . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/constant.c: new properties format Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: Added blank lines between methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Formatting changes. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/debugger.c: Put type and method on newline for print-frame; Dont bother printing db_at_rtn. Formatting. new properties format cleaned up debugger init. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. print-frame: Print the previous frame's type and method. Use new ~N for frame display. Use :default-exit-value if none is specified by user. *prompt-read-eval* is now ll:top-level:prompt-read-eval. New functionality in debugger! Major changes to debugger. Added debugger.c src/ll/defs.pl: Added support for multi-line macros and string constants. Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/defs.sh: Other changes. CHECKPOINT Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. Check for cpp errors. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/doc.c: Formatting. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format Added new ll:hashstats. Use global ll_v vars for all ll_g bindings. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Use new binding value locative and properties-mixin. New version. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Docstring support. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Restart binding errors. ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. %macro: return #f if no binding is found. Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: new properties format Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. equal? for number is eqv?. Added ll_eqvQ. equal?: Allow immutable and mutable objects to be type compared by using imutable-type messages. Added eqv? primitive. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/error.c: Fixed error object initialize method. new properties format; ll_abort(); show caller in arg-count error. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Clean up _ll_range_error(). New _ll_typecheck_error(). Fixed :%bad-typecheck method. arg-count-recoverable-error, not arg-count-error-recoverable-error, etc. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. :values are now (key . value), not (key value). Added :error-get-value. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added return-action value strings for common errors. :initialize no longer has a 'kind' ivar. Bug in values list consing. Added :error-ar, :error-values methods. Added :handle-error, :handle-error: (fluid-let (((fluid current-error) self)), then call (debugger self). :handle-error dumps stack traces and aborts. Moved backtrace code to debugger.c. Fixed common error generation functions to use new protocol. :initialize can now take rest args as key-value pairs for values ivar init. Use new %write-shallow-contents. :handle-error now calls (%print-backtrace-and-escape self). :%default-error-handler deleted. _ll_error creates args value from ll_ARGV, not _ll_val_sp. _ll_error doesn't check for any error handler, just calls (handle-error ). Fatal errors will attempt to print op and last method implementor type. :%print-backtrace-and-escape: prints error and ar backtrace then applies (%top-level-restart). _ll_argc_count_error(), _ll_range_error(), and _ll_undefined_variable_error() returns from _ll_error() %default-error-handler deleted; unused. Initialize %top-level-restart to #f. ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. Misc changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/eval.c: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. CHECKPOINT Added eval-no-const-fold. Shortcut for eval on a constant. eval now takes an optional environment rest arg (ignored). Removed old evaluator code. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added errors.h, floatcfg.h __ll_tail_callv is now _ll_tail_callv. eval-list debug support. Use new shorter form for basic <%ir> creation. Added eval-list primitive. Cleaned up. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/fixnum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. Added bitwise ops. fixnum:number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Optimize typechecks. Fixed lcm. Preliminary lcm code. Fixed modulo. Added odd?, even?, quotent, remainder, modulo, %gcd, %lcm, numerator, denominator, floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Comment change. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/floatcfg.c: CHECKPOINT Use epsilon not rand numbers to calc error. Don't bother with all of ll.h, use value.h. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/flonum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/fluid.c: new properties format more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Restarg are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). bind-%fluid will create top-level bindings after (fluid %top-level-fluid-bindings) if a previous binding is not found and value is specified. Added _ll_init_fluid_1() and _ll_init_fluid_2(). fluid binding objects are ( ), not ( . ). %fluid-bind returns old binding. (%fluid-binding ) will create a top-level fluid binding if one doesn't exist. (%fluid ) and (set-%fluid! ) will recover from . (define-%fluid ) will attempt to create a top-level fluid binding id one doesn't exist rather than do a (%fluid-bind). ll_g() is no longer a lval. %set-fluid! is now set-%fluid! to force fluid to be a . Move fluid and define-fluid macros from syntax.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/format.c: use current-output-port, not *current-output-port*; dont assume args are on stack, use va_list. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Disabled weak ptr read macro debugging. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Added ~N (named object) format. format is now ll:format. Added #p, #l weak ptr read macros. Added ~W (weak ptr) and ~L (locative) format specifiers. Disable trace in format. Use new error protocol. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Don't disable call tracing. Fixed too-many-formats error function. Added '~F' format to flush the port. Added bad-format-char error for unrecognized formats. Use %write-shallow for ~O format. ll_g() is no longer a lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Globals for primitives are no longer defined. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Scan ll_g_set() too. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/init.c: use save argv and env from main(). CHECKPOINT more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Update ll_initialized, ll_initializing. ll_init() now takes environment list. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Checkpoint. Other changes. Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: Handle #\space, #\newline. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added read macro support (CALL_MACRO_CHAR(c)). Support #e and #i number modifiers. '^' is a valid symbol character. PUBLISH:ll0.2 "=" not "=="! Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. no message Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/list.c: new properties format Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added append, memq, memv, member, assq, assv, assoc. Added ll_consQ(). Added vector->list. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. Restargs are now named. Added support for . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/ll.h: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Dont use GC by default, for testing. Formatting. Use global ll_v vars for all ll_g bindings. Broke out to prim.h. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new ll_VECTOR_LOOP_REF_FROM macro. _ll_range_error() and _ll_rangecheck() typedefs. Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. OP in ll_call*() is no longer affected by side effects to the activation record pointer. Added ll_consQ(). ll_init() now take environment list. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. ll_BOX_REF is now ll_make_ref. _nocheck_func removed. _minargc, _maxargc removed. Restargs are now named. ll_{BOX,UNBOX}_BOOL is now ll_{make,unbox}_boolean. ll_{BOX,UNBOX}_CHAR is now ll_{make,unbox}_char. Be sure to pick up ll_set_g() globals during defs.sh. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added ll_eqQ(), ll_eqvQ(). Do not clear out activation records after pop, it screws up the debugger. Move basic ll_v definitions to value.h. Added new ll_e() error type reference macros. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added new fluid binding function decls. Removed ll_CATCH_ERROR macros. ll_BOX_INT() casts to long before boxing. Make :argc an int to avoid repeated boxing and unboxing. Reorganize code. Elaborate more comments. Reference method's application function by meth->_func, not ll_SLOT(meth)[0]. Set ar's type to , not the undefined object value, after pop. Don't put super's search context on the stack; pass it directly to _ll_lookup_super(). Avoid side-effects in call primitive macros. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. Argument count errors can be returned from. Range errors can be returned from. ll_CATCH_ERROR uses %top-level-restart instead of %current-error-handler. Fixed most of the call primitive macros. ll_ARGV is now stored in the activation record to support stack backtracing. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Shorten macro operation symbol names. Define () as nil, not %%nil, it will be readonly soon enough. ll_THIS can now reference supertype ivars through super_. Global values are implemented using objects; see env.c, binding.c. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Intergrated Boehm GC. Minor comment changes. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/llt.c: ll_init() now takes environment list. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/llt.gdb: Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. no message Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/load.c: Path searching for load. Other changes. ll_LOAD_ONE. Restored :load. Move top-level code to toplevel.c. Optionally eval load expressions one at a time. *read-eval-print-loop*: Use ports for prompting. Don't print thrown error objects. load: Don't catch any errors. Don't disable call tracing. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. :load now reads entire file as a list of exprs and then compiles them all at once. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/locative.c: new properties format CHECKPOINT Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added locative-contents nop. ll_UNBOX_LOC is now ll_UNBOX_locative. Added primitive accessor methods for . src/ll/lookup.c: Service signals before initializing any variables. Added __ll_lookup(). Bigger possible argument vectors. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added _ll_method_not_found_error. Added locatable-operation support. Added typecheck for op in lookup. Cleaned up dead code. Added async signal polling. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. restargs are now named. Use ll_AR_ARGC, ll_AR_ARGV to insure proper tracing and lookup. Use new error protocol. :lookup can now take . Removed :lookup-super. Use new %write-shallow-contents. Added "ll: " to trace message. Use current ll_ARGV[0] to determine rcvr type, not _ll_val_sp[0]. _ll_lookup_super(void) is now _ll_lookup_super(ll_v super). ll_DEBUG() is no longer a lval. Added assertion for ll_ARGC >= 0 in _ll_lookup(). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/macro.c: Formatting. new properties format New stack probing. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Dont apply macro op if rcvr does not respond. Anything else is not macro-expanded. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. macro-expand1 is now macro-expand-1. Don't rewrite (set! ...) and (define ...) forms; the compiler understands them now. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Minor changes. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Minor formatting. Do not attempt to lookup macro expander operations for non-symbol car. Properly handle zero-length arglists in :macro-expand1. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/map.c: Minor whitespace changes. New stack probing. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. restargs are now named. Watch out for stack motion side-effects. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. ll_ARGC is side-effected within __ll_callv(). Majorly stupid fixes. Added apply and for-each. Reimplemented map according to RRALS5. Added support for mutable sequences. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/mem.c: New out-of-memory-error. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Redefine malloc, etc. to GC_malloc, maybe. added mem.c src/ll/meth.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format CHECKPOINT method alist is now properties Use properties-mixin. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Reimplemented method-minargc. minargc, maxargc are removed. _minargc and _maxargc are not boxed anymore. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/named.c: Formatting. Use binding locative not value for name lookup. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Use new #p syntax. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added support for and new objects. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/nil.c: Minor whitespace changes. Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. new properties format CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_g() is no longer a lval. Initialize %fluid-bindings to nil. New mutable list support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/num.c: new properties format negative? bug. CHECKPOINT New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan operations. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c src/ll/number.c: new properties format Added max, min. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added magnitude. Faster *, + argument handling. Added gcd, lcm, read-part, imag-part, angle, =, <, >, <=, >= operators. Added +, -, * and / primitives (in conjection to the lexical optimizaitions in syntax.c). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added type size field. Fixed stupid %obj-dump bug. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. src/ll/object.c: new properties format :make-immutable has no side-effect. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New immutable-type/mutable-type protocol for equal? and cloning. Added :%get-tag method. Comment changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op.c: Whitespace. new properties format Enabled -Wall. Initialize lcache and properties. New inits. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Write protect op globals. New version. Added locatable-operation support. Added :getter. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Preliminary locative-* op support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added ll_e() type defs. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: new properties format; More file-open-error properties. Added call-with-input-file, call-with-output-file. Use standard port names. Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Use _ll_ptr_string() where applicable. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Use new error protocol. Cast in and out of impl ivar. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added :flush primitive. PUBLISH:ll0.2 ll_g() is no longer a lval. is now so we get eof-object? for "free". Use stack allocated string for ll_write_string(). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/posix.c: Added posix:chdir. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Fixed (posix:exit) .vs. (posix:exit ). posix:exit can now take optional exit code. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Reformatting. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prim.c: primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format; Added _ll_add_method validation. New inits. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types method alist is now properties Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. minargc, maxargc are removed. restargs are now named. func, minargc, maxargc are now longer boxed values. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prim.h: Define ll_PRIM_TYPE_NAME, ll_PRIM_OP_NAME for debugging printfs. primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format Enabled -Wall. New file. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Use standard port names. Comments. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added read macro support. restargs are now named. ll_UNBOX_CHAR is now ll_unbox_char. ll_BOX_CHAR is now ll_make_char. Use new error protocol. Added support for C string escape sequences. Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/readline.c: Minor reformatting. completion_matches is now rl_completion_matches. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. Added readline.c. src/ll/sig.c: Doc strings. Abort on SIGSEGV. Added new ll:hashstats. debugging. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added new files. src/ll/sig.h: ll_sig_service() never called _ll_sig_service Added new ll:hashstats. Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Disable internal debugging. Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. Fixed allocation for ptr chaining. Make default activation record stack frames bigger. New stack buffer protocol. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types stack.c handles saving all globals on stack unwind. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Leave unreachable bootstrap elements on stacks. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: new properties format string:equal?, string-append!. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Only scan for 2 or 3 digits for numeric char escapes. BOX -> make, UNBOX -> unbox. Typecheck incoming char in string.c. Added and behaviors. :length is not boxed. array and length are no longer boxed. Added support for C string escape sequences. Added support for # digits. Added preliminary #e and #i specifier support. PUBLISH:ll0.2 :string->number: Bug in conversion of alpha digits to digit value. Check for fixnum overflow. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol.c: Formatting. new properties format Added new ll:hashstats. New inits. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. _ll_make_symbol() now handles ll_f name properly. _ll_symbol_name typechecks now. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Escape EQ to =, not ==. :symbol->string: make name immutable. Added %gensym primitive. PUBLISH:ll0.2 ll_g() is no longer a lval. 'P' escapes to '%', 'P' stands for Percent. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New version. Use _ll_deftype_slot. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format do special form debugging. CHECKPOINT Missing rparen in let* macro. Make ll_quote extern. Implemented locative transforms. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Implmented quasiquote. Added all basic syntax stuff from R5RS. Removed old set! and define rewrites. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Reimplemented APPEND_BEGIN(), APPEND() macros. Added macros for let, let*, letrec, and, or. (-) is undefined. (define () ...) doesn't mean anything but (define (foo . bar) ...) does. Moved fluid macro to fluid.c. Implemented (make-locative ( . )) => ((locater ) . ). Added define-macro macro. Formatting. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/test.gdb: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/testold.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/toplevel.c: Minor whitespace changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Minor changes. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level. Added #^, #V read macros for history. ll:top-level-* is now ll:top-level:*. Added ll:top-level:exprs, ll:top-level:results for interactive history. Use new readline protocol. Insert leading space in top-level prompts for visibility. Moved top-level code from load.c. src/ll/trace.c: new properties format Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Minor changes. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/type.c: Fixed slot offset initialization method. Added missing write barriers. Doc strings. new properties format type:initialize can take options documention, has properties. CHECKPOINT more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Allow more type slot definitions. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Initialize readline after other ports. Use immutable cons for critical type structures. Use new _ll_deftype* macros. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Be sure to init before . debug:init::type is now debug:init:type. Make type variables readonly after init. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/type.h: try again Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Prepare to swap type.h types.h. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added new properties-mixin. binding is now a properties-mixin. %ir is now a properties-mixin. method is now a properties-mixin. Reordered fluid-bindings slot in catch. binding now uses a locative to point to the value slot. Added locatable-operation support. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. Removed :minargc, maxargc. Added :top-wired? option. Added :default-exit-value slot. Added type. New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. :tester for ? operations added.. :minargc, maxargc are no longer boxed. :length is now longer boxed. :kind removed. :ar added. added. added. ll_e() error types added. added. Make :argc an int to avoid repeated boxing and unboxing. Added and . is , is . is a . is now a . ll_ARGV is now stored in the activation record to support stack backtracing. PUBLISH:ll0.2 is now . Added top-wired? decls. Added mutable sequence types. Added type for new environment impl. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . eventually inherits from . Minor comment changes. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/types.h: Comments. Comment changes. Other changes. CHECKPOINT try again Prepare to swap type.h types.h. New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/undef.c: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_g() is no longer a lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/value.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Added preliminary ct_v support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New value.h. src/ll/vec.c: new properties format Improper call supers; range checking. Fixed append. CHECKPOINT Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Fixed immutable-type problem. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Send %ptr and length messages in _ll_ptr_vec() if fast type check fails. Use new immutable-type protocol. :length is no longer boxed. Use new restartable-error protocol. Implement full type and range checks. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Use new initialize-clone protocol. PUBLISH:ll0.2 super implies ll_SELF. _ll_VEC_TERM != 0. Use "string-length" or "vector-length", not "length" in append. Added new and support. set-length! and append-one! should not take rest args. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/vec.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/vector.c: Minor reformatting. new properties format CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. :length is no longer boxed. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/write.c: Whitespace. %write-shallow take optional op which is ignored. Use standard port names. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Disable recursion lock support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. Escapes quote, quasiquote, unquote and unquote-splicing. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. restargs are now named. Added locative:%write-port, immedate:%write-shallow. :length is no longer boxed. Force flonum to be printed with .0 suffix. %writePort is now %write-port. %writeContents is now %write-shallow-contents. Added :%write-shallow. :%write and :%display call :%write-shallow. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Added %writePort method for . is now . Don't use ll_tail_call to force unspecified return value. Misc changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/PKG: Added swig2def dll support. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Port to RH7.0. More swig support. Added swig support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak: Unknown edits. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/fixpound.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/lib.mak: Added swig2def dll support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Checkpoint. Port to RH7.0. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: More swig support. Added swig support. Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. Added BUILD_TARGET to BUILD_VARS. Added BUILD_VARS support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tool.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tools.mak: MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/use.mak: USE dir Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/ConfigInfo.c: Merge changes from UBS. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Merge changes from UBS. Added file.c, file.h. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. Minor fixes. Added prime.c, prime.h. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h errs.pl is now errlist.pl Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. Needs perl. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: Dont use strchr() on non-null-term strings. Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/enum.h: Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/mem.h: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from AM. New versions. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: Changes from UBS libSignal. Added new files. src/util/sigs.pl: Changes from UBS libSignal. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== Changes from release 'PUBLISH_ll0_11' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_12' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added voidP_voidP_*. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/PKG: New PKG version. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: Use HASH_MALLOC, HASH_FREE. Compare first key char before calling strcmp for speed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: Use HASH_MALLOC, HASH_FREE. Compare first key char before calling strcmp for speed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/hash.c: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Added write barrier support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Coerce hash value to unsigned int to avoid array index underflow. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash.def: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash.h: Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash_end.def: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added lookup cache support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Checkpoint. Need curses for readline. Make sure tools get built too. Enabled -Wall. Explicitly make gc.a. Added new ll:hashstats. Added lcache.c. New inits. Automagically define CONFIG_H_VARS. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Make sure ../util/signals.h gets made. Added props.c. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added cadr.c, doc.c, sig.c. Added doc.c. Added readline.c. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. Enumerate PRODUCTS. clean: rm $(PRODUCTS). Do not compile lookup.c with debugging. Added toplevel.c. Added debug target. Added debugger.c Added errors.h ar.h and H_FILES. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c Make all O_FILES dependent on Makefile. Don't bother scanning anything except bmethod.c for ll_bc defs. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added binding.c. Add makefile targets for $(GC_LIB) Added locative.c. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/PKG: New revision. No longer requires gc_boehm. v0.12 New version. New version. New version. New version. Fixed 0,6. New version id. Added GNU readline support. Needs gnumake. New version. Bump release number: new debugger. Added CHANGES_RELEASES. PUBLISH:ll0.3 Bump version number; major fixes and features. Integrated Boehm GC. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/README: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. More documentation. Added README src/ll/TODO: New version. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. no message should be . Checkpoint. More TODO. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Misc changes. Fixed stupid errors. src/ll/ar.c: No side-effect methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Remove quotes from write. no message Added ar.c. src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: new BC stack nargs attribute. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New version. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bcompile.c: Emit slot names, not ir slot bindings; closed over vars are always in exports vector; do not emit code for magic operators. Disable internal debugging. Better checking and debugging. Added blank lines between methods. new properties format; Added ll_assert_ref()s. Changes from ion03 New stack probing. Added props, debug expr, doc string, non-tail body constant opt. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Use properties-mixin. Use new global binding protocol to support readonly globals. Added const-folding support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Properly compile body defines. Elide if branches if test is a constant. Renamed macros to not conflict with formals. New error system. ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Do not close-over globals. Use new %write-shallow-contents. (super . ) is now (super . ) Removed debugging code in :%ir-compile2-body. Fixed (if ...) compilation. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. <%ir>:initialize now defaults parent and car-pos? arguments to #f if not specified. Only car-pos lambda share code vectors. All nested lambda share const and global vectors. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Major fixes: Do not generate code to construct unreferenced rest args. Properly inline car-position lambda. Properly handle make-locative to car-position lambda formals. Do not allocate space for unreferenced car-position lambdas formals. Checkpoint. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: new properties format Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. binding uses properties-mixin. Added :binding-doc docstring support. Use new %write-shallow-contents. super implies ll_SELF! Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. src/ll/bmethod.c: Handle slot op arguments; rewrite slot as slot_ op. Whitespace. Formatting. new properties format Changes from ion03 Added more bc meter support. New stack probing, bytecode metering, dissassembler. new BC stack nargs attrib, prompt, run and dump printing, bytecode metering, debug expr, method properties. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Compute stack motion for a byte-code string. Use new global binding protocol to support readonly globals. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Use proper names for bmethod function. rtn instruction uses ll_return(x) to properly unwind stack. Added :%dump for code gen debugging. Initialize formals, alist with something tractable. _ll_make_method* should make , not . New error system. Avoid compile warnings on _ll_val_sp volatility. Avoid stack pointer side-effects. Fixed super calls. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Proper tail and super call implementation. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. glo(X) instruction is rewritten to glo_(Y) where; X is the index into the const vector for the global name (symbol), Y is the locative to the global's binding value. Added byte-codes for: 1. argument count checking. 2. rest arg list construction. 3. car-positon lambda rest arg list construction. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bool.c: new properties format Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added not primitive. ll_g() is no longer an lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cadr.c: new properties format Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added new files. src/ll/cadr.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: Added blank lines between methods. Changes from ion03 New stack buffers. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types stack.c handles saving all globals on stack unwind. Minor changes. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). New error system. Catch application can now take 0 or 1 args. PUBLISH:ll0.2 argc must be 3 for caught body. ll_g() is no longer an lval. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Unwind fluid bindings. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: new properties format Proper ll_unboc_char, char=? methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New error system. Restart method after type and range check for integer->char. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: new properties format Other changes. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. locative-car/cdr is has no side-effect Fixed set-c[ad]r! functions. Implemented locative functions. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Fixed immutable-type problem. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Use new immutable-type/mutable-type cloning protocol. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Don't bother calling (super initialize). Distinguish and . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/constant.c: new properties format Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: Added blank lines between methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Formatting changes. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/debugger.c: Put type and method on newline for print-frame; Dont bother printing db_at_rtn. Formatting. new properties format cleaned up debugger init. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. print-frame: Print the previous frame's type and method. Use new ~N for frame display. Use :default-exit-value if none is specified by user. *prompt-read-eval* is now ll:top-level:prompt-read-eval. New functionality in debugger! Major changes to debugger. Added debugger.c src/ll/defs.pl: Added support for multi-line macros and string constants. Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/defs.sh: Other changes. CHECKPOINT Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. Check for cpp errors. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/doc.c: Formatting. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format Added new ll:hashstats. Use global ll_v vars for all ll_g bindings. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Use new binding value locative and properties-mixin. New version. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Docstring support. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Restart binding errors. ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. %macro: return #f if no binding is found. Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: new properties format Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. equal? for number is eqv?. Added ll_eqvQ. equal?: Allow immutable and mutable objects to be type compared by using imutable-type messages. Added eqv? primitive. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/error.c: Fixed error object initialize method. new properties format; ll_abort(); show caller in arg-count error. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Clean up _ll_range_error(). New _ll_typecheck_error(). Fixed :%bad-typecheck method. arg-count-recoverable-error, not arg-count-error-recoverable-error, etc. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. :values are now (key . value), not (key value). Added :error-get-value. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added return-action value strings for common errors. :initialize no longer has a 'kind' ivar. Bug in values list consing. Added :error-ar, :error-values methods. Added :handle-error, :handle-error: (fluid-let (((fluid current-error) self)), then call (debugger self). :handle-error dumps stack traces and aborts. Moved backtrace code to debugger.c. Fixed common error generation functions to use new protocol. :initialize can now take rest args as key-value pairs for values ivar init. Use new %write-shallow-contents. :handle-error now calls (%print-backtrace-and-escape self). :%default-error-handler deleted. _ll_error creates args value from ll_ARGV, not _ll_val_sp. _ll_error doesn't check for any error handler, just calls (handle-error ). Fatal errors will attempt to print op and last method implementor type. :%print-backtrace-and-escape: prints error and ar backtrace then applies (%top-level-restart). _ll_argc_count_error(), _ll_range_error(), and _ll_undefined_variable_error() returns from _ll_error() %default-error-handler deleted; unused. Initialize %top-level-restart to #f. ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. Misc changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/eval.c: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. CHECKPOINT Added eval-no-const-fold. Shortcut for eval on a constant. eval now takes an optional environment rest arg (ignored). Removed old evaluator code. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added errors.h, floatcfg.h __ll_tail_callv is now _ll_tail_callv. eval-list debug support. Use new shorter form for basic <%ir> creation. Added eval-list primitive. Cleaned up. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/fixnum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. Added bitwise ops. fixnum:number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Optimize typechecks. Fixed lcm. Preliminary lcm code. Fixed modulo. Added odd?, even?, quotent, remainder, modulo, %gcd, %lcm, numerator, denominator, floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Comment change. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/floatcfg.c: CHECKPOINT Use epsilon not rand numbers to calc error. Don't bother with all of ll.h, use value.h. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/flonum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/fluid.c: new properties format more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Restarg are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). bind-%fluid will create top-level bindings after (fluid %top-level-fluid-bindings) if a previous binding is not found and value is specified. Added _ll_init_fluid_1() and _ll_init_fluid_2(). fluid binding objects are ( ), not ( . ). %fluid-bind returns old binding. (%fluid-binding ) will create a top-level fluid binding if one doesn't exist. (%fluid ) and (set-%fluid! ) will recover from . (define-%fluid ) will attempt to create a top-level fluid binding id one doesn't exist rather than do a (%fluid-bind). ll_g() is no longer a lval. %set-fluid! is now set-%fluid! to force fluid to be a . Move fluid and define-fluid macros from syntax.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/format.c: use current-output-port, not *current-output-port*; dont assume args are on stack, use va_list. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Disabled weak ptr read macro debugging. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Added ~N (named object) format. format is now ll:format. Added #p, #l weak ptr read macros. Added ~W (weak ptr) and ~L (locative) format specifiers. Disable trace in format. Use new error protocol. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Don't disable call tracing. Fixed too-many-formats error function. Added '~F' format to flush the port. Added bad-format-char error for unrecognized formats. Use %write-shallow for ~O format. ll_g() is no longer a lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Globals for primitives are no longer defined. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Scan ll_g_set() too. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/init.c: use save argv and env from main(). CHECKPOINT more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Update ll_initialized, ll_initializing. ll_init() now takes environment list. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Checkpoint. Other changes. Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: Handle #\space, #\newline. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added read macro support (CALL_MACRO_CHAR(c)). Support #e and #i number modifiers. '^' is a valid symbol character. PUBLISH:ll0.2 "=" not "=="! Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. no message Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/list.c: new properties format Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added append, memq, memv, member, assq, assv, assoc. Added ll_consQ(). Added vector->list. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. Restargs are now named. Added support for . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/ll.h: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Dont use GC by default, for testing. Formatting. Use global ll_v vars for all ll_g bindings. Broke out to prim.h. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new ll_VECTOR_LOOP_REF_FROM macro. _ll_range_error() and _ll_rangecheck() typedefs. Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. OP in ll_call*() is no longer affected by side effects to the activation record pointer. Added ll_consQ(). ll_init() now take environment list. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. ll_BOX_REF is now ll_make_ref. _nocheck_func removed. _minargc, _maxargc removed. Restargs are now named. ll_{BOX,UNBOX}_BOOL is now ll_{make,unbox}_boolean. ll_{BOX,UNBOX}_CHAR is now ll_{make,unbox}_char. Be sure to pick up ll_set_g() globals during defs.sh. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added ll_eqQ(), ll_eqvQ(). Do not clear out activation records after pop, it screws up the debugger. Move basic ll_v definitions to value.h. Added new ll_e() error type reference macros. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added new fluid binding function decls. Removed ll_CATCH_ERROR macros. ll_BOX_INT() casts to long before boxing. Make :argc an int to avoid repeated boxing and unboxing. Reorganize code. Elaborate more comments. Reference method's application function by meth->_func, not ll_SLOT(meth)[0]. Set ar's type to , not the undefined object value, after pop. Don't put super's search context on the stack; pass it directly to _ll_lookup_super(). Avoid side-effects in call primitive macros. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. Argument count errors can be returned from. Range errors can be returned from. ll_CATCH_ERROR uses %top-level-restart instead of %current-error-handler. Fixed most of the call primitive macros. ll_ARGV is now stored in the activation record to support stack backtracing. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Shorten macro operation symbol names. Define () as nil, not %%nil, it will be readonly soon enough. ll_THIS can now reference supertype ivars through super_. Global values are implemented using objects; see env.c, binding.c. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Intergrated Boehm GC. Minor comment changes. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/llt.c: ll_init() now takes environment list. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/llt.gdb: Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. no message Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/load.c: Path searching for load. Other changes. ll_LOAD_ONE. Restored :load. Move top-level code to toplevel.c. Optionally eval load expressions one at a time. *read-eval-print-loop*: Use ports for prompting. Don't print thrown error objects. load: Don't catch any errors. Don't disable call tracing. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. :load now reads entire file as a list of exprs and then compiles them all at once. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/locative.c: new properties format CHECKPOINT Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added locative-contents nop. ll_UNBOX_LOC is now ll_UNBOX_locative. Added primitive accessor methods for . src/ll/lookup.c: Service signals before initializing any variables. Added __ll_lookup(). Bigger possible argument vectors. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added _ll_method_not_found_error. Added locatable-operation support. Added typecheck for op in lookup. Cleaned up dead code. Added async signal polling. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. restargs are now named. Use ll_AR_ARGC, ll_AR_ARGV to insure proper tracing and lookup. Use new error protocol. :lookup can now take . Removed :lookup-super. Use new %write-shallow-contents. Added "ll: " to trace message. Use current ll_ARGV[0] to determine rcvr type, not _ll_val_sp[0]. _ll_lookup_super(void) is now _ll_lookup_super(ll_v super). ll_DEBUG() is no longer a lval. Added assertion for ll_ARGC >= 0 in _ll_lookup(). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/macro.c: Formatting. new properties format New stack probing. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Dont apply macro op if rcvr does not respond. Anything else is not macro-expanded. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. macro-expand1 is now macro-expand-1. Don't rewrite (set! ...) and (define ...) forms; the compiler understands them now. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Minor changes. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Minor formatting. Do not attempt to lookup macro expander operations for non-symbol car. Properly handle zero-length arglists in :macro-expand1. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/map.c: Minor whitespace changes. New stack probing. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. restargs are now named. Watch out for stack motion side-effects. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. ll_ARGC is side-effected within __ll_callv(). Majorly stupid fixes. Added apply and for-each. Reimplemented map according to RRALS5. Added support for mutable sequences. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/mem.c: New out-of-memory-error. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Redefine malloc, etc. to GC_malloc, maybe. added mem.c src/ll/meth.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format CHECKPOINT method alist is now properties Use properties-mixin. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Reimplemented method-minargc. minargc, maxargc are removed. _minargc and _maxargc are not boxed anymore. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/named.c: Formatting. Use binding locative not value for name lookup. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Use new #p syntax. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added support for and new objects. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/nil.c: Minor whitespace changes. Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. new properties format CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_g() is no longer a lval. Initialize %fluid-bindings to nil. New mutable list support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/num.c: new properties format negative? bug. CHECKPOINT New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan operations. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c src/ll/number.c: new properties format Added max, min. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added magnitude. Faster *, + argument handling. Added gcd, lcm, read-part, imag-part, angle, =, <, >, <=, >= operators. Added +, -, * and / primitives (in conjection to the lexical optimizaitions in syntax.c). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added type size field. Fixed stupid %obj-dump bug. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. src/ll/object.c: new properties format :make-immutable has no side-effect. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New immutable-type/mutable-type protocol for equal? and cloning. Added :%get-tag method. Comment changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op.c: Whitespace. new properties format Enabled -Wall. Initialize lcache and properties. New inits. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Write protect op globals. New version. Added locatable-operation support. Added :getter. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Preliminary locative-* op support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added ll_e() type defs. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: new properties format; More file-open-error properties. Added call-with-input-file, call-with-output-file. Use standard port names. Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Use _ll_ptr_string() where applicable. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Use new error protocol. Cast in and out of impl ivar. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added :flush primitive. PUBLISH:ll0.2 ll_g() is no longer a lval. is now so we get eof-object? for "free". Use stack allocated string for ll_write_string(). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/posix.c: Added posix:chdir. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Fixed (posix:exit) .vs. (posix:exit ). posix:exit can now take optional exit code. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Reformatting. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prim.c: primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format; Added _ll_add_method validation. New inits. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types method alist is now properties Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. minargc, maxargc are removed. restargs are now named. func, minargc, maxargc are now longer boxed values. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prim.h: Define ll_PRIM_TYPE_NAME, ll_PRIM_OP_NAME for debugging printfs. primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format Enabled -Wall. New file. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Use standard port names. Comments. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added read macro support. restargs are now named. ll_UNBOX_CHAR is now ll_unbox_char. ll_BOX_CHAR is now ll_make_char. Use new error protocol. Added support for C string escape sequences. Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/readline.c: Minor reformatting. completion_matches is now rl_completion_matches. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. Added readline.c. src/ll/sig.c: Doc strings. Abort on SIGSEGV. Added new ll:hashstats. debugging. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added new files. src/ll/sig.h: ll_sig_service() never called _ll_sig_service Added new ll:hashstats. Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Disable internal debugging. Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. Fixed allocation for ptr chaining. Make default activation record stack frames bigger. New stack buffer protocol. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types stack.c handles saving all globals on stack unwind. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Leave unreachable bootstrap elements on stacks. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: new properties format string:equal?, string-append!. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Only scan for 2 or 3 digits for numeric char escapes. BOX -> make, UNBOX -> unbox. Typecheck incoming char in string.c. Added and behaviors. :length is not boxed. array and length are no longer boxed. Added support for C string escape sequences. Added support for # digits. Added preliminary #e and #i specifier support. PUBLISH:ll0.2 :string->number: Bug in conversion of alpha digits to digit value. Check for fixnum overflow. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol.c: Formatting. new properties format Added new ll:hashstats. New inits. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. _ll_make_symbol() now handles ll_f name properly. _ll_symbol_name typechecks now. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Escape EQ to =, not ==. :symbol->string: make name immutable. Added %gensym primitive. PUBLISH:ll0.2 ll_g() is no longer a lval. 'P' escapes to '%', 'P' stands for Percent. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New version. Use _ll_deftype_slot. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format do special form debugging. CHECKPOINT Missing rparen in let* macro. Make ll_quote extern. Implemented locative transforms. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Implmented quasiquote. Added all basic syntax stuff from R5RS. Removed old set! and define rewrites. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Reimplemented APPEND_BEGIN(), APPEND() macros. Added macros for let, let*, letrec, and, or. (-) is undefined. (define () ...) doesn't mean anything but (define (foo . bar) ...) does. Moved fluid macro to fluid.c. Implemented (make-locative ( . )) => ((locater ) . ). Added define-macro macro. Formatting. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/test.gdb: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/testold.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/toplevel.c: Minor whitespace changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Minor changes. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level. Added #^, #V read macros for history. ll:top-level-* is now ll:top-level:*. Added ll:top-level:exprs, ll:top-level:results for interactive history. Use new readline protocol. Insert leading space in top-level prompts for visibility. Moved top-level code from load.c. src/ll/trace.c: new properties format Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Minor changes. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/type.c: Fixed slot offset initialization method. Added missing write barriers. Doc strings. new properties format type:initialize can take options documention, has properties. CHECKPOINT more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Allow more type slot definitions. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Initialize readline after other ports. Use immutable cons for critical type structures. Use new _ll_deftype* macros. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Be sure to init before . debug:init::type is now debug:init:type. Make type variables readonly after init. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/type.h: try again Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Prepare to swap type.h types.h. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added new properties-mixin. binding is now a properties-mixin. %ir is now a properties-mixin. method is now a properties-mixin. Reordered fluid-bindings slot in catch. binding now uses a locative to point to the value slot. Added locatable-operation support. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. Removed :minargc, maxargc. Added :top-wired? option. Added :default-exit-value slot. Added type. New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. :tester for ? operations added.. :minargc, maxargc are no longer boxed. :length is now longer boxed. :kind removed. :ar added. added. added. ll_e() error types added. added. Make :argc an int to avoid repeated boxing and unboxing. Added and . is , is . is a . is now a . ll_ARGV is now stored in the activation record to support stack backtracing. PUBLISH:ll0.2 is now . Added top-wired? decls. Added mutable sequence types. Added type for new environment impl. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . eventually inherits from . Minor comment changes. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/types.h: Comments. Comment changes. Other changes. CHECKPOINT try again Prepare to swap type.h types.h. New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/undef.c: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_g() is no longer a lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/value.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Added preliminary ct_v support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New value.h. src/ll/vec.c: new properties format Improper call supers; range checking. Fixed append. CHECKPOINT Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Fixed immutable-type problem. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Send %ptr and length messages in _ll_ptr_vec() if fast type check fails. Use new immutable-type protocol. :length is no longer boxed. Use new restartable-error protocol. Implement full type and range checks. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Use new initialize-clone protocol. PUBLISH:ll0.2 super implies ll_SELF. _ll_VEC_TERM != 0. Use "string-length" or "vector-length", not "length" in append. Added new and support. set-length! and append-one! should not take rest args. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/vec.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/vector.c: Minor reformatting. new properties format CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. :length is no longer boxed. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/write.c: Whitespace. %write-shallow take optional op which is ignored. Use standard port names. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Disable recursion lock support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. Escapes quote, quasiquote, unquote and unquote-splicing. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. restargs are now named. Added locative:%write-port, immedate:%write-shallow. :length is no longer boxed. Force flonum to be printed with .0 suffix. %writePort is now %write-port. %writeContents is now %write-shallow-contents. Added :%write-shallow. :%write and :%display call :%write-shallow. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Added %writePort method for . is now . Don't use ll_tail_call to force unspecified return value. Misc changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/PKG: Added swig2def dll support. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Port to RH7.0. More swig support. Added swig support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak: Unknown edits. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/fixpound.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/lib.mak: Added swig2def dll support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Checkpoint. Port to RH7.0. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: More swig support. Added swig support. Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. Added BUILD_TARGET to BUILD_VARS. Added BUILD_VARS support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tool.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tools.mak: MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/use.mak: USE dir Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/ConfigInfo.c: Merge changes from UBS. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Merge changes from UBS. Added file.c, file.h. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. Minor fixes. Added prime.c, prime.h. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h errs.pl is now errlist.pl Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. Needs perl. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: Dont use strchr() on non-null-term strings. Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/enum.h: Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/mem.h: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from AM. New versions. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: Changes from UBS libSignal. Added new files. src/util/sigs.pl: Changes from UBS libSignal. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== Changes from release 'PUBLISH_ll0_10' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_11' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added voidP_voidP_*. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/PKG: New PKG version. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: Use HASH_MALLOC, HASH_FREE. Compare first key char before calling strcmp for speed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: Use HASH_MALLOC, HASH_FREE. Compare first key char before calling strcmp for speed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/hash.c: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Added write barrier support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Coerce hash value to unsigned int to avoid array index underflow. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash.def: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash.h: Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash_end.def: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added lookup cache support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Checkpoint. Need curses for readline. Make sure tools get built too. Enabled -Wall. Explicitly make gc.a. Added new ll:hashstats. Added lcache.c. New inits. Automagically define CONFIG_H_VARS. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Make sure ../util/signals.h gets made. Added props.c. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added cadr.c, doc.c, sig.c. Added doc.c. Added readline.c. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. Enumerate PRODUCTS. clean: rm $(PRODUCTS). Do not compile lookup.c with debugging. Added toplevel.c. Added debug target. Added debugger.c Added errors.h ar.h and H_FILES. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c Make all O_FILES dependent on Makefile. Don't bother scanning anything except bmethod.c for ll_bc defs. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added binding.c. Add makefile targets for $(GC_LIB) Added locative.c. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/PKG: New revision. No longer requires gc_boehm. v0.12 New version. New version. New version. New version. Fixed 0,6. New version id. Added GNU readline support. Needs gnumake. New version. Bump release number: new debugger. Added CHANGES_RELEASES. PUBLISH:ll0.3 Bump version number; major fixes and features. Integrated Boehm GC. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/README: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. More documentation. Added README src/ll/TODO: New version. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. no message should be . Checkpoint. More TODO. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Misc changes. Fixed stupid errors. src/ll/ar.c: No side-effect methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Remove quotes from write. no message Added ar.c. src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: new BC stack nargs attribute. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New version. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bcompile.c: Emit slot names, not ir slot bindings; closed over vars are always in exports vector; do not emit code for magic operators. Disable internal debugging. Better checking and debugging. Added blank lines between methods. new properties format; Added ll_assert_ref()s. Changes from ion03 New stack probing. Added props, debug expr, doc string, non-tail body constant opt. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Use properties-mixin. Use new global binding protocol to support readonly globals. Added const-folding support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Properly compile body defines. Elide if branches if test is a constant. Renamed macros to not conflict with formals. New error system. ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Do not close-over globals. Use new %write-shallow-contents. (super . ) is now (super . ) Removed debugging code in :%ir-compile2-body. Fixed (if ...) compilation. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. <%ir>:initialize now defaults parent and car-pos? arguments to #f if not specified. Only car-pos lambda share code vectors. All nested lambda share const and global vectors. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Major fixes: Do not generate code to construct unreferenced rest args. Properly inline car-position lambda. Properly handle make-locative to car-position lambda formals. Do not allocate space for unreferenced car-position lambdas formals. Checkpoint. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: new properties format Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. binding uses properties-mixin. Added :binding-doc docstring support. Use new %write-shallow-contents. super implies ll_SELF! Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. src/ll/bmethod.c: Handle slot op arguments; rewrite slot as slot_ op. Whitespace. Formatting. new properties format Changes from ion03 Added more bc meter support. New stack probing, bytecode metering, dissassembler. new BC stack nargs attrib, prompt, run and dump printing, bytecode metering, debug expr, method properties. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Compute stack motion for a byte-code string. Use new global binding protocol to support readonly globals. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Use proper names for bmethod function. rtn instruction uses ll_return(x) to properly unwind stack. Added :%dump for code gen debugging. Initialize formals, alist with something tractable. _ll_make_method* should make , not . New error system. Avoid compile warnings on _ll_val_sp volatility. Avoid stack pointer side-effects. Fixed super calls. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Proper tail and super call implementation. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. glo(X) instruction is rewritten to glo_(Y) where; X is the index into the const vector for the global name (symbol), Y is the locative to the global's binding value. Added byte-codes for: 1. argument count checking. 2. rest arg list construction. 3. car-positon lambda rest arg list construction. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bool.c: new properties format Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added not primitive. ll_g() is no longer an lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cadr.c: new properties format Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added new files. src/ll/cadr.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: Added blank lines between methods. Changes from ion03 New stack buffers. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types stack.c handles saving all globals on stack unwind. Minor changes. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). New error system. Catch application can now take 0 or 1 args. PUBLISH:ll0.2 argc must be 3 for caught body. ll_g() is no longer an lval. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Unwind fluid bindings. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: new properties format Proper ll_unboc_char, char=? methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New error system. Restart method after type and range check for integer->char. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: new properties format Other changes. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. locative-car/cdr is has no side-effect Fixed set-c[ad]r! functions. Implemented locative functions. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Fixed immutable-type problem. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Use new immutable-type/mutable-type cloning protocol. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Don't bother calling (super initialize). Distinguish and . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/constant.c: new properties format Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: Added blank lines between methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Formatting changes. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/debugger.c: Put type and method on newline for print-frame; Dont bother printing db_at_rtn. Formatting. new properties format cleaned up debugger init. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. print-frame: Print the previous frame's type and method. Use new ~N for frame display. Use :default-exit-value if none is specified by user. *prompt-read-eval* is now ll:top-level:prompt-read-eval. New functionality in debugger! Major changes to debugger. Added debugger.c src/ll/defs.pl: Added support for multi-line macros and string constants. Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/defs.sh: Other changes. CHECKPOINT Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. Check for cpp errors. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/doc.c: Formatting. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format Added new ll:hashstats. Use global ll_v vars for all ll_g bindings. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Use new binding value locative and properties-mixin. New version. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Docstring support. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Restart binding errors. ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. %macro: return #f if no binding is found. Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: new properties format Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. equal? for number is eqv?. Added ll_eqvQ. equal?: Allow immutable and mutable objects to be type compared by using imutable-type messages. Added eqv? primitive. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/error.c: Fixed error object initialize method. new properties format; ll_abort(); show caller in arg-count error. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Clean up _ll_range_error(). New _ll_typecheck_error(). Fixed :%bad-typecheck method. arg-count-recoverable-error, not arg-count-error-recoverable-error, etc. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. :values are now (key . value), not (key value). Added :error-get-value. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added return-action value strings for common errors. :initialize no longer has a 'kind' ivar. Bug in values list consing. Added :error-ar, :error-values methods. Added :handle-error, :handle-error: (fluid-let (((fluid current-error) self)), then call (debugger self). :handle-error dumps stack traces and aborts. Moved backtrace code to debugger.c. Fixed common error generation functions to use new protocol. :initialize can now take rest args as key-value pairs for values ivar init. Use new %write-shallow-contents. :handle-error now calls (%print-backtrace-and-escape self). :%default-error-handler deleted. _ll_error creates args value from ll_ARGV, not _ll_val_sp. _ll_error doesn't check for any error handler, just calls (handle-error ). Fatal errors will attempt to print op and last method implementor type. :%print-backtrace-and-escape: prints error and ar backtrace then applies (%top-level-restart). _ll_argc_count_error(), _ll_range_error(), and _ll_undefined_variable_error() returns from _ll_error() %default-error-handler deleted; unused. Initialize %top-level-restart to #f. ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. Misc changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/eval.c: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. CHECKPOINT Added eval-no-const-fold. Shortcut for eval on a constant. eval now takes an optional environment rest arg (ignored). Removed old evaluator code. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added errors.h, floatcfg.h __ll_tail_callv is now _ll_tail_callv. eval-list debug support. Use new shorter form for basic <%ir> creation. Added eval-list primitive. Cleaned up. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/fixnum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. Added bitwise ops. fixnum:number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Optimize typechecks. Fixed lcm. Preliminary lcm code. Fixed modulo. Added odd?, even?, quotent, remainder, modulo, %gcd, %lcm, numerator, denominator, floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Comment change. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/floatcfg.c: CHECKPOINT Use epsilon not rand numbers to calc error. Don't bother with all of ll.h, use value.h. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/flonum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/fluid.c: new properties format more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Restarg are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). bind-%fluid will create top-level bindings after (fluid %top-level-fluid-bindings) if a previous binding is not found and value is specified. Added _ll_init_fluid_1() and _ll_init_fluid_2(). fluid binding objects are ( ), not ( . ). %fluid-bind returns old binding. (%fluid-binding ) will create a top-level fluid binding if one doesn't exist. (%fluid ) and (set-%fluid! ) will recover from . (define-%fluid ) will attempt to create a top-level fluid binding id one doesn't exist rather than do a (%fluid-bind). ll_g() is no longer a lval. %set-fluid! is now set-%fluid! to force fluid to be a . Move fluid and define-fluid macros from syntax.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/format.c: use current-output-port, not *current-output-port*; dont assume args are on stack, use va_list. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Disabled weak ptr read macro debugging. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Added ~N (named object) format. format is now ll:format. Added #p, #l weak ptr read macros. Added ~W (weak ptr) and ~L (locative) format specifiers. Disable trace in format. Use new error protocol. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Don't disable call tracing. Fixed too-many-formats error function. Added '~F' format to flush the port. Added bad-format-char error for unrecognized formats. Use %write-shallow for ~O format. ll_g() is no longer a lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Globals for primitives are no longer defined. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Scan ll_g_set() too. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/init.c: use save argv and env from main(). CHECKPOINT more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Update ll_initialized, ll_initializing. ll_init() now takes environment list. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Checkpoint. Other changes. Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: Handle #\space, #\newline. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added read macro support (CALL_MACRO_CHAR(c)). Support #e and #i number modifiers. '^' is a valid symbol character. PUBLISH:ll0.2 "=" not "=="! Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. no message Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/list.c: new properties format Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added append, memq, memv, member, assq, assv, assoc. Added ll_consQ(). Added vector->list. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. Restargs are now named. Added support for . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/ll.h: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Dont use GC by default, for testing. Formatting. Use global ll_v vars for all ll_g bindings. Broke out to prim.h. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new ll_VECTOR_LOOP_REF_FROM macro. _ll_range_error() and _ll_rangecheck() typedefs. Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. OP in ll_call*() is no longer affected by side effects to the activation record pointer. Added ll_consQ(). ll_init() now take environment list. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. ll_BOX_REF is now ll_make_ref. _nocheck_func removed. _minargc, _maxargc removed. Restargs are now named. ll_{BOX,UNBOX}_BOOL is now ll_{make,unbox}_boolean. ll_{BOX,UNBOX}_CHAR is now ll_{make,unbox}_char. Be sure to pick up ll_set_g() globals during defs.sh. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added ll_eqQ(), ll_eqvQ(). Do not clear out activation records after pop, it screws up the debugger. Move basic ll_v definitions to value.h. Added new ll_e() error type reference macros. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added new fluid binding function decls. Removed ll_CATCH_ERROR macros. ll_BOX_INT() casts to long before boxing. Make :argc an int to avoid repeated boxing and unboxing. Reorganize code. Elaborate more comments. Reference method's application function by meth->_func, not ll_SLOT(meth)[0]. Set ar's type to , not the undefined object value, after pop. Don't put super's search context on the stack; pass it directly to _ll_lookup_super(). Avoid side-effects in call primitive macros. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. Argument count errors can be returned from. Range errors can be returned from. ll_CATCH_ERROR uses %top-level-restart instead of %current-error-handler. Fixed most of the call primitive macros. ll_ARGV is now stored in the activation record to support stack backtracing. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Shorten macro operation symbol names. Define () as nil, not %%nil, it will be readonly soon enough. ll_THIS can now reference supertype ivars through super_. Global values are implemented using objects; see env.c, binding.c. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Intergrated Boehm GC. Minor comment changes. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/llt.c: ll_init() now takes environment list. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/llt.gdb: Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. no message Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/load.c: Path searching for load. Other changes. ll_LOAD_ONE. Restored :load. Move top-level code to toplevel.c. Optionally eval load expressions one at a time. *read-eval-print-loop*: Use ports for prompting. Don't print thrown error objects. load: Don't catch any errors. Don't disable call tracing. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. :load now reads entire file as a list of exprs and then compiles them all at once. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/locative.c: new properties format CHECKPOINT Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added locative-contents nop. ll_UNBOX_LOC is now ll_UNBOX_locative. Added primitive accessor methods for . src/ll/lookup.c: Service signals before initializing any variables. Added __ll_lookup(). Bigger possible argument vectors. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added _ll_method_not_found_error. Added locatable-operation support. Added typecheck for op in lookup. Cleaned up dead code. Added async signal polling. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. restargs are now named. Use ll_AR_ARGC, ll_AR_ARGV to insure proper tracing and lookup. Use new error protocol. :lookup can now take . Removed :lookup-super. Use new %write-shallow-contents. Added "ll: " to trace message. Use current ll_ARGV[0] to determine rcvr type, not _ll_val_sp[0]. _ll_lookup_super(void) is now _ll_lookup_super(ll_v super). ll_DEBUG() is no longer a lval. Added assertion for ll_ARGC >= 0 in _ll_lookup(). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/macro.c: Formatting. new properties format New stack probing. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Dont apply macro op if rcvr does not respond. Anything else is not macro-expanded. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. macro-expand1 is now macro-expand-1. Don't rewrite (set! ...) and (define ...) forms; the compiler understands them now. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Minor changes. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Minor formatting. Do not attempt to lookup macro expander operations for non-symbol car. Properly handle zero-length arglists in :macro-expand1. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/map.c: Minor whitespace changes. New stack probing. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. restargs are now named. Watch out for stack motion side-effects. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. ll_ARGC is side-effected within __ll_callv(). Majorly stupid fixes. Added apply and for-each. Reimplemented map according to RRALS5. Added support for mutable sequences. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/mem.c: New out-of-memory-error. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Redefine malloc, etc. to GC_malloc, maybe. added mem.c src/ll/meth.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format CHECKPOINT method alist is now properties Use properties-mixin. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Reimplemented method-minargc. minargc, maxargc are removed. _minargc and _maxargc are not boxed anymore. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/named.c: Formatting. Use binding locative not value for name lookup. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Use new #p syntax. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added support for and new objects. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/nil.c: Minor whitespace changes. Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. new properties format CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_g() is no longer a lval. Initialize %fluid-bindings to nil. New mutable list support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/num.c: new properties format negative? bug. CHECKPOINT New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan operations. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c src/ll/number.c: new properties format Added max, min. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added magnitude. Faster *, + argument handling. Added gcd, lcm, read-part, imag-part, angle, =, <, >, <=, >= operators. Added +, -, * and / primitives (in conjection to the lexical optimizaitions in syntax.c). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added type size field. Fixed stupid %obj-dump bug. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. src/ll/object.c: new properties format :make-immutable has no side-effect. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New immutable-type/mutable-type protocol for equal? and cloning. Added :%get-tag method. Comment changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op.c: Whitespace. new properties format Enabled -Wall. Initialize lcache and properties. New inits. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Write protect op globals. New version. Added locatable-operation support. Added :getter. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Preliminary locative-* op support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added ll_e() type defs. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: new properties format; More file-open-error properties. Added call-with-input-file, call-with-output-file. Use standard port names. Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Use _ll_ptr_string() where applicable. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Use new error protocol. Cast in and out of impl ivar. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added :flush primitive. PUBLISH:ll0.2 ll_g() is no longer a lval. is now so we get eof-object? for "free". Use stack allocated string for ll_write_string(). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/posix.c: Added posix:chdir. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Fixed (posix:exit) .vs. (posix:exit ). posix:exit can now take optional exit code. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Reformatting. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prim.c: primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format; Added _ll_add_method validation. New inits. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types method alist is now properties Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. minargc, maxargc are removed. restargs are now named. func, minargc, maxargc are now longer boxed values. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prim.h: Define ll_PRIM_TYPE_NAME, ll_PRIM_OP_NAME for debugging printfs. primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format Enabled -Wall. New file. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Use standard port names. Comments. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added read macro support. restargs are now named. ll_UNBOX_CHAR is now ll_unbox_char. ll_BOX_CHAR is now ll_make_char. Use new error protocol. Added support for C string escape sequences. Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/readline.c: Minor reformatting. completion_matches is now rl_completion_matches. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. Added readline.c. src/ll/sig.c: Doc strings. Abort on SIGSEGV. Added new ll:hashstats. debugging. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added new files. src/ll/sig.h: ll_sig_service() never called _ll_sig_service Added new ll:hashstats. Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Disable internal debugging. Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. Fixed allocation for ptr chaining. Make default activation record stack frames bigger. New stack buffer protocol. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types stack.c handles saving all globals on stack unwind. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Leave unreachable bootstrap elements on stacks. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: new properties format string:equal?, string-append!. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Only scan for 2 or 3 digits for numeric char escapes. BOX -> make, UNBOX -> unbox. Typecheck incoming char in string.c. Added and behaviors. :length is not boxed. array and length are no longer boxed. Added support for C string escape sequences. Added support for # digits. Added preliminary #e and #i specifier support. PUBLISH:ll0.2 :string->number: Bug in conversion of alpha digits to digit value. Check for fixnum overflow. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol.c: Formatting. new properties format Added new ll:hashstats. New inits. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. _ll_make_symbol() now handles ll_f name properly. _ll_symbol_name typechecks now. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Escape EQ to =, not ==. :symbol->string: make name immutable. Added %gensym primitive. PUBLISH:ll0.2 ll_g() is no longer a lval. 'P' escapes to '%', 'P' stands for Percent. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New version. Use _ll_deftype_slot. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format do special form debugging. CHECKPOINT Missing rparen in let* macro. Make ll_quote extern. Implemented locative transforms. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Implmented quasiquote. Added all basic syntax stuff from R5RS. Removed old set! and define rewrites. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Reimplemented APPEND_BEGIN(), APPEND() macros. Added macros for let, let*, letrec, and, or. (-) is undefined. (define () ...) doesn't mean anything but (define (foo . bar) ...) does. Moved fluid macro to fluid.c. Implemented (make-locative ( . )) => ((locater ) . ). Added define-macro macro. Formatting. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/test.gdb: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/testold.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/toplevel.c: Minor whitespace changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Minor changes. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level. Added #^, #V read macros for history. ll:top-level-* is now ll:top-level:*. Added ll:top-level:exprs, ll:top-level:results for interactive history. Use new readline protocol. Insert leading space in top-level prompts for visibility. Moved top-level code from load.c. src/ll/trace.c: new properties format Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Minor changes. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/type.c: Fixed slot offset initialization method. Added missing write barriers. Doc strings. new properties format type:initialize can take options documention, has properties. CHECKPOINT more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Allow more type slot definitions. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Initialize readline after other ports. Use immutable cons for critical type structures. Use new _ll_deftype* macros. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Be sure to init before . debug:init::type is now debug:init:type. Make type variables readonly after init. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/type.h: try again Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Prepare to swap type.h types.h. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added new properties-mixin. binding is now a properties-mixin. %ir is now a properties-mixin. method is now a properties-mixin. Reordered fluid-bindings slot in catch. binding now uses a locative to point to the value slot. Added locatable-operation support. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. Removed :minargc, maxargc. Added :top-wired? option. Added :default-exit-value slot. Added type. New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. :tester for ? operations added.. :minargc, maxargc are no longer boxed. :length is now longer boxed. :kind removed. :ar added. added. added. ll_e() error types added. added. Make :argc an int to avoid repeated boxing and unboxing. Added and . is , is . is a . is now a . ll_ARGV is now stored in the activation record to support stack backtracing. PUBLISH:ll0.2 is now . Added top-wired? decls. Added mutable sequence types. Added type for new environment impl. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . eventually inherits from . Minor comment changes. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/types.h: Comments. Comment changes. Other changes. CHECKPOINT try again Prepare to swap type.h types.h. New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/undef.c: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_g() is no longer a lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/value.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Added preliminary ct_v support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New value.h. src/ll/vec.c: new properties format Improper call supers; range checking. Fixed append. CHECKPOINT Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Fixed immutable-type problem. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Send %ptr and length messages in _ll_ptr_vec() if fast type check fails. Use new immutable-type protocol. :length is no longer boxed. Use new restartable-error protocol. Implement full type and range checks. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Use new initialize-clone protocol. PUBLISH:ll0.2 super implies ll_SELF. _ll_VEC_TERM != 0. Use "string-length" or "vector-length", not "length" in append. Added new and support. set-length! and append-one! should not take rest args. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/vec.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/vector.c: Minor reformatting. new properties format CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. :length is no longer boxed. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/write.c: Whitespace. %write-shallow take optional op which is ignored. Use standard port names. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Disable recursion lock support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. Escapes quote, quasiquote, unquote and unquote-splicing. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. restargs are now named. Added locative:%write-port, immedate:%write-shallow. :length is no longer boxed. Force flonum to be printed with .0 suffix. %writePort is now %write-port. %writeContents is now %write-shallow-contents. Added :%write-shallow. :%write and :%display call :%write-shallow. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Added %writePort method for . is now . Don't use ll_tail_call to force unspecified return value. Misc changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/PKG: Added swig2def dll support. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Port to RH7.0. More swig support. Added swig support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak: Unknown edits. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/fixpound.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/lib.mak: Added swig2def dll support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Checkpoint. Port to RH7.0. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: More swig support. Added swig support. Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. Added BUILD_TARGET to BUILD_VARS. Added BUILD_VARS support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tool.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tools.mak: MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/use.mak: USE dir Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/ConfigInfo.c: Merge changes from UBS. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Merge changes from UBS. Added file.c, file.h. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. Minor fixes. Added prime.c, prime.h. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h errs.pl is now errlist.pl Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. Needs perl. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: Dont use strchr() on non-null-term strings. Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/enum.h: Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/mem.h: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from AM. New versions. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: Changes from UBS libSignal. Added new files. src/util/sigs.pl: Changes from UBS libSignal. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== Changes from release 'PUBLISH_ll0_9' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_10' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added voidP_voidP_*. Added rcs ids. src/hash/PKG: New PKG version. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: Added rcs ids. src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: Use HASH_MALLOC, HASH_FREE. Compare first key char before calling strcmp for speed. Added rcs ids. src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: Added rcs ids. src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: Use HASH_MALLOC, HASH_FREE. Compare first key char before calling strcmp for speed. Added rcs ids. src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: Added rcs ids. src/hash/hash.c: Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Coerce hash value to unsigned int to avoid array index underflow. Added rcs ids. src/hash/hash.def: src/hash/hash.h: src/hash/hash_end.def: Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added rcs ids. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: Preliminary stack-buffer support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added cadr.c, doc.c, sig.c. src/ll/PKG: New version. New version. src/ll/README: src/ll/TODO: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. src/ll/ar.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/bcompile.c: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Properly compile body defines. Elide if branches if test is a constant. src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: Added :binding-doc docstring support. src/ll/bmethod.c: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Use proper names for bmethod function. src/ll/bool.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/cadr.c: Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added new files. src/ll/cadr.h: Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: Minor changes. src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: Fixed set-c[ad]r! functions. Implemented locative functions. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Fixed immutable-type problem. src/ll/constant.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/debugger.c: print-frame: Print the previous frame's type and method. src/ll/defs.pl: src/ll/defs.sh: Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. src/ll/doc.c: Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: New version. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Docstring support. src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: equal? for number is eqv?. src/ll/error.c: New _ll_typecheck_error(). Fixed :%bad-typecheck method. src/ll/eval.c: Shortcut for eval on a constant. eval now takes an optional environment rest arg (ignored). Removed old evaluator code. src/ll/fixnum.c: Optimize typechecks. Fixed lcm. src/ll/floatcfg.c: Use epsilon not rand numbers to calc error. src/ll/flonum.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/fluid.c: ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Restarg are now named. src/ll/format.c: Disabled weak ptr read macro debugging. src/ll/global.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: Globals for primitives are no longer defined. src/ll/init.c: Update ll_initialized, ll_initializing. src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added read macro support (CALL_MACRO_CHAR(c)). src/ll/list.c: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added append, memq, memv, member, assq, assv, assoc. Added ll_consQ(). Added vector->list. src/ll/ll.h: Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. src/ll/llt.c: ll_init() now takes environment list. src/ll/llt.gdb: src/ll/load.c: ll_LOAD_ONE. Restored :load. src/ll/locative.c: Added locative-contents nop. ll_UNBOX_LOC is now ll_UNBOX_locative. src/ll/lookup.c: Added locatable-operation support. Added typecheck for op in lookup. Cleaned up dead code. src/ll/macro.c: Dont apply macro op if rcvr does not respond. Anything else is not macro-expanded. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. macro-expand1 is now macro-expand-1. Don't rewrite (set! ...) and (define ...) forms; the compiler understands them now. src/ll/map.c: restargs are now named. src/ll/mem.c: Redefine malloc, etc. to GC_malloc, maybe. src/ll/meth.c: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Reimplemented method-minargc. src/ll/named.c: Use new #p syntax. src/ll/nil.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). src/ll/num.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/number.c: Added magnitude. src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/object.c: :make-immutable has no side-effect. src/ll/op.c: New version. Added locatable-operation support. Added :getter. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/op.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Added ll_e() type defs. src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: src/ll/posix.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/prim.c: Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. src/ll/prim.h: Define ll_PRIM_TYPE_NAME, ll_PRIM_OP_NAME for debugging printfs. primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format Enabled -Wall. New file. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Added read macro support. restargs are now named. ll_UNBOX_CHAR is now ll_unbox_char. ll_BOX_CHAR is now ll_make_char. src/ll/readline.c: Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. src/ll/sig.c: src/ll/sig.h: Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Preliminary stack-buffer support. Leave unreachable bootstrap elements on stacks. src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: Only scan for 2 or 3 digits for numeric char escapes. src/ll/symbol.c: _ll_make_symbol() now handles ll_f name properly. src/ll/symbol.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: Use _ll_deftype_slot. src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: Implemented locative transforms. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Implmented quasiquote. Added all basic syntax stuff from R5RS. Removed old set! and define rewrites. src/ll/test.gdb: Added rcs ids. src/ll/testold.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/toplevel.c: src/ll/trace.c: Minor changes. src/ll/type.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/type.h: Added locatable-operation support. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. src/ll/types.h: New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. src/ll/undef.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). src/ll/value.h: Preliminary stack-buffer support. Added preliminary ct_v support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/vec.c: Fixed immutable-type problem. src/ll/vec.h: Added rcs ids. src/ll/vector.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/write.c: Disable recursion lock support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. src/maks/PKG: Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Added rcs ids. src/maks/bin/mak: Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: src/maks/fixpound.pl: src/maks/lib.mak: src/maks/opengl/Makefile: src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: src/maks/tool.mak: src/maks/tools.mak: src/maks/use.mak: src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. src/util/ConfigInfo.c: Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Minor fixes. Added prime.c, prime.h. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h errs.pl is now errlist.pl Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: src/util/enum.h: Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: Added rcs ids. src/util/mem.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added rcs ids. src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: Changes from am. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Added rcs ids. src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: Added new files. src/util/sigs.pl: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== Changes from release 'PUBLISH_ll0_8' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_9' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added rcs ids. src/hash/PKG: Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: src/hash/hash.c: src/hash/hash.def: src/hash/hash.h: src/hash/hash_end.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added rcs ids. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: Added cadr.c, doc.c, sig.c. src/ll/PKG: New version. New version. src/ll/README: More documentation. src/ll/TODO: src/ll/ar.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/bcompile.c: Properly compile body defines. Elide if branches if test is a constant. src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: Added :binding-doc docstring support. src/ll/bmethod.c: Use proper names for bmethod function. src/ll/bool.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/cadr.c: src/ll/cadr.h: Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: Minor changes. src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: Fixed immutable-type problem. src/ll/constant.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/debugger.c: print-frame: Print the previous frame's type and method. src/ll/defs.pl: src/ll/defs.sh: Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. src/ll/doc.c: Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: Docstring support. src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: equal? for number is eqv?. src/ll/error.c: New _ll_typecheck_error(). Fixed :%bad-typecheck method. arg-count-recoverable-error, not arg-count-error-recoverable-error, etc. src/ll/eval.c: Shortcut for eval on a constant. eval now takes an optional environment rest arg (ignored). Removed old evaluator code. src/ll/fixnum.c: Fixed lcm. src/ll/floatcfg.c: Use epsilon not rand numbers to calc error. src/ll/flonum.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/fluid.c: ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Restarg are now named. src/ll/format.c: Disabled weak ptr read macro debugging. src/ll/global.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: Globals for primitives are no longer defined. src/ll/init.c: Update ll_initialized, ll_initializing. ll_init() now takes environment list. src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: Added read macro support (CALL_MACRO_CHAR(c)). src/ll/list.c: Added append, memq, memv, member, assq, assv, assoc. Added ll_consQ(). Added vector->list. src/ll/ll.h: Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. OP in ll_call*() is no longer affected by side effects to the activation record pointer. Added ll_consQ(). ll_init() now take environment list. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. src/ll/llt.c: ll_init() now takes environment list. src/ll/llt.gdb: src/ll/load.c: ll_LOAD_ONE. Restored :load. src/ll/locative.c: ll_UNBOX_LOC is now ll_UNBOX_locative. src/ll/lookup.c: Added typecheck for op in lookup. Cleaned up dead code. Added async signal polling. src/ll/macro.c: macro-expand1 is now macro-expand-1. Don't rewrite (set! ...) and (define ...) forms; the compiler understands them now. src/ll/map.c: restargs are now named. src/ll/mem.c: Redefine malloc, etc. to GC_malloc, maybe. src/ll/meth.c: Reimplemented method-minargc. src/ll/named.c: Use new #p syntax. src/ll/nil.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). src/ll/num.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/number.c: Added magnitude. src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/object.c: :make-immutable has no side-effect. src/ll/op.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/op.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Added ll_e() type defs. src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: src/ll/posix.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/prim.c: Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. src/ll/prim.h: Define ll_PRIM_TYPE_NAME, ll_PRIM_OP_NAME for debugging printfs. primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format Enabled -Wall. New file. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Added read macro support. restargs are now named. ll_UNBOX_CHAR is now ll_unbox_char. ll_BOX_CHAR is now ll_make_char. src/ll/readline.c: Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. src/ll/sig.c: src/ll/sig.h: Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Leave unreachable bootstrap elements on stacks. src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: Only scan for 2 or 3 digits for numeric char escapes. src/ll/symbol.c: _ll_make_symbol() now handles ll_f name properly. src/ll/symbol.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: Use _ll_deftype_slot. src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: Implmented quasiquote. Added all basic syntax stuff from R5RS. Removed old set! and define rewrites. src/ll/test.gdb: Added rcs ids. src/ll/testold.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/toplevel.c: src/ll/trace.c: Minor changes. src/ll/type.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/type.h: Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. Removed :minargc, maxargc. Added :top-wired? option. Added :default-exit-value slot. src/ll/types.h: New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. src/ll/undef.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). src/ll/value.h: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/vec.c: Fixed immutable-type problem. src/ll/vec.h: Added rcs ids. src/ll/vector.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/write.c: Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. Escapes quote, quasiquote, unquote and unquote-splicing. src/maks/PKG: Added swig2def dll support. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Port to RH7.0. More swig support. Added swig support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak: Unknown edits. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/fixpound.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/lib.mak: Added swig2def dll support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Checkpoint. Port to RH7.0. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: More swig support. Added swig support. Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. Added BUILD_TARGET to BUILD_VARS. Added BUILD_VARS support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tool.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tools.mak: MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/use.mak: USE dir Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/ConfigInfo.c: src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Added new files. src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. Needs perl. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: src/util/enum.h: Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: src/util/mem.h: Added rcs ids. src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: src/util/sigs.pl: Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== Changes from release 'PUBLISH_ll0_7' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_8' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added rcs ids. src/hash/PKG: Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: src/hash/hash.c: src/hash/hash.def: src/hash/hash.h: src/hash/hash_end.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added rcs ids. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: Added cadr.c, doc.c, sig.c. Added doc.c. src/ll/PKG: New version. Fixed 0,6. New version id. src/ll/README: More documentation. Added README src/ll/TODO: src/ll/ar.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/bcompile.c: Properly compile body defines. Elide if branches if test is a constant. Renamed macros to not conflict with formals. src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: Added :binding-doc docstring support. src/ll/bmethod.c: Use proper names for bmethod function. rtn instruction uses ll_return(x) to properly unwind stack. Added :%dump for code gen debugging. Initialize formals, alist with something tractable. _ll_make_method* should make , not . src/ll/bool.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/cadr.c: new properties format Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added new files. src/ll/cadr.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: Minor changes. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: Fixed immutable-type problem. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/constant.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/debugger.c: print-frame: Print the previous frame's type and method. Use new ~N for frame display. Use :default-exit-value if none is specified by user. *prompt-read-eval* is now ll:top-level:prompt-read-eval. src/ll/defs.pl: src/ll/defs.sh: Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. src/ll/doc.c: Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: Docstring support. src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: equal? for number is eqv?. Added ll_eqvQ. src/ll/error.c: arg-count-recoverable-error, not arg-count-error-recoverable-error, etc. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/eval.c: Shortcut for eval on a constant. eval now takes an optional environment rest arg (ignored). Removed old evaluator code. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/fixnum.c: Fixed lcm. src/ll/floatcfg.c: Use epsilon not rand numbers to calc error. src/ll/flonum.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/fluid.c: ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Restarg are now named. src/ll/format.c: Disabled weak ptr read macro debugging. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Added ~N (named object) format. format is now ll:format. Added #p, #l weak ptr read macros. src/ll/global.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: Globals for primitives are no longer defined. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). src/ll/init.c: ll_init() now takes environment list. Added rcs ids. src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: Added read macro support (CALL_MACRO_CHAR(c)). src/ll/list.c: Added append, memq, memv, member, assq, assv, assoc. Added ll_consQ(). Added vector->list. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. Restargs are now named. src/ll/ll.h: OP in ll_call*() is no longer affected by side effects to the activation record pointer. Added ll_consQ(). ll_init() now take environment list. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. ll_BOX_REF is now ll_make_ref. _nocheck_func removed. _minargc, _maxargc removed. Restargs are now named. ll_{BOX,UNBOX}_BOOL is now ll_{make,unbox}_boolean. ll_{BOX,UNBOX}_CHAR is now ll_{make,unbox}_char. src/ll/llt.c: ll_init() now takes environment list. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level src/ll/llt.gdb: src/ll/load.c: ll_LOAD_ONE. Restored :load. src/ll/locative.c: ll_UNBOX_LOC is now ll_UNBOX_locative. src/ll/lookup.c: Added async signal polling. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. restargs are now named. src/ll/macro.c: macro-expand1 is now macro-expand-1. Don't rewrite (set! ...) and (define ...) forms; the compiler understands them now. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. src/ll/map.c: restargs are now named. src/ll/mem.c: Redefine malloc, etc. to GC_malloc, maybe. added mem.c src/ll/meth.c: Reimplemented method-minargc. minargc, maxargc are removed. src/ll/named.c: Use new #p syntax. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/nil.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). src/ll/num.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/number.c: Added magnitude. Faster *, + argument handling. src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/object.c: :make-immutable has no side-effect. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/op.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/op.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Added ll_e() type defs. src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: src/ll/posix.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/prim.c: Globals for primitives are no longer defined. minargc, maxargc are removed. restargs are now named. src/ll/prim.h: Define ll_PRIM_TYPE_NAME, ll_PRIM_OP_NAME for debugging printfs. primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format Enabled -Wall. New file. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Added read macro support. restargs are now named. ll_UNBOX_CHAR is now ll_unbox_char. ll_BOX_CHAR is now ll_make_char. src/ll/readline.c: Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. src/ll/sig.c: Doc strings. Abort on SIGSEGV. Added new ll:hashstats. debugging. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added new files. src/ll/sig.h: ll_sig_service() never called _ll_sig_service Added new ll:hashstats. Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Leave unreachable bootstrap elements on stacks. src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: Only scan for 2 or 3 digits for numeric char escapes. BOX -> make, UNBOX -> unbox. src/ll/symbol.c: _ll_make_symbol() now handles ll_f name properly. _ll_symbol_name typechecks now. src/ll/symbol.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: Use _ll_deftype_slot. src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: Implmented quasiquote. Added all basic syntax stuff from R5RS. Removed old set! and define rewrites. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/test.gdb: Added rcs ids. src/ll/testold.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/toplevel.c: Minor changes. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level. Added #^, #V read macros for history. ll:top-level-* is now ll:top-level:*. Added ll:top-level:exprs, ll:top-level:results for interactive history. src/ll/trace.c: Minor changes. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/type.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/type.h: Removed :minargc, maxargc. Added :top-wired? option. Added :default-exit-value slot. src/ll/types.h: New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. src/ll/undef.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). src/ll/value.h: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/vec.c: Fixed immutable-type problem. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/vec.h: Added rcs ids. src/ll/vector.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. src/ll/write.c: Escapes quote, quasiquote, unquote and unquote-splicing. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. restargs are now named. src/maks/PKG: Added swig2def dll support. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Port to RH7.0. More swig support. Added swig support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak: Unknown edits. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/fixpound.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/lib.mak: Added swig2def dll support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Checkpoint. Port to RH7.0. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: More swig support. Added swig support. Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. Added BUILD_TARGET to BUILD_VARS. Added BUILD_VARS support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tool.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tools.mak: MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/use.mak: USE dir Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/ConfigInfo.c: Merge changes from UBS. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Merge changes from UBS. Added file.c, file.h. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. Minor fixes. Added prime.c, prime.h. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h errs.pl is now errlist.pl Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. Needs perl. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: Dont use strchr() on non-null-term strings. Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/enum.h: Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/mem.h: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from AM. New versions. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: Changes from UBS libSignal. Added new files. src/util/sigs.pl: Changes from UBS libSignal. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== Changes from release 'PUBLISH_ll0_6' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_7' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added voidP_voidP_*. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/PKG: New PKG version. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: Use HASH_MALLOC, HASH_FREE. Compare first key char before calling strcmp for speed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: Use HASH_MALLOC, HASH_FREE. Compare first key char before calling strcmp for speed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/hash.c: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Added write barrier support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Coerce hash value to unsigned int to avoid array index underflow. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash.def: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash.h: Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash_end.def: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added lookup cache support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Checkpoint. Need curses for readline. Make sure tools get built too. Enabled -Wall. Explicitly make gc.a. Added new ll:hashstats. Added lcache.c. New inits. Automagically define CONFIG_H_VARS. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Make sure ../util/signals.h gets made. Added props.c. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added cadr.c, doc.c, sig.c. Added doc.c. Added readline.c. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. Enumerate PRODUCTS. clean: rm $(PRODUCTS). Do not compile lookup.c with debugging. Added toplevel.c. Added debug target. Added debugger.c Added errors.h ar.h and H_FILES. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c Make all O_FILES dependent on Makefile. Don't bother scanning anything except bmethod.c for ll_bc defs. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added binding.c. Add makefile targets for $(GC_LIB) Added locative.c. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/PKG: New revision. No longer requires gc_boehm. v0.12 New version. New version. New version. New version. Fixed 0,6. New version id. Added GNU readline support. Needs gnumake. New version. Bump release number: new debugger. Added CHANGES_RELEASES. PUBLISH:ll0.3 Bump version number; major fixes and features. Integrated Boehm GC. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/README: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. More documentation. Added README src/ll/TODO: New version. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. no message should be . Checkpoint. More TODO. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Misc changes. Fixed stupid errors. src/ll/ar.c: No side-effect methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Remove quotes from write. no message Added ar.c. src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: new BC stack nargs attribute. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New version. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bcompile.c: Emit slot names, not ir slot bindings; closed over vars are always in exports vector; do not emit code for magic operators. Disable internal debugging. Better checking and debugging. Added blank lines between methods. new properties format; Added ll_assert_ref()s. Changes from ion03 New stack probing. Added props, debug expr, doc string, non-tail body constant opt. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Use properties-mixin. Use new global binding protocol to support readonly globals. Added const-folding support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Properly compile body defines. Elide if branches if test is a constant. Renamed macros to not conflict with formals. New error system. ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Do not close-over globals. Use new %write-shallow-contents. (super . ) is now (super . ) Removed debugging code in :%ir-compile2-body. Fixed (if ...) compilation. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. <%ir>:initialize now defaults parent and car-pos? arguments to #f if not specified. Only car-pos lambda share code vectors. All nested lambda share const and global vectors. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Major fixes: Do not generate code to construct unreferenced rest args. Properly inline car-position lambda. Properly handle make-locative to car-position lambda formals. Do not allocate space for unreferenced car-position lambdas formals. Checkpoint. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: new properties format Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. binding uses properties-mixin. Added :binding-doc docstring support. Use new %write-shallow-contents. super implies ll_SELF! Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. src/ll/bmethod.c: Handle slot op arguments; rewrite slot as slot_ op. Whitespace. Formatting. new properties format Changes from ion03 Added more bc meter support. New stack probing, bytecode metering, dissassembler. new BC stack nargs attrib, prompt, run and dump printing, bytecode metering, debug expr, method properties. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Compute stack motion for a byte-code string. Use new global binding protocol to support readonly globals. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Use proper names for bmethod function. rtn instruction uses ll_return(x) to properly unwind stack. Added :%dump for code gen debugging. Initialize formals, alist with something tractable. _ll_make_method* should make , not . New error system. Avoid compile warnings on _ll_val_sp volatility. Avoid stack pointer side-effects. Fixed super calls. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Proper tail and super call implementation. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. glo(X) instruction is rewritten to glo_(Y) where; X is the index into the const vector for the global name (symbol), Y is the locative to the global's binding value. Added byte-codes for: 1. argument count checking. 2. rest arg list construction. 3. car-positon lambda rest arg list construction. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bool.c: new properties format Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added not primitive. ll_g() is no longer an lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cadr.c: new properties format Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added new files. src/ll/cadr.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: Added blank lines between methods. Changes from ion03 New stack buffers. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types stack.c handles saving all globals on stack unwind. Minor changes. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). New error system. Catch application can now take 0 or 1 args. PUBLISH:ll0.2 argc must be 3 for caught body. ll_g() is no longer an lval. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Unwind fluid bindings. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: new properties format Proper ll_unboc_char, char=? methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New error system. Restart method after type and range check for integer->char. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: new properties format Other changes. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. locative-car/cdr is has no side-effect Fixed set-c[ad]r! functions. Implemented locative functions. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Fixed immutable-type problem. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Use new immutable-type/mutable-type cloning protocol. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Don't bother calling (super initialize). Distinguish and . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/constant.c: new properties format Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: Added blank lines between methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Formatting changes. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/debugger.c: Put type and method on newline for print-frame; Dont bother printing db_at_rtn. Formatting. new properties format cleaned up debugger init. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. print-frame: Print the previous frame's type and method. Use new ~N for frame display. Use :default-exit-value if none is specified by user. *prompt-read-eval* is now ll:top-level:prompt-read-eval. New functionality in debugger! Major changes to debugger. Added debugger.c src/ll/defs.pl: Added support for multi-line macros and string constants. Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/defs.sh: Other changes. CHECKPOINT Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. Check for cpp errors. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/doc.c: Formatting. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format Added new ll:hashstats. Use global ll_v vars for all ll_g bindings. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Use new binding value locative and properties-mixin. New version. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Docstring support. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Restart binding errors. ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. %macro: return #f if no binding is found. Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: new properties format Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. equal? for number is eqv?. Added ll_eqvQ. equal?: Allow immutable and mutable objects to be type compared by using imutable-type messages. Added eqv? primitive. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/error.c: Fixed error object initialize method. new properties format; ll_abort(); show caller in arg-count error. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Clean up _ll_range_error(). New _ll_typecheck_error(). Fixed :%bad-typecheck method. arg-count-recoverable-error, not arg-count-error-recoverable-error, etc. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. :values are now (key . value), not (key value). Added :error-get-value. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added return-action value strings for common errors. :initialize no longer has a 'kind' ivar. Bug in values list consing. Added :error-ar, :error-values methods. Added :handle-error, :handle-error: (fluid-let (((fluid current-error) self)), then call (debugger self). :handle-error dumps stack traces and aborts. Moved backtrace code to debugger.c. Fixed common error generation functions to use new protocol. :initialize can now take rest args as key-value pairs for values ivar init. Use new %write-shallow-contents. :handle-error now calls (%print-backtrace-and-escape self). :%default-error-handler deleted. _ll_error creates args value from ll_ARGV, not _ll_val_sp. _ll_error doesn't check for any error handler, just calls (handle-error ). Fatal errors will attempt to print op and last method implementor type. :%print-backtrace-and-escape: prints error and ar backtrace then applies (%top-level-restart). _ll_argc_count_error(), _ll_range_error(), and _ll_undefined_variable_error() returns from _ll_error() %default-error-handler deleted; unused. Initialize %top-level-restart to #f. ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. Misc changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/eval.c: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. CHECKPOINT Added eval-no-const-fold. Shortcut for eval on a constant. eval now takes an optional environment rest arg (ignored). Removed old evaluator code. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added errors.h, floatcfg.h __ll_tail_callv is now _ll_tail_callv. eval-list debug support. Use new shorter form for basic <%ir> creation. Added eval-list primitive. Cleaned up. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/fixnum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. Added bitwise ops. fixnum:number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Optimize typechecks. Fixed lcm. Preliminary lcm code. Fixed modulo. Added odd?, even?, quotent, remainder, modulo, %gcd, %lcm, numerator, denominator, floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Comment change. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/floatcfg.c: CHECKPOINT Use epsilon not rand numbers to calc error. Don't bother with all of ll.h, use value.h. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/flonum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/fluid.c: new properties format more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Restarg are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). bind-%fluid will create top-level bindings after (fluid %top-level-fluid-bindings) if a previous binding is not found and value is specified. Added _ll_init_fluid_1() and _ll_init_fluid_2(). fluid binding objects are ( ), not ( . ). %fluid-bind returns old binding. (%fluid-binding ) will create a top-level fluid binding if one doesn't exist. (%fluid ) and (set-%fluid! ) will recover from . (define-%fluid ) will attempt to create a top-level fluid binding id one doesn't exist rather than do a (%fluid-bind). ll_g() is no longer a lval. %set-fluid! is now set-%fluid! to force fluid to be a . Move fluid and define-fluid macros from syntax.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/format.c: use current-output-port, not *current-output-port*; dont assume args are on stack, use va_list. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Disabled weak ptr read macro debugging. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Added ~N (named object) format. format is now ll:format. Added #p, #l weak ptr read macros. Added ~W (weak ptr) and ~L (locative) format specifiers. Disable trace in format. Use new error protocol. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Don't disable call tracing. Fixed too-many-formats error function. Added '~F' format to flush the port. Added bad-format-char error for unrecognized formats. Use %write-shallow for ~O format. ll_g() is no longer a lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Globals for primitives are no longer defined. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Scan ll_g_set() too. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/init.c: use save argv and env from main(). CHECKPOINT more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Update ll_initialized, ll_initializing. ll_init() now takes environment list. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Checkpoint. Other changes. Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: Handle #\space, #\newline. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added read macro support (CALL_MACRO_CHAR(c)). Support #e and #i number modifiers. '^' is a valid symbol character. PUBLISH:ll0.2 "=" not "=="! Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. no message Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/list.c: new properties format Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added append, memq, memv, member, assq, assv, assoc. Added ll_consQ(). Added vector->list. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. Restargs are now named. Added support for . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/ll.h: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Dont use GC by default, for testing. Formatting. Use global ll_v vars for all ll_g bindings. Broke out to prim.h. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new ll_VECTOR_LOOP_REF_FROM macro. _ll_range_error() and _ll_rangecheck() typedefs. Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. OP in ll_call*() is no longer affected by side effects to the activation record pointer. Added ll_consQ(). ll_init() now take environment list. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. ll_BOX_REF is now ll_make_ref. _nocheck_func removed. _minargc, _maxargc removed. Restargs are now named. ll_{BOX,UNBOX}_BOOL is now ll_{make,unbox}_boolean. ll_{BOX,UNBOX}_CHAR is now ll_{make,unbox}_char. Be sure to pick up ll_set_g() globals during defs.sh. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added ll_eqQ(), ll_eqvQ(). Do not clear out activation records after pop, it screws up the debugger. Move basic ll_v definitions to value.h. Added new ll_e() error type reference macros. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added new fluid binding function decls. Removed ll_CATCH_ERROR macros. ll_BOX_INT() casts to long before boxing. Make :argc an int to avoid repeated boxing and unboxing. Reorganize code. Elaborate more comments. Reference method's application function by meth->_func, not ll_SLOT(meth)[0]. Set ar's type to , not the undefined object value, after pop. Don't put super's search context on the stack; pass it directly to _ll_lookup_super(). Avoid side-effects in call primitive macros. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. Argument count errors can be returned from. Range errors can be returned from. ll_CATCH_ERROR uses %top-level-restart instead of %current-error-handler. Fixed most of the call primitive macros. ll_ARGV is now stored in the activation record to support stack backtracing. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Shorten macro operation symbol names. Define () as nil, not %%nil, it will be readonly soon enough. ll_THIS can now reference supertype ivars through super_. Global values are implemented using objects; see env.c, binding.c. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Intergrated Boehm GC. Minor comment changes. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/llt.c: ll_init() now takes environment list. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/llt.gdb: Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. no message Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/load.c: Path searching for load. Other changes. ll_LOAD_ONE. Restored :load. Move top-level code to toplevel.c. Optionally eval load expressions one at a time. *read-eval-print-loop*: Use ports for prompting. Don't print thrown error objects. load: Don't catch any errors. Don't disable call tracing. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. :load now reads entire file as a list of exprs and then compiles them all at once. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/locative.c: new properties format CHECKPOINT Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added locative-contents nop. ll_UNBOX_LOC is now ll_UNBOX_locative. Added primitive accessor methods for . src/ll/lookup.c: Service signals before initializing any variables. Added __ll_lookup(). Bigger possible argument vectors. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added _ll_method_not_found_error. Added locatable-operation support. Added typecheck for op in lookup. Cleaned up dead code. Added async signal polling. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. restargs are now named. Use ll_AR_ARGC, ll_AR_ARGV to insure proper tracing and lookup. Use new error protocol. :lookup can now take . Removed :lookup-super. Use new %write-shallow-contents. Added "ll: " to trace message. Use current ll_ARGV[0] to determine rcvr type, not _ll_val_sp[0]. _ll_lookup_super(void) is now _ll_lookup_super(ll_v super). ll_DEBUG() is no longer a lval. Added assertion for ll_ARGC >= 0 in _ll_lookup(). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/macro.c: Formatting. new properties format New stack probing. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Dont apply macro op if rcvr does not respond. Anything else is not macro-expanded. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. macro-expand1 is now macro-expand-1. Don't rewrite (set! ...) and (define ...) forms; the compiler understands them now. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Minor changes. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Minor formatting. Do not attempt to lookup macro expander operations for non-symbol car. Properly handle zero-length arglists in :macro-expand1. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/map.c: Minor whitespace changes. New stack probing. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. restargs are now named. Watch out for stack motion side-effects. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. ll_ARGC is side-effected within __ll_callv(). Majorly stupid fixes. Added apply and for-each. Reimplemented map according to RRALS5. Added support for mutable sequences. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/mem.c: New out-of-memory-error. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Redefine malloc, etc. to GC_malloc, maybe. added mem.c src/ll/meth.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format CHECKPOINT method alist is now properties Use properties-mixin. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Reimplemented method-minargc. minargc, maxargc are removed. _minargc and _maxargc are not boxed anymore. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/named.c: Formatting. Use binding locative not value for name lookup. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Use new #p syntax. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added support for and new objects. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/nil.c: Minor whitespace changes. Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. new properties format CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_g() is no longer a lval. Initialize %fluid-bindings to nil. New mutable list support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/num.c: new properties format negative? bug. CHECKPOINT New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan operations. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c src/ll/number.c: new properties format Added max, min. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added magnitude. Faster *, + argument handling. Added gcd, lcm, read-part, imag-part, angle, =, <, >, <=, >= operators. Added +, -, * and / primitives (in conjection to the lexical optimizaitions in syntax.c). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added type size field. Fixed stupid %obj-dump bug. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. src/ll/object.c: new properties format :make-immutable has no side-effect. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New immutable-type/mutable-type protocol for equal? and cloning. Added :%get-tag method. Comment changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op.c: Whitespace. new properties format Enabled -Wall. Initialize lcache and properties. New inits. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Write protect op globals. New version. Added locatable-operation support. Added :getter. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Preliminary locative-* op support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added ll_e() type defs. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: new properties format; More file-open-error properties. Added call-with-input-file, call-with-output-file. Use standard port names. Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Use _ll_ptr_string() where applicable. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Use new error protocol. Cast in and out of impl ivar. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added :flush primitive. PUBLISH:ll0.2 ll_g() is no longer a lval. is now so we get eof-object? for "free". Use stack allocated string for ll_write_string(). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/posix.c: Added posix:chdir. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Fixed (posix:exit) .vs. (posix:exit ). posix:exit can now take optional exit code. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Reformatting. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prim.c: primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format; Added _ll_add_method validation. New inits. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types method alist is now properties Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. minargc, maxargc are removed. restargs are now named. func, minargc, maxargc are now longer boxed values. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prim.h: Define ll_PRIM_TYPE_NAME, ll_PRIM_OP_NAME for debugging printfs. primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format Enabled -Wall. New file. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Use standard port names. Comments. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added read macro support. restargs are now named. ll_UNBOX_CHAR is now ll_unbox_char. ll_BOX_CHAR is now ll_make_char. Use new error protocol. Added support for C string escape sequences. Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/readline.c: Minor reformatting. completion_matches is now rl_completion_matches. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. Added readline.c. src/ll/sig.c: Doc strings. Abort on SIGSEGV. Added new ll:hashstats. debugging. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added new files. src/ll/sig.h: ll_sig_service() never called _ll_sig_service Added new ll:hashstats. Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Disable internal debugging. Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. Fixed allocation for ptr chaining. Make default activation record stack frames bigger. New stack buffer protocol. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types stack.c handles saving all globals on stack unwind. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Leave unreachable bootstrap elements on stacks. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: new properties format string:equal?, string-append!. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Only scan for 2 or 3 digits for numeric char escapes. BOX -> make, UNBOX -> unbox. Typecheck incoming char in string.c. Added and behaviors. :length is not boxed. array and length are no longer boxed. Added support for C string escape sequences. Added support for # digits. Added preliminary #e and #i specifier support. PUBLISH:ll0.2 :string->number: Bug in conversion of alpha digits to digit value. Check for fixnum overflow. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol.c: Formatting. new properties format Added new ll:hashstats. New inits. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. _ll_make_symbol() now handles ll_f name properly. _ll_symbol_name typechecks now. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Escape EQ to =, not ==. :symbol->string: make name immutable. Added %gensym primitive. PUBLISH:ll0.2 ll_g() is no longer a lval. 'P' escapes to '%', 'P' stands for Percent. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New version. Use _ll_deftype_slot. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format do special form debugging. CHECKPOINT Missing rparen in let* macro. Make ll_quote extern. Implemented locative transforms. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Implmented quasiquote. Added all basic syntax stuff from R5RS. Removed old set! and define rewrites. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Reimplemented APPEND_BEGIN(), APPEND() macros. Added macros for let, let*, letrec, and, or. (-) is undefined. (define () ...) doesn't mean anything but (define (foo . bar) ...) does. Moved fluid macro to fluid.c. Implemented (make-locative ( . )) => ((locater ) . ). Added define-macro macro. Formatting. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/test.gdb: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/testold.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/toplevel.c: Minor whitespace changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Minor changes. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level. Added #^, #V read macros for history. ll:top-level-* is now ll:top-level:*. Added ll:top-level:exprs, ll:top-level:results for interactive history. Use new readline protocol. Insert leading space in top-level prompts for visibility. Moved top-level code from load.c. src/ll/trace.c: new properties format Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Minor changes. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/type.c: Fixed slot offset initialization method. Added missing write barriers. Doc strings. new properties format type:initialize can take options documention, has properties. CHECKPOINT more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Allow more type slot definitions. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Initialize readline after other ports. Use immutable cons for critical type structures. Use new _ll_deftype* macros. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Be sure to init before . debug:init::type is now debug:init:type. Make type variables readonly after init. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/type.h: try again Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Prepare to swap type.h types.h. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added new properties-mixin. binding is now a properties-mixin. %ir is now a properties-mixin. method is now a properties-mixin. Reordered fluid-bindings slot in catch. binding now uses a locative to point to the value slot. Added locatable-operation support. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. Removed :minargc, maxargc. Added :top-wired? option. Added :default-exit-value slot. Added type. New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. :tester for ? operations added.. :minargc, maxargc are no longer boxed. :length is now longer boxed. :kind removed. :ar added. added. added. ll_e() error types added. added. Make :argc an int to avoid repeated boxing and unboxing. Added and . is , is . is a . is now a . ll_ARGV is now stored in the activation record to support stack backtracing. PUBLISH:ll0.2 is now . Added top-wired? decls. Added mutable sequence types. Added type for new environment impl. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . eventually inherits from . Minor comment changes. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/types.h: Comments. Comment changes. Other changes. CHECKPOINT try again Prepare to swap type.h types.h. New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/undef.c: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_g() is no longer a lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/value.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Added preliminary ct_v support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New value.h. src/ll/vec.c: new properties format Improper call supers; range checking. Fixed append. CHECKPOINT Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Fixed immutable-type problem. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Send %ptr and length messages in _ll_ptr_vec() if fast type check fails. Use new immutable-type protocol. :length is no longer boxed. Use new restartable-error protocol. Implement full type and range checks. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Use new initialize-clone protocol. PUBLISH:ll0.2 super implies ll_SELF. _ll_VEC_TERM != 0. Use "string-length" or "vector-length", not "length" in append. Added new and support. set-length! and append-one! should not take rest args. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/vec.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/vector.c: Minor reformatting. new properties format CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. :length is no longer boxed. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/write.c: Whitespace. %write-shallow take optional op which is ignored. Use standard port names. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Disable recursion lock support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. Escapes quote, quasiquote, unquote and unquote-splicing. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. restargs are now named. Added locative:%write-port, immedate:%write-shallow. :length is no longer boxed. Force flonum to be printed with .0 suffix. %writePort is now %write-port. %writeContents is now %write-shallow-contents. Added :%write-shallow. :%write and :%display call :%write-shallow. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Added %writePort method for . is now . Don't use ll_tail_call to force unspecified return value. Misc changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/PKG: Added swig2def dll support. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Port to RH7.0. More swig support. Added swig support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak: Unknown edits. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/fixpound.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/lib.mak: Added swig2def dll support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Checkpoint. Port to RH7.0. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: More swig support. Added swig support. Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. Added BUILD_TARGET to BUILD_VARS. Added BUILD_VARS support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tool.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tools.mak: MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/use.mak: USE dir Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/ConfigInfo.c: Merge changes from UBS. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Merge changes from UBS. Added file.c, file.h. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. Minor fixes. Added prime.c, prime.h. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h errs.pl is now errlist.pl Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. Needs perl. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: Dont use strchr() on non-null-term strings. Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/enum.h: Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/mem.h: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from AM. New versions. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: Changes from UBS libSignal. Added new files. src/util/sigs.pl: Changes from UBS libSignal. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== Changes from release 'PUBLISH_ll0_5' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_6' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added voidP_voidP_*. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/PKG: New PKG version. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: Use HASH_MALLOC, HASH_FREE. Compare first key char before calling strcmp for speed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: Use HASH_MALLOC, HASH_FREE. Compare first key char before calling strcmp for speed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/hash.c: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Added write barrier support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Coerce hash value to unsigned int to avoid array index underflow. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash.def: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash.h: Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/hash_end.def: New rehash mechanism. Added lookup cache support. Use prime > 2 ^ n - 1 for resizing. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added lookup cache support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Checkpoint. Need curses for readline. Make sure tools get built too. Enabled -Wall. Explicitly make gc.a. Added new ll:hashstats. Added lcache.c. New inits. Automagically define CONFIG_H_VARS. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Make sure ../util/signals.h gets made. Added props.c. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added cadr.c, doc.c, sig.c. Added doc.c. Added readline.c. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. Enumerate PRODUCTS. clean: rm $(PRODUCTS). Do not compile lookup.c with debugging. Added toplevel.c. Added debug target. Added debugger.c Added errors.h ar.h and H_FILES. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c Make all O_FILES dependent on Makefile. Don't bother scanning anything except bmethod.c for ll_bc defs. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added binding.c. Add makefile targets for $(GC_LIB) Added locative.c. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/PKG: New revision. No longer requires gc_boehm. v0.12 New version. New version. New version. New version. Fixed 0,6. New version id. Added GNU readline support. Needs gnumake. New version. Bump release number: new debugger. Added CHANGES_RELEASES. PUBLISH:ll0.3 Bump version number; major fixes and features. Integrated Boehm GC. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/README: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. More documentation. Added README src/ll/TODO: New version. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. no message should be . Checkpoint. More TODO. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Misc changes. Fixed stupid errors. src/ll/ar.c: No side-effect methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Remove quotes from write. no message Added ar.c. src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: new BC stack nargs attribute. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New version. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bcompile.c: Emit slot names, not ir slot bindings; closed over vars are always in exports vector; do not emit code for magic operators. Disable internal debugging. Better checking and debugging. Added blank lines between methods. new properties format; Added ll_assert_ref()s. Changes from ion03 New stack probing. Added props, debug expr, doc string, non-tail body constant opt. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Use properties-mixin. Use new global binding protocol to support readonly globals. Added const-folding support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Properly compile body defines. Elide if branches if test is a constant. Renamed macros to not conflict with formals. New error system. ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Do not close-over globals. Use new %write-shallow-contents. (super . ) is now (super . ) Removed debugging code in :%ir-compile2-body. Fixed (if ...) compilation. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. <%ir>:initialize now defaults parent and car-pos? arguments to #f if not specified. Only car-pos lambda share code vectors. All nested lambda share const and global vectors. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Major fixes: Do not generate code to construct unreferenced rest args. Properly inline car-position lambda. Properly handle make-locative to car-position lambda formals. Do not allocate space for unreferenced car-position lambdas formals. Checkpoint. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: new properties format Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. binding uses properties-mixin. Added :binding-doc docstring support. Use new %write-shallow-contents. super implies ll_SELF! Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. src/ll/bmethod.c: Handle slot op arguments; rewrite slot as slot_ op. Whitespace. Formatting. new properties format Changes from ion03 Added more bc meter support. New stack probing, bytecode metering, dissassembler. new BC stack nargs attrib, prompt, run and dump printing, bytecode metering, debug expr, method properties. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Compute stack motion for a byte-code string. Use new global binding protocol to support readonly globals. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Use proper names for bmethod function. rtn instruction uses ll_return(x) to properly unwind stack. Added :%dump for code gen debugging. Initialize formals, alist with something tractable. _ll_make_method* should make , not . New error system. Avoid compile warnings on _ll_val_sp volatility. Avoid stack pointer side-effects. Fixed super calls. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Proper tail and super call implementation. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. glo(X) instruction is rewritten to glo_(Y) where; X is the index into the const vector for the global name (symbol), Y is the locative to the global's binding value. Added byte-codes for: 1. argument count checking. 2. rest arg list construction. 3. car-positon lambda rest arg list construction. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/bool.c: new properties format Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added not primitive. ll_g() is no longer an lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cadr.c: new properties format Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added new files. src/ll/cadr.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: Added blank lines between methods. Changes from ion03 New stack buffers. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types stack.c handles saving all globals on stack unwind. Minor changes. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). New error system. Catch application can now take 0 or 1 args. PUBLISH:ll0.2 argc must be 3 for caught body. ll_g() is no longer an lval. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Unwind fluid bindings. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: new properties format Proper ll_unboc_char, char=? methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New error system. Restart method after type and range check for integer->char. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: new properties format Other changes. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. locative-car/cdr is has no side-effect Fixed set-c[ad]r! functions. Implemented locative functions. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Fixed immutable-type problem. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Use new immutable-type/mutable-type cloning protocol. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Don't bother calling (super initialize). Distinguish and . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/constant.c: new properties format Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: Added blank lines between methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Formatting changes. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/debugger.c: Put type and method on newline for print-frame; Dont bother printing db_at_rtn. Formatting. new properties format cleaned up debugger init. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. print-frame: Print the previous frame's type and method. Use new ~N for frame display. Use :default-exit-value if none is specified by user. *prompt-read-eval* is now ll:top-level:prompt-read-eval. New functionality in debugger! Major changes to debugger. Added debugger.c src/ll/defs.pl: Added support for multi-line macros and string constants. Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/defs.sh: Other changes. CHECKPOINT Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. Check for cpp errors. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/doc.c: Formatting. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format Added new ll:hashstats. Use global ll_v vars for all ll_g bindings. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Use new binding value locative and properties-mixin. New version. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Docstring support. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Restart binding errors. ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. %macro: return #f if no binding is found. Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: new properties format Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. equal? for number is eqv?. Added ll_eqvQ. equal?: Allow immutable and mutable objects to be type compared by using imutable-type messages. Added eqv? primitive. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/error.c: Fixed error object initialize method. new properties format; ll_abort(); show caller in arg-count error. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Clean up _ll_range_error(). New _ll_typecheck_error(). Fixed :%bad-typecheck method. arg-count-recoverable-error, not arg-count-error-recoverable-error, etc. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. :values are now (key . value), not (key value). Added :error-get-value. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added return-action value strings for common errors. :initialize no longer has a 'kind' ivar. Bug in values list consing. Added :error-ar, :error-values methods. Added :handle-error, :handle-error: (fluid-let (((fluid current-error) self)), then call (debugger self). :handle-error dumps stack traces and aborts. Moved backtrace code to debugger.c. Fixed common error generation functions to use new protocol. :initialize can now take rest args as key-value pairs for values ivar init. Use new %write-shallow-contents. :handle-error now calls (%print-backtrace-and-escape self). :%default-error-handler deleted. _ll_error creates args value from ll_ARGV, not _ll_val_sp. _ll_error doesn't check for any error handler, just calls (handle-error ). Fatal errors will attempt to print op and last method implementor type. :%print-backtrace-and-escape: prints error and ar backtrace then applies (%top-level-restart). _ll_argc_count_error(), _ll_range_error(), and _ll_undefined_variable_error() returns from _ll_error() %default-error-handler deleted; unused. Initialize %top-level-restart to #f. ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. Misc changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/eval.c: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. CHECKPOINT Added eval-no-const-fold. Shortcut for eval on a constant. eval now takes an optional environment rest arg (ignored). Removed old evaluator code. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added errors.h, floatcfg.h __ll_tail_callv is now _ll_tail_callv. eval-list debug support. Use new shorter form for basic <%ir> creation. Added eval-list primitive. Cleaned up. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/fixnum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. Added bitwise ops. fixnum:number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Optimize typechecks. Fixed lcm. Preliminary lcm code. Fixed modulo. Added odd?, even?, quotent, remainder, modulo, %gcd, %lcm, numerator, denominator, floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Comment change. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/floatcfg.c: CHECKPOINT Use epsilon not rand numbers to calc error. Don't bother with all of ll.h, use value.h. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/flonum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/fluid.c: new properties format more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Restarg are now named. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). bind-%fluid will create top-level bindings after (fluid %top-level-fluid-bindings) if a previous binding is not found and value is specified. Added _ll_init_fluid_1() and _ll_init_fluid_2(). fluid binding objects are ( ), not ( . ). %fluid-bind returns old binding. (%fluid-binding ) will create a top-level fluid binding if one doesn't exist. (%fluid ) and (set-%fluid! ) will recover from . (define-%fluid ) will attempt to create a top-level fluid binding id one doesn't exist rather than do a (%fluid-bind). ll_g() is no longer a lval. %set-fluid! is now set-%fluid! to force fluid to be a . Move fluid and define-fluid macros from syntax.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/format.c: use current-output-port, not *current-output-port*; dont assume args are on stack, use va_list. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Disabled weak ptr read macro debugging. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Added ~N (named object) format. format is now ll:format. Added #p, #l weak ptr read macros. Added ~W (weak ptr) and ~L (locative) format specifiers. Disable trace in format. Use new error protocol. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Don't disable call tracing. Fixed too-many-formats error function. Added '~F' format to flush the port. Added bad-format-char error for unrecognized formats. Use %write-shallow for ~O format. ll_g() is no longer a lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Globals for primitives are no longer defined. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Scan ll_g_set() too. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/init.c: use save argv and env from main(). CHECKPOINT more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Update ll_initialized, ll_initializing. ll_init() now takes environment list. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Checkpoint. Other changes. Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: Handle #\space, #\newline. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added read macro support (CALL_MACRO_CHAR(c)). Support #e and #i number modifiers. '^' is a valid symbol character. PUBLISH:ll0.2 "=" not "=="! Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. no message Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/list.c: new properties format Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added append, memq, memv, member, assq, assv, assoc. Added ll_consQ(). Added vector->list. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. Restargs are now named. Added support for . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/ll.h: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Dont use GC by default, for testing. Formatting. Use global ll_v vars for all ll_g bindings. Broke out to prim.h. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new ll_VECTOR_LOOP_REF_FROM macro. _ll_range_error() and _ll_rangecheck() typedefs. Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. OP in ll_call*() is no longer affected by side effects to the activation record pointer. Added ll_consQ(). ll_init() now take environment list. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. ll_BOX_REF is now ll_make_ref. _nocheck_func removed. _minargc, _maxargc removed. Restargs are now named. ll_{BOX,UNBOX}_BOOL is now ll_{make,unbox}_boolean. ll_{BOX,UNBOX}_CHAR is now ll_{make,unbox}_char. Be sure to pick up ll_set_g() globals during defs.sh. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added ll_eqQ(), ll_eqvQ(). Do not clear out activation records after pop, it screws up the debugger. Move basic ll_v definitions to value.h. Added new ll_e() error type reference macros. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added new fluid binding function decls. Removed ll_CATCH_ERROR macros. ll_BOX_INT() casts to long before boxing. Make :argc an int to avoid repeated boxing and unboxing. Reorganize code. Elaborate more comments. Reference method's application function by meth->_func, not ll_SLOT(meth)[0]. Set ar's type to , not the undefined object value, after pop. Don't put super's search context on the stack; pass it directly to _ll_lookup_super(). Avoid side-effects in call primitive macros. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. Argument count errors can be returned from. Range errors can be returned from. ll_CATCH_ERROR uses %top-level-restart instead of %current-error-handler. Fixed most of the call primitive macros. ll_ARGV is now stored in the activation record to support stack backtracing. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Shorten macro operation symbol names. Define () as nil, not %%nil, it will be readonly soon enough. ll_THIS can now reference supertype ivars through super_. Global values are implemented using objects; see env.c, binding.c. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Intergrated Boehm GC. Minor comment changes. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/llt.c: ll_init() now takes environment list. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/llt.gdb: Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. no message Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/load.c: Path searching for load. Other changes. ll_LOAD_ONE. Restored :load. Move top-level code to toplevel.c. Optionally eval load expressions one at a time. *read-eval-print-loop*: Use ports for prompting. Don't print thrown error objects. load: Don't catch any errors. Don't disable call tracing. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. :load now reads entire file as a list of exprs and then compiles them all at once. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/locative.c: new properties format CHECKPOINT Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added locative-contents nop. ll_UNBOX_LOC is now ll_UNBOX_locative. Added primitive accessor methods for . src/ll/lookup.c: Service signals before initializing any variables. Added __ll_lookup(). Bigger possible argument vectors. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added _ll_method_not_found_error. Added locatable-operation support. Added typecheck for op in lookup. Cleaned up dead code. Added async signal polling. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. restargs are now named. Use ll_AR_ARGC, ll_AR_ARGV to insure proper tracing and lookup. Use new error protocol. :lookup can now take . Removed :lookup-super. Use new %write-shallow-contents. Added "ll: " to trace message. Use current ll_ARGV[0] to determine rcvr type, not _ll_val_sp[0]. _ll_lookup_super(void) is now _ll_lookup_super(ll_v super). ll_DEBUG() is no longer a lval. Added assertion for ll_ARGC >= 0 in _ll_lookup(). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/macro.c: Formatting. new properties format New stack probing. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Dont apply macro op if rcvr does not respond. Anything else is not macro-expanded. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. macro-expand1 is now macro-expand-1. Don't rewrite (set! ...) and (define ...) forms; the compiler understands them now. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. Minor changes. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Minor formatting. Do not attempt to lookup macro expander operations for non-symbol car. Properly handle zero-length arglists in :macro-expand1. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/map.c: Minor whitespace changes. New stack probing. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. restargs are now named. Watch out for stack motion side-effects. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. ll_ARGC is side-effected within __ll_callv(). Majorly stupid fixes. Added apply and for-each. Reimplemented map according to RRALS5. Added support for mutable sequences. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/mem.c: New out-of-memory-error. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Redefine malloc, etc. to GC_malloc, maybe. added mem.c src/ll/meth.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format CHECKPOINT method alist is now properties Use properties-mixin. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Reimplemented method-minargc. minargc, maxargc are removed. _minargc and _maxargc are not boxed anymore. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/named.c: Formatting. Use binding locative not value for name lookup. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Use new #p syntax. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added support for and new objects. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/nil.c: Minor whitespace changes. Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. new properties format CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_g() is no longer a lval. Initialize %fluid-bindings to nil. New mutable list support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/num.c: new properties format negative? bug. CHECKPOINT New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan operations. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c src/ll/number.c: new properties format Added max, min. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added magnitude. Faster *, + argument handling. Added gcd, lcm, read-part, imag-part, angle, =, <, >, <=, >= operators. Added +, -, * and / primitives (in conjection to the lexical optimizaitions in syntax.c). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added type size field. Fixed stupid %obj-dump bug. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. src/ll/object.c: new properties format :make-immutable has no side-effect. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New immutable-type/mutable-type protocol for equal? and cloning. Added :%get-tag method. Comment changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op.c: Whitespace. new properties format Enabled -Wall. Initialize lcache and properties. New inits. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Write protect op globals. New version. Added locatable-operation support. Added :getter. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Preliminary locative-* op support. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added ll_e() type defs. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: new properties format; More file-open-error properties. Added call-with-input-file, call-with-output-file. Use standard port names. Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Use _ll_ptr_string() where applicable. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Use new error protocol. Cast in and out of impl ivar. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added :flush primitive. PUBLISH:ll0.2 ll_g() is no longer a lval. is now so we get eof-object? for "free". Use stack allocated string for ll_write_string(). Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/posix.c: Added posix:chdir. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Fixed (posix:exit) .vs. (posix:exit ). posix:exit can now take optional exit code. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Reformatting. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prim.c: primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format; Added _ll_add_method validation. New inits. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types method alist is now properties Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. Globals for primitives are no longer defined. minargc, maxargc are removed. restargs are now named. func, minargc, maxargc are now longer boxed values. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prim.h: Define ll_PRIM_TYPE_NAME, ll_PRIM_OP_NAME for debugging printfs. primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format Enabled -Wall. New file. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Use standard port names. Comments. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added read macro support. restargs are now named. ll_UNBOX_CHAR is now ll_unbox_char. ll_BOX_CHAR is now ll_make_char. Use new error protocol. Added support for C string escape sequences. Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/readline.c: Minor reformatting. completion_matches is now rl_completion_matches. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. Added readline.c. src/ll/sig.c: Doc strings. Abort on SIGSEGV. Added new ll:hashstats. debugging. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added new files. src/ll/sig.h: ll_sig_service() never called _ll_sig_service Added new ll:hashstats. Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Disable internal debugging. Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. Fixed allocation for ptr chaining. Make default activation record stack frames bigger. New stack buffer protocol. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types stack.c handles saving all globals on stack unwind. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Leave unreachable bootstrap elements on stacks. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: new properties format string:equal?, string-append!. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Only scan for 2 or 3 digits for numeric char escapes. BOX -> make, UNBOX -> unbox. Typecheck incoming char in string.c. Added and behaviors. :length is not boxed. array and length are no longer boxed. Added support for C string escape sequences. Added support for # digits. Added preliminary #e and #i specifier support. PUBLISH:ll0.2 :string->number: Bug in conversion of alpha digits to digit value. Check for fixnum overflow. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol.c: Formatting. new properties format Added new ll:hashstats. New inits. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. _ll_make_symbol() now handles ll_f name properly. _ll_symbol_name typechecks now. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Escape EQ to =, not ==. :symbol->string: make name immutable. Added %gensym primitive. PUBLISH:ll0.2 ll_g() is no longer a lval. 'P' escapes to '%', 'P' stands for Percent. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New version. Use _ll_deftype_slot. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: Minor whitespace changes. new properties format do special form debugging. CHECKPOINT Missing rparen in let* macro. Make ll_quote extern. Implemented locative transforms. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Implmented quasiquote. Added all basic syntax stuff from R5RS. Removed old set! and define rewrites. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Reimplemented APPEND_BEGIN(), APPEND() macros. Added macros for let, let*, letrec, and, or. (-) is undefined. (define () ...) doesn't mean anything but (define (foo . bar) ...) does. Moved fluid macro to fluid.c. Implemented (make-locative ( . )) => ((locater ) . ). Added define-macro macro. Formatting. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/test.gdb: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/testold.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/toplevel.c: Minor whitespace changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Minor changes. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level. Added #^, #V read macros for history. ll:top-level-* is now ll:top-level:*. Added ll:top-level:exprs, ll:top-level:results for interactive history. Use new readline protocol. Insert leading space in top-level prompts for visibility. Moved top-level code from load.c. src/ll/trace.c: new properties format Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Minor changes. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/type.c: Fixed slot offset initialization method. Added missing write barriers. Doc strings. new properties format type:initialize can take options documention, has properties. CHECKPOINT more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Allow more type slot definitions. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Initialize readline after other ports. Use immutable cons for critical type structures. Use new _ll_deftype* macros. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Be sure to init before . debug:init::type is now debug:init:type. Make type variables readonly after init. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/type.h: try again Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Prepare to swap type.h types.h. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. method alist is now properties Added new properties-mixin. binding is now a properties-mixin. %ir is now a properties-mixin. method is now a properties-mixin. Reordered fluid-bindings slot in catch. binding now uses a locative to point to the value slot. Added locatable-operation support. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added more documentation. Preliminary envoke debugger at frame return. Removed :minargc, maxargc. Added :top-wired? option. Added :default-exit-value slot. Added type. New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. :tester for ? operations added.. :minargc, maxargc are no longer boxed. :length is now longer boxed. :kind removed. :ar added. added. added. ll_e() error types added. added. Make :argc an int to avoid repeated boxing and unboxing. Added and . is , is . is a . is now a . ll_ARGV is now stored in the activation record to support stack backtracing. PUBLISH:ll0.2 is now . Added top-wired? decls. Added mutable sequence types. Added type for new environment impl. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . eventually inherits from . Minor comment changes. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/types.h: Comments. Comment changes. Other changes. CHECKPOINT try again Prepare to swap type.h types.h. New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/undef.c: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_g() is no longer a lval. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/value.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Added preliminary ct_v support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New value.h. src/ll/vec.c: new properties format Improper call supers; range checking. Fixed append. CHECKPOINT Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Fixed immutable-type problem. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Send %ptr and length messages in _ll_ptr_vec() if fast type check fails. Use new immutable-type protocol. :length is no longer boxed. Use new restartable-error protocol. Implement full type and range checks. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Use new initialize-clone protocol. PUBLISH:ll0.2 super implies ll_SELF. _ll_VEC_TERM != 0. Use "string-length" or "vector-length", not "length" in append. Added new and support. set-length! and append-one! should not take rest args. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/vec.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/vector.c: Minor reformatting. new properties format CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. :length is no longer boxed. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/write.c: Whitespace. %write-shallow take optional op which is ignored. Use standard port names. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Disable recursion lock support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Remove '%p:' from primitive name. Print primitive code if it is a symbol. Escapes quote, quasiquote, unquote and unquote-splicing. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. restargs are now named. Added locative:%write-port, immedate:%write-shallow. :length is no longer boxed. Force flonum to be printed with .0 suffix. %writePort is now %write-port. %writeContents is now %write-shallow-contents. Added :%write-shallow. :%write and :%display call :%write-shallow. PUBLISH:ll0.2 Added %writePort method for . is now . Don't use ll_tail_call to force unspecified return value. Misc changes. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/PKG: Added swig2def dll support. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Port to RH7.0. More swig support. Added swig support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak: Unknown edits. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/fixpound.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/lib.mak: Added swig2def dll support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Checkpoint. Port to RH7.0. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: More swig support. Added swig support. Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. Added BUILD_TARGET to BUILD_VARS. Added BUILD_VARS support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tool.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tools.mak: MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/use.mak: USE dir Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/ConfigInfo.c: Merge changes from UBS. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Merge changes from UBS. Added file.c, file.h. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. Minor fixes. Added prime.c, prime.h. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h errs.pl is now errlist.pl Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. Needs perl. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: Dont use strchr() on non-null-term strings. Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/enum.h: Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/mem.h: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from AM. New versions. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: Changes from UBS libSignal. Added new files. src/util/sigs.pl: Changes from UBS libSignal. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== Changes from release 'PUBLISH_ll0_4' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_5' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added rcs ids. src/hash/PKG: Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: src/hash/hash.c: src/hash/hash.def: src/hash/hash.h: src/hash/hash_end.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added rcs ids. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. Enumerate PRODUCTS. clean: rm $(PRODUCTS). Do not compile lookup.c with debugging. Added toplevel.c. Added debug target. src/ll/PKG: Needs gnumake. New version. Bump release number: new debugger. src/ll/README: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. More documentation. Added README src/ll/TODO: no message src/ll/ar.c: Remove quotes from write. no message src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/bcompile.c: New error system. ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: Use new %write-shallow-contents. src/ll/bmethod.c: New error system. src/ll/bool.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added not primitive. src/ll/cadr.c: new properties format Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added new files. src/ll/cadr.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). New error system. Catch application can now take 0 or 1 args. src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: New error system. Restart method after type and range check for integer->char. src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: Use new immutable-type/mutable-type cloning protocol. src/ll/constant.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: Formatting changes. src/ll/debugger.c: New functionality in debugger! Major changes to debugger. src/ll/defs.pl: src/ll/defs.sh: Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. src/ll/doc.c: Formatting. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Restart binding errors. src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: equal?: Allow immutable and mutable objects to be type compared by using imutable-type messages. src/ll/error.c: :values are now (key . value), not (key value). Added :error-get-value. ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added return-action value strings for common errors. :initialize no longer has a 'kind' ivar. Bug in values list consing. Added :error-ar, :error-values methods. Added :handle-error, :handle-error: (fluid-let (((fluid current-error) self)), then call (debugger self). :handle-error dumps stack traces and aborts. Moved backtrace code to debugger.c. Fixed common error generation functions to use new protocol. src/ll/eval.c: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/fixnum.c: Preliminary lcm code. src/ll/floatcfg.c: Don't bother with all of ll.h, use value.h. src/ll/flonum.c: Added floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. src/ll/fluid.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). bind-%fluid will create top-level bindings after (fluid %top-level-fluid-bindings) if a previous binding is not found and value is specified. Added _ll_init_fluid_1() and _ll_init_fluid_2(). src/ll/format.c: Added ~W (weak ptr) and ~L (locative) format specifiers. Disable trace in format. Use new error protocol. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. src/ll/global.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Scan ll_g_set() too. src/ll/init.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: Support #e and #i number modifiers. src/ll/list.c: Added support for . src/ll/ll.h: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Added ll_eqQ(), ll_eqvQ(). Do not clear out activation records after pop, it screws up the debugger. Move basic ll_v definitions to value.h. Added new ll_e() error type reference macros. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added new fluid binding function decls. Removed ll_CATCH_ERROR macros. src/ll/llt.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/llt.gdb: no message src/ll/load.c: Move top-level code to toplevel.c. src/ll/locative.c: Added primitive accessor methods for . src/ll/lookup.c: Use ll_AR_ARGC, ll_AR_ARGV to insure proper tracing and lookup. Use new error protocol. :lookup can now take . Removed :lookup-super. src/ll/macro.c: Minor changes. src/ll/map.c: Watch out for stack motion side-effects. src/ll/mem.c: added mem.c src/ll/meth.c: _minargc and _maxargc are not boxed anymore. src/ll/named.c: Added support for and new objects. src/ll/nil.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_g() is no longer a lval. src/ll/num.c: Added exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan operations. src/ll/number.c: Added gcd, lcm, read-part, imag-part, angle, =, <, >, <=, >= operators. src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added type size field. Fixed stupid %obj-dump bug. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. src/ll/object.c: New immutable-type/mutable-type protocol for equal? and cloning. Added :%get-tag method. src/ll/op.c: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/op.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Added ll_e() type defs. src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Use new error protocol. Cast in and out of impl ivar. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. src/ll/posix.c: Fixed (posix:exit) .vs. (posix:exit ). src/ll/prim.c: func, minargc, maxargc are now longer boxed values. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. src/ll/prim.h: Define ll_PRIM_TYPE_NAME, ll_PRIM_OP_NAME for debugging printfs. primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format Enabled -Wall. New file. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Use new error protocol. src/ll/readline.c: Minor reformatting. completion_matches is now rl_completion_matches. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. Added readline.c. src/ll/sig.c: Doc strings. Abort on SIGSEGV. Added new ll:hashstats. debugging. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added new files. src/ll/sig.h: ll_sig_service() never called _ll_sig_service Added new ll:hashstats. Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: :length is not boxed. array and length are no longer boxed. src/ll/symbol.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). Escape EQ to =, not ==. src/ll/symbol.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: Use _ll_deftype_slot. src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: Reimplemented APPEND_BEGIN(), APPEND() macros. Added macros for let, let*, letrec, and, or. src/ll/test.gdb: src/ll/testold.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/toplevel.c: Insert leading space in top-level prompts for visibility. Moved top-level code from load.c. src/ll/trace.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/type.c: Use immutable cons for critical type structures. Use new _ll_deftype* macros. src/ll/type.h: New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. :tester for ? operations added.. :minargc, maxargc are no longer boxed. :length is now longer boxed. :kind removed. :ar added. added. added. ll_e() error types added. added. src/ll/types.h: New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. src/ll/undef.c: ll_g_set() is now ll_set_g(). ll_g() is no longer a lval. src/ll/value.h: New value.h. src/ll/vec.c: Use new immutable-type protocol. :length is no longer boxed. Use new restartable-error protocol. Implement full type and range checks. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Use new initialize-clone protocol. src/ll/vec.h: Added rcs ids. src/ll/vector.c: :length is no longer boxed. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. src/ll/write.c: Added locative:%write-port, immedate:%write-shallow. :length is no longer boxed. src/maks/PKG: Added swig2def dll support. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Port to RH7.0. More swig support. Added swig support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak: Unknown edits. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/fixpound.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/lib.mak: Added swig2def dll support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Checkpoint. Port to RH7.0. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: More swig support. Added swig support. Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. Added BUILD_TARGET to BUILD_VARS. Added BUILD_VARS support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tool.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tools.mak: MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/use.mak: USE dir Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/ConfigInfo.c: Merge changes from UBS. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Merge changes from UBS. Added file.c, file.h. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. Minor fixes. Added prime.c, prime.h. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h errs.pl is now errlist.pl Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. Needs perl. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: Dont use strchr() on non-null-term strings. Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/enum.h: Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/mem.h: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from AM. New versions. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: Changes from UBS libSignal. Added new files. src/util/sigs.pl: Changes from UBS libSignal. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== Changes from release 'PUBLISH_ll0_3' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_4' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added rcs ids. src/hash/PKG: Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: src/hash/hash.c: src/hash/hash.def: src/hash/hash.h: src/hash/hash_end.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added rcs ids. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: Added toplevel.c. Added debug target. Added debugger.c Added errors.h ar.h and H_FILES. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c Make all O_FILES dependent on Makefile. Don't bother scanning anything except bmethod.c for ll_bc defs. src/ll/PKG: Bump release number: new debugger. Added CHANGES_RELEASES. src/ll/README: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. More documentation. Added README src/ll/TODO: no message should be . Checkpoint. src/ll/ar.c: No side-effect methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Remove quotes from write. no message Added ar.c. src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/bcompile.c: New error system. ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Do not close-over globals. Use new %write-shallow-contents. (super . ) is now (super . ) src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: Use new %write-shallow-contents. src/ll/bmethod.c: New error system. Avoid compile warnings on _ll_val_sp volatility. Avoid stack pointer side-effects. Fixed super calls. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. src/ll/bool.c: Added not primitive. src/ll/cadr.c: new properties format Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added new files. src/ll/cadr.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: New error system. Catch application can now take 0 or 1 args. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: New error system. Restart method after type and range check for integer->char. Added rcs ids. src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: Use new immutable-type/mutable-type cloning protocol. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/constant.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: Formatting changes. src/ll/debugger.c: Put type and method on newline for print-frame; Dont bother printing db_at_rtn. Formatting. new properties format cleaned up debugger init. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. print-frame: Print the previous frame's type and method. Use new ~N for frame display. Use :default-exit-value if none is specified by user. *prompt-read-eval* is now ll:top-level:prompt-read-eval. New functionality in debugger! Major changes to debugger. Added debugger.c src/ll/defs.pl: Added support for multi-line macros and string constants. Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/defs.sh: Added -s option to turn on source line tracking. Check for cpp errors. src/ll/doc.c: Formatting. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: ll_BOX_PTR() obolesed. Restart binding errors. ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. %macro: return #f if no binding is found. src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: equal?: Allow immutable and mutable objects to be type compared by using imutable-type messages. Added eqv? primitive. Added rcs ids. src/ll/error.c: :initialize no longer has a 'kind' ivar. Bug in values list consing. Added :error-ar, :error-values methods. Added :handle-error, :handle-error: (fluid-let (((fluid current-error) self)), then call (debugger self). :handle-error dumps stack traces and aborts. Moved backtrace code to debugger.c. Fixed common error generation functions to use new protocol. :initialize can now take rest args as key-value pairs for values ivar init. Use new %write-shallow-contents. :handle-error now calls (%print-backtrace-and-escape self). :%default-error-handler deleted. _ll_error creates args value from ll_ARGV, not _ll_val_sp. _ll_error doesn't check for any error handler, just calls (handle-error ). Fatal errors will attempt to print op and last method implementor type. :%print-backtrace-and-escape: prints error and ar backtrace then applies (%top-level-restart). _ll_argc_count_error(), _ll_range_error(), and _ll_undefined_variable_error() returns from _ll_error() %default-error-handler deleted; unused. Initialize %top-level-restart to #f. src/ll/eval.c: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h __ll_tail_callv is now _ll_tail_callv. eval-list debug support. src/ll/fixnum.c: Preliminary lcm code. Fixed modulo. Added odd?, even?, quotent, remainder, modulo, %gcd, %lcm, numerator, denominator, floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/floatcfg.c: Don't bother with all of ll.h, use value.h. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/flonum.c: Added floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/fluid.c: bind-%fluid will create top-level bindings after (fluid %top-level-fluid-bindings) if a previous binding is not found and value is specified. Added _ll_init_fluid_1() and _ll_init_fluid_2(). fluid binding objects are ( ), not ( . ). %fluid-bind returns old binding. (%fluid-binding ) will create a top-level fluid binding if one doesn't exist. (%fluid ) and (set-%fluid! ) will recover from . (define-%fluid ) will attempt to create a top-level fluid binding id one doesn't exist rather than do a (%fluid-bind). ll_g() is no longer a lval. src/ll/format.c: Use new error protocol. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Don't disable call tracing. Fixed too-many-formats error function. Added '~F' format to flush the port. Added bad-format-char error for unrecognized formats. Use %write-shallow for ~O format. src/ll/global.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: Scan ll_g_set() too. src/ll/init.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: Support #e and #i number modifiers. '^' is a valid symbol character. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/list.c: Added support for . src/ll/ll.h: Move basic ll_v definitions to value.h. Added new ll_e() error type reference macros. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added new fluid binding function decls. Removed ll_CATCH_ERROR macros. ll_BOX_INT() casts to long before boxing. Make :argc an int to avoid repeated boxing and unboxing. Reorganize code. Elaborate more comments. Reference method's application function by meth->_func, not ll_SLOT(meth)[0]. Set ar's type to , not the undefined object value, after pop. Don't put super's search context on the stack; pass it directly to _ll_lookup_super(). Avoid side-effects in call primitive macros. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. Argument count errors can be returned from. Range errors can be returned from. ll_CATCH_ERROR uses %top-level-restart instead of %current-error-handler. Fixed most of the call primitive macros. src/ll/llt.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/llt.gdb: no message Added rcs ids. src/ll/load.c: Move top-level code to toplevel.c. Optionally eval load expressions one at a time. *read-eval-print-loop*: Use ports for prompting. Don't print thrown error objects. load: Don't catch any errors. Don't disable call tracing. src/ll/locative.c: Added primitive accessor methods for . src/ll/lookup.c: Use new error protocol. :lookup can now take . Removed :lookup-super. Use new %write-shallow-contents. Added "ll: " to trace message. Use current ll_ARGV[0] to determine rcvr type, not _ll_val_sp[0]. _ll_lookup_super(void) is now _ll_lookup_super(ll_v super). src/ll/macro.c: Minor changes. src/ll/map.c: Watch out for stack motion side-effects. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/mem.c: added mem.c src/ll/meth.c: _minargc and _maxargc are not boxed anymore. Added rcs ids. src/ll/named.c: Added support for and new objects. src/ll/nil.c: ll_g() is no longer a lval. src/ll/num.c: new properties format negative? bug. CHECKPOINT New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan operations. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c src/ll/number.c: Added gcd, lcm, read-part, imag-part, angle, =, <, >, <=, >= operators. Added +, -, * and / primitives (in conjection to the lexical optimizaitions in syntax.c). src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added type size field. Fixed stupid %obj-dump bug. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. src/ll/object.c: New immutable-type/mutable-type protocol for equal? and cloning. Added :%get-tag method. Comment changes. src/ll/op.c: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/op.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Added ll_e() type defs. Added rcs ids. src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: Use new error protocol. Cast in and out of impl ivar. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added :flush primitive. src/ll/posix.c: Fixed (posix:exit) .vs. (posix:exit ). posix:exit can now take optional exit code. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Reformatting. src/ll/prim.c: func, minargc, maxargc are now longer boxed values. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added rcs ids. src/ll/prim.h: Define ll_PRIM_TYPE_NAME, ll_PRIM_OP_NAME for debugging printfs. primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format Enabled -Wall. New file. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Use new error protocol. Added support for C string escape sequences. Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. src/ll/readline.c: Minor reformatting. completion_matches is now rl_completion_matches. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. Added readline.c. src/ll/sig.c: Doc strings. Abort on SIGSEGV. Added new ll:hashstats. debugging. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added new files. src/ll/sig.h: ll_sig_service() never called _ll_sig_service Added new ll:hashstats. Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: array and length are no longer boxed. Added support for C string escape sequences. Added support for # digits. Added preliminary #e and #i specifier support. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/symbol.c: Escape EQ to =, not ==. :symbol->string: make name immutable. Added %gensym primitive. src/ll/symbol.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: Use _ll_deftype_slot. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: Reimplemented APPEND_BEGIN(), APPEND() macros. Added macros for let, let*, letrec, and, or. src/ll/test.gdb: src/ll/testold.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/toplevel.c: Minor whitespace changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Minor changes. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level. Added #^, #V read macros for history. ll:top-level-* is now ll:top-level:*. Added ll:top-level:exprs, ll:top-level:results for interactive history. Use new readline protocol. Insert leading space in top-level prompts for visibility. Moved top-level code from load.c. src/ll/trace.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/type.c: Use new _ll_deftype* macros. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/type.h: New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. :tester for ? operations added.. :minargc, maxargc are no longer boxed. :length is now longer boxed. :kind removed. :ar added. added. added. ll_e() error types added. added. Make :argc an int to avoid repeated boxing and unboxing. Added and . is , is . is a . is now a . src/ll/types.h: New _ll_deftype macros to support ll_e() error types. Added rcs ids. src/ll/undef.c: ll_g() is no longer a lval. src/ll/value.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Added preliminary ct_v support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New value.h. src/ll/vec.c: Use new immutable-type protocol. :length is no longer boxed. Use new restartable-error protocol. Implement full type and range checks. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Use new initialize-clone protocol. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/vec.h: Added rcs ids. src/ll/vector.c: :length is no longer boxed. ll_BOX_PTR() obsolesed. Added rcs ids. src/ll/write.c: :length is no longer boxed. Force flonum to be printed with .0 suffix. %writePort is now %write-port. %writeContents is now %write-shallow-contents. Added :%write-shallow. :%write and :%display call :%write-shallow. src/maks/PKG: Added swig2def dll support. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Port to RH7.0. More swig support. Added swig support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak: Unknown edits. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/fixpound.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/lib.mak: Added swig2def dll support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Checkpoint. Port to RH7.0. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: More swig support. Added swig support. Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. Added BUILD_TARGET to BUILD_VARS. Added BUILD_VARS support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tool.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tools.mak: MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/use.mak: USE dir Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/ConfigInfo.c: Merge changes from UBS. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Merge changes from UBS. Added file.c, file.h. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. Minor fixes. Added prime.c, prime.h. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h errs.pl is now errlist.pl Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. Needs perl. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: Dont use strchr() on non-null-term strings. Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/enum.h: Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/mem.h: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from AM. New versions. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: Changes from UBS libSignal. Added new files. src/util/sigs.pl: Changes from UBS libSignal. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== Changes from release 'PUBLISH_ll0_2' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_3' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added rcs ids. src/hash/PKG: Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: src/hash/hash.c: src/hash/hash.def: src/hash/hash.h: src/hash/hash_end.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added rcs ids. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: Make all O_FILES dependent on Makefile. Don't bother scanning anything except bmethod.c for ll_bc defs. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/PKG: Added CHANGES_RELEASES. PUBLISH:ll0.3 Bump version number; major fixes and features. src/ll/README: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. More documentation. Added README src/ll/TODO: Checkpoint. src/ll/ar.c: No side-effect methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Remove quotes from write. no message Added ar.c. src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/bcompile.c: Use new %write-shallow-contents. (super . ) is now (super . ) Removed debugging code in :%ir-compile2-body. src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: Use new %write-shallow-contents. super implies ll_SELF! src/ll/bmethod.c: Fixed super calls. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/bool.c: Added not primitive. ll_g() is no longer an lval. src/ll/cadr.c: new properties format Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added new files. src/ll/cadr.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/constant.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: Formatting changes. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/debugger.c: Put type and method on newline for print-frame; Dont bother printing db_at_rtn. Formatting. new properties format cleaned up debugger init. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. print-frame: Print the previous frame's type and method. Use new ~N for frame display. Use :default-exit-value if none is specified by user. *prompt-read-eval* is now ll:top-level:prompt-read-eval. New functionality in debugger! Major changes to debugger. Added debugger.c src/ll/defs.pl: Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/defs.sh: Check for cpp errors. src/ll/doc.c: Formatting. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. %macro: return #f if no binding is found. src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/error.c: :initialize can now take rest args as key-value pairs for values ivar init. Use new %write-shallow-contents. :handle-error now calls (%print-backtrace-and-escape self). :%default-error-handler deleted. _ll_error creates args value from ll_ARGV, not _ll_val_sp. _ll_error doesn't check for any error handler, just calls (handle-error ). Fatal errors will attempt to print op and last method implementor type. :%print-backtrace-and-escape: prints error and ar backtrace then applies (%top-level-restart). _ll_argc_count_error(), _ll_range_error(), and _ll_undefined_variable_error() returns from _ll_error() %default-error-handler deleted; unused. Initialize %top-level-restart to #f. ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. src/ll/eval.c: __ll_tail_callv is now _ll_tail_callv. eval-list debug support. src/ll/fixnum.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/floatcfg.c: CHECKPOINT Use epsilon not rand numbers to calc error. Don't bother with all of ll.h, use value.h. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/flonum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/fluid.c: ll_g() is no longer a lval. src/ll/format.c: Don't disable call tracing. Fixed too-many-formats error function. Added '~F' format to flush the port. Added bad-format-char error for unrecognized formats. Use %write-shallow for ~O format. ll_g() is no longer a lval. src/ll/global.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: Scan ll_g_set() too. src/ll/init.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Checkpoint. Other changes. Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/list.c: Added support for . src/ll/ll.h: Reorganize code. Elaborate more comments. Reference method's application function by meth->_func, not ll_SLOT(meth)[0]. Set ar's type to , not the undefined object value, after pop. Don't put super's search context on the stack; pass it directly to _ll_lookup_super(). Avoid side-effects in call primitive macros. _ll_pfx_* is now _ll_pf_*. Argument count errors can be returned from. Range errors can be returned from. ll_CATCH_ERROR uses %top-level-restart instead of %current-error-handler. Fixed most of the call primitive macros. ll_ARGV is now stored in the activation record to support stack backtracing. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/llt.c: src/ll/llt.gdb: Added rcs ids. src/ll/load.c: *read-eval-print-loop*: Use ports for prompting. Don't print thrown error objects. load: Don't catch any errors. Don't disable call tracing. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/locative.c: Added primitive accessor methods for . src/ll/lookup.c: Use new %write-shallow-contents. Added "ll: " to trace message. Use current ll_ARGV[0] to determine rcvr type, not _ll_val_sp[0]. _ll_lookup_super(void) is now _ll_lookup_super(ll_v super). ll_DEBUG() is no longer a lval. src/ll/macro.c: Minor changes. Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/map.c: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/mem.c: added mem.c src/ll/meth.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/named.c: Added support for and new objects. src/ll/nil.c: ll_g() is no longer a lval. src/ll/num.c: new properties format negative? bug. CHECKPOINT New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan operations. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c src/ll/number.c: Added +, -, * and / primitives (in conjection to the lexical optimizaitions in syntax.c). src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added type size field. Fixed stupid %obj-dump bug. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. src/ll/object.c: Comment changes. src/ll/op.c: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/op.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Added rcs ids. src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: Added :flush primitive. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/posix.c: Reformatting. src/ll/prim.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/prim.h: Define ll_PRIM_TYPE_NAME, ll_PRIM_OP_NAME for debugging printfs. primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format Enabled -Wall. New file. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. src/ll/readline.c: Minor reformatting. completion_matches is now rl_completion_matches. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. Added readline.c. src/ll/sig.c: Doc strings. Abort on SIGSEGV. Added new ll:hashstats. debugging. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added new files. src/ll/sig.h: ll_sig_service() never called _ll_sig_service Added new ll:hashstats. Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/symbol.c: :symbol->string: make name immutable. Added %gensym primitive. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/symbol.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: Reimplemented APPEND_BEGIN(), APPEND() macros. Added macros for let, let*, letrec, and, or. (-) is undefined. src/ll/test.gdb: src/ll/testold.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/toplevel.c: Minor whitespace changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Minor changes. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level. Added #^, #V read macros for history. ll:top-level-* is now ll:top-level:*. Added ll:top-level:exprs, ll:top-level:results for interactive history. Use new readline protocol. Insert leading space in top-level prompts for visibility. Moved top-level code from load.c. src/ll/trace.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/type.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/type.h: is now a . ll_ARGV is now stored in the activation record to support stack backtracing. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/types.h: Added rcs ids. src/ll/undef.c: ll_g() is no longer a lval. src/ll/value.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Added preliminary ct_v support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New value.h. src/ll/vec.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/ll/vec.h: src/ll/vector.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/write.c: %writePort is now %write-port. %writeContents is now %write-shallow-contents. Added :%write-shallow. :%write and :%display call :%write-shallow. PUBLISH:ll0.2 src/maks/PKG: Added swig2def dll support. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Port to RH7.0. More swig support. Added swig support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak: Unknown edits. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/fixpound.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/lib.mak: Added swig2def dll support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Checkpoint. Port to RH7.0. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: More swig support. Added swig support. Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. Added BUILD_TARGET to BUILD_VARS. Added BUILD_VARS support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tool.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tools.mak: MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/use.mak: USE dir Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/ConfigInfo.c: Merge changes from UBS. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Merge changes from UBS. Added file.c, file.h. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. Minor fixes. Added prime.c, prime.h. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h errs.pl is now errlist.pl Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. Needs perl. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: Dont use strchr() on non-null-term strings. Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/enum.h: Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/mem.h: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from AM. New versions. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: Changes from UBS libSignal. Added new files. src/util/sigs.pl: Changes from UBS libSignal. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== Changes from release 'PUBLISH_ll0_1' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_2' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added rcs ids. src/hash/PKG: Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: src/hash/hash.c: src/hash/hash.def: src/hash/hash.h: src/hash/hash_end.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added rcs ids. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: PUBLISH:ll0.2 Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added binding.c. Add makefile targets for $(GC_LIB) Added locative.c. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. src/ll/PKG: Bump version number; major fixes and features. Integrated Boehm GC. Fixed stupid errors. src/ll/README: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. More documentation. Added README src/ll/TODO: Checkpoint. More TODO. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Misc changes. Fixed stupid errors. src/ll/ar.c: No side-effect methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Remove quotes from write. no message Added ar.c. src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. Added rcs ids. src/ll/bcompile.c: Removed debugging code in :%ir-compile2-body. Fixed (if ...) compilation. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. <%ir>:initialize now defaults parent and car-pos? arguments to #f if not specified. Only car-pos lambda share code vectors. All nested lambda share const and global vectors. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Major fixes: Do not generate code to construct unreferenced rest args. Properly inline car-position lambda. Properly handle make-locative to car-position lambda formals. Do not allocate space for unreferenced car-position lambdas formals. Checkpoint. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: new properties format Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. binding uses properties-mixin. Added :binding-doc docstring support. Use new %write-shallow-contents. super implies ll_SELF! Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. src/ll/bmethod.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 Proper tail and super call implementation. ll_bc(NAME) is now ll_bc(NAME,NARGS) to allow easier bytecode disassembly. glo(X) instruction is rewritten to glo_(Y) where; X is the index into the const vector for the global name (symbol), Y is the locative to the global's binding value. Added byte-codes for: 1. argument count checking. 2. rest arg list construction. 3. car-positon lambda rest arg list construction. Added rcs ids. src/ll/bool.c: ll_g() is no longer an lval. Added rcs ids. src/ll/cadr.c: new properties format Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added new files. src/ll/cadr.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 argc must be 3 for caught body. ll_g() is no longer an lval. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Unwind fluid bindings. Added rcs ids. src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 Don't bother calling (super initialize). Distinguish and . Added rcs ids. src/ll/constant.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added rcs ids. src/ll/debugger.c: Put type and method on newline for print-frame; Dont bother printing db_at_rtn. Formatting. new properties format cleaned up debugger init. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. print-frame: Print the previous frame's type and method. Use new ~N for frame display. Use :default-exit-value if none is specified by user. *prompt-read-eval* is now ll:top-level:prompt-read-eval. New functionality in debugger! Major changes to debugger. Added debugger.c src/ll/defs.pl: Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/defs.sh: Check for cpp errors. Added rcs ids. src/ll/doc.c: Formatting. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. %macro: return #f if no binding is found. Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. Added rcs ids. src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/error.c: ll_g() is no longer an lval. super implies ll_SELF. Misc changes. Added rcs ids. src/ll/eval.c: __ll_tail_callv is now _ll_tail_callv. eval-list debug support. Use new shorter form for basic <%ir> creation. Added eval-list primitive. Cleaned up. Added rcs ids. src/ll/fixnum.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 Comment change. Added rcs ids. src/ll/floatcfg.c: CHECKPOINT Use epsilon not rand numbers to calc error. Don't bother with all of ll.h, use value.h. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/flonum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/fluid.c: ll_g() is no longer a lval. %set-fluid! is now set-%fluid! to force fluid to be a . Move fluid and define-fluid macros from syntax.c. Added rcs ids. src/ll/format.c: ll_g() is no longer a lval. Added rcs ids. src/ll/global.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: Scan ll_g_set() too. Added rcs ids. src/ll/init.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Checkpoint. Other changes. Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 "=" not "=="! Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. src/ll/list.c: Added support for . Added rcs ids. src/ll/ll.h: PUBLISH:ll0.2 Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Shorten macro operation symbol names. Define () as nil, not %%nil, it will be readonly soon enough. ll_THIS can now reference supertype ivars through super_. Global values are implemented using objects; see env.c, binding.c. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Intergrated Boehm GC. Minor comment changes. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. src/ll/llt.c: src/ll/llt.gdb: Added rcs ids. src/ll/load.c: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. :load now reads entire file as a list of exprs and then compiles them all at once. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. src/ll/locative.c: new properties format CHECKPOINT Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added locative-contents nop. ll_UNBOX_LOC is now ll_UNBOX_locative. Added primitive accessor methods for . src/ll/lookup.c: ll_DEBUG() is no longer a lval. Added assertion for ll_ARGC >= 0 in _ll_lookup(). Added rcs ids. src/ll/macro.c: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Minor formatting. Do not attempt to lookup macro expander operations for non-symbol car. Properly handle zero-length arglists in :macro-expand1. Added rcs ids. src/ll/map.c: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. ll_ARGC is side-effected within __ll_callv(). Majorly stupid fixes. Added apply and for-each. Reimplemented map according to RRALS5. Added support for mutable sequences. Added rcs ids. src/ll/mem.c: New out-of-memory-error. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Redefine malloc, etc. to GC_malloc, maybe. added mem.c src/ll/meth.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/named.c: Added support for and new objects. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. src/ll/nil.c: ll_g() is no longer a lval. Initialize %fluid-bindings to nil. New mutable list support. Added rcs ids. src/ll/num.c: new properties format negative? bug. CHECKPOINT New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan operations. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c src/ll/number.c: Added +, -, * and / primitives (in conjection to the lexical optimizaitions in syntax.c). Added rcs ids. src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added type size field. Fixed stupid %obj-dump bug. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. src/ll/object.c: Comment changes. Added rcs ids. src/ll/op.c: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Preliminary locative-* op support. Added rcs ids. src/ll/op.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Added rcs ids. src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 ll_g() is no longer a lval. is now so we get eof-object? for "free". Use stack allocated string for ll_write_string(). Added rcs ids. src/ll/posix.c: Reformatting. Added rcs ids. src/ll/prim.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/prim.h: Define ll_PRIM_TYPE_NAME, ll_PRIM_OP_NAME for debugging printfs. primitive alist is now properties. Added doc strings. new properties format Enabled -Wall. New file. Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Added support for immutable cons, vector and string. Added rcs ids. src/ll/readline.c: Minor reformatting. completion_matches is now rl_completion_matches. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. Added readline.c. src/ll/sig.c: Doc strings. Abort on SIGSEGV. Added new ll:hashstats. debugging. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added new files. src/ll/sig.h: ll_sig_service() never called _ll_sig_service Added new ll:hashstats. Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . Added rcs ids. src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 :string->number: Bug in conversion of alpha digits to digit value. Check for fixnum overflow. Added rcs ids. src/ll/symbol.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 ll_g() is no longer a lval. 'P' escapes to '%', 'P' stands for Percent. Added rcs ids. src/ll/symbol.h: Removed temporary files Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: Renamed low level send macros. ll_g() and ll_DEBUG() are no longer lvals, use ll_g_set() and ll_DEBUG_SET(). Simplified build by creating dummy DEFS files for bootstrapping. string.o vector.o depend on vec.c. Added rcs ids. src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: (-) is undefined. (define () ...) doesn't mean anything but (define (foo . bar) ...) does. Moved fluid macro to fluid.c. Implemented (make-locative ( . )) => ((locater ) . ). Added define-macro macro. Formatting. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. src/ll/test.gdb: src/ll/testold.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/toplevel.c: Minor whitespace changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Minor changes. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level. Added #^, #V read macros for history. ll:top-level-* is now ll:top-level:*. Added ll:top-level:exprs, ll:top-level:results for interactive history. Use new readline protocol. Insert leading space in top-level prompts for visibility. Moved top-level code from load.c. src/ll/trace.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/type.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 Be sure to init before . debug:init::type is now debug:init:type. Make type variables readonly after init. Added rcs ids. src/ll/type.h: PUBLISH:ll0.2 is now . Added top-wired? decls. Added mutable sequence types. Added type for new environment impl. Added simple history mechanism. Added stack pointer unwinding to catch. , and are mixins and are not subtypes of . eventually inherits from . Minor comment changes. Added rcs ids. src/ll/types.h: Added rcs ids. src/ll/undef.c: ll_g() is no longer a lval. Added rcs ids. src/ll/value.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Added preliminary ct_v support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New value.h. src/ll/vec.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 super implies ll_SELF. _ll_VEC_TERM != 0. Use "string-length" or "vector-length", not "length" in append. Added new and support. set-length! and append-one! should not take rest args. Checkpoint. Added rcs ids. src/ll/vec.h: src/ll/vector.c: Added rcs ids. src/ll/write.c: PUBLISH:ll0.2 Added %writePort method for . is now . Don't use ll_tail_call to force unspecified return value. Misc changes. Added rcs ids. src/maks/PKG: Added swig2def dll support. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Port to RH7.0. More swig support. Added swig support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak: Unknown edits. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/fixpound.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/lib.mak: Added swig2def dll support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Checkpoint. Port to RH7.0. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: More swig support. Added swig support. Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. Added BUILD_TARGET to BUILD_VARS. Added BUILD_VARS support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tool.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tools.mak: MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/use.mak: USE dir Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/ConfigInfo.c: Merge changes from UBS. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Merge changes from UBS. Added file.c, file.h. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. Minor fixes. Added prime.c, prime.h. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h errs.pl is now errlist.pl Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. Needs perl. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: Dont use strchr() on non-null-term strings. Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/enum.h: Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/mem.h: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from AM. New versions. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: Changes from UBS libSignal. Added new files. src/util/sigs.pl: Changes from UBS libSignal. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== Changes from release '' to 'PUBLISH_ll0_1' ============================================================================== src/bin/PKG: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Case insensitive filename suffix matching. Ignore .bak files REM for .bat files Added #! check point Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t1.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t2: src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t3: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/backup/t4: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/addcr.t/run: Removed addcr.t stuff. Added addcr.t/run. src/bin/addrcsid.pl: Added java support. no message Added addrcsid.pl. src/bin/ccinfo: src/bin/ccloclibs: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ctocnl.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/cuecatlibrary.pl: Checkpoint. Major changes. Initial version. src/bin/cvsadd_r: Initial. src/bin/cvschrep.pl: Added pod. Added -r option Added rcs ids. New files src/bin/cvschroot.pl: check point check point New files src/bin/cvsclean: Added cvsclean. src/bin/cvsedited: src/bin/cvsfind.pl: Added cvsclean. Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cvsfix.pl: Added cvs to CVS directory renaming. Added. src/bin/cvsretag.pl: Added cvsretag.pl src/bin/cvsrevhist.pl: PUBLISH_bin0.1 Added show_empty_entries, auto_extend_rev_ranges and collapse_comments options. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed handling of -s(how-rev-info) flag. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/cwfixlib.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/d2u.pl: ingore! use chomp instead of chop Change case of dotted names only. Added -help, -r options, ll, scm suffixes. Merged u2d.pl. Added cc and tcl support. Recognize .def files Added option handling. Added all caps renaming. Proper default ignore_pattern. Added d2u.pl. src/bin/dos2unix.c: initial src/bin/ecd: src/bin/fe: src/bin/findsource: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ifdu: src/bin/ifud: Checkpoint. src/bin/igrep: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ion_dockstatn: Initial. src/bin/ion_emacs: Checkpoint before ION07 HD backup. Always attempt to use emacsclient. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_faxview: Quote directory name. Added ion_faxview. src/bin/ion_getphoto: Initial. src/bin/ion_make: Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_open_url: minor changes. minor changes. Added ion_open_url. src/bin/ion_startx: mod: Added xinerama support for dockstatn. Export ION_STARTX_RUNNING so subshells do not try to run ion_startx. Stop ssh-agent. Start X from home directory. Fixed icon titles. Moved ion_emacs, ion_make, ion_startx to ion/src/bin. src/bin/ion_vmware: Oops with exec. Start and stop services. Do not mess with vmware services. Added ion_vmware.services support. Added ion_vmware. src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/entry.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Fixed // comment. Added cvsclean. Added clear_rlog method. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/find.pm: Fixed publish.pl. Fix INC path. Added cvsclean. New $ion::_cvs::find::show_funny_entries option. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog Fixed unknown field error msg. Changed field names. simply grow the array by assignment Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/rlog.pm: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Unlink input file and return undef if error running rlog. Force $v->{symbolic_names} to be a list. New ion::_cvs::entry.pm ion::_cvs::rlog src/bin/linkdups: src/bin/locstatic: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/lpr: Added -L support. Checkpoint. src/bin/lsup: Use . by default. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mergefiles.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mkindex: V1.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/mvr.pl: src/bin/nmlibs: src/bin/nmm: src/bin/objcsyms: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/procmailnow: Checkpoint. src/bin/publish.pl: Hackish fix for remove cvs. Minor changes. Fixed publish.pl. Added CHANGES_RELEASE logging support. Added CHANGES file support. New cvsfind.pl and cvsrevhist.pl Force cvs tag only if -force option is supplied. Print file sizes. Prepend '0' to day of month if single digit. PUBLISH:bin0.1 Fixed edit collision. PUBLISH: bin0.1 Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/sci: src/bin/scip: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/si: Filter out blank and include lines. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/split.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/swig2def.pl: Added src/bin/tablefmt.pl: Initial. src/bin/tgz: bz2 NOT b2 added more suffix patterns. tgz files use gzip not bzip. New bzip2 support. Use input redir for GUNZIP. Now supports .tar files. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/ts: Added ts. src/bin/uud: src/bin/uudindex: Added directory options. Gen .html for each image. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/which: Must be a file, too. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/whichall: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/bin/wwwgrab: Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwgrab.pl: Need Socket. Added wwwgrab. src/bin/wwwsend: Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/hash/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision src/hash/PKG: Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision src/hash/charP_hash.c: Force single char string hashes to be big. New rehash mechanism. src/hash/charP_int_Table.c: src/hash/charP_int_Table.def: src/hash/charP_int_Table.h: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/charP_voidP_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/hash/generic_Table.c: src/hash/generic_Table.def: src/hash/generic_Table.h: Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 src/hash/hash.c: Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Another check point. Initial revision src/hash/hash.def: Added rcs ids. Checkpoint from IONLAP1 Initial revision src/hash/hash.h: src/hash/hash_end.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.c: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/int_voidP_Table.h: src/hash/test/Makefile: src/hash/test/test.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.c: New rehash mechanism. Added voidP_voidP_*. src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.def: src/hash/voidP_voidP_Table.h: Added voidP_voidP_*. src/ll/Makefile: Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Removed temporary files Initial revision src/ll/PKG: Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision src/ll/README: Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. More documentation. Added README src/ll/TODO: Fixed stupid errors. src/ll/ar.c: No side-effect methods. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Remove quotes from write. no message Added ar.c. src/ll/assert.c: ll_abort(). Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/assert.h: Added ll_assert_prim. New stack assertions. bc assertion. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/bc.pl: Initial. src/ll/bcode.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/bcompile.c: Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Removed temporary files Initial revision src/ll/bcompile.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added bcompile.h. src/ll/binding.c: new properties format Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. binding uses properties-mixin. Added :binding-doc docstring support. Use new %write-shallow-contents. super implies ll_SELF! Environment now uses objects instead of es int the binding vector. Macro definitions are also moved into the objects instead of the environment's _macros assoc. Symbol properties are now implemented in the objects. Basic readonly global support is implemented; still need changes for define, set!, and make-locative runtime checks for readonly globals in the bytecode compiler. src/ll/bmethod.c: src/ll/bool.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/cadr.c: new properties format Added locatable-operation support. Renamed to . Ported to Linux. Added printing recursion locking. More documentation. Added %bc:debug and %bc:debug-off bytecodes. Added new files. src/ll/cadr.h: Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added new files. src/ll/call.c: Formatting. Other changes. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call.h: Other changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/call_int.h: No extra argument for super calls. Leave room for return value!. Other changes. CHECKPOINT Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/catch.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/cfold.c: new properties format Changes from ion03 Other changes. %ir-constant? works for global symbol. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. IR. New version. src/ll/char.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/config.mak: Dont use GC by default, for testing. Enable lcache and history. Disable RUN_DEBUG default. More config vars. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/config.pl: src/ll/cons.c: src/ll/constant.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/cops.h: Added bitwise ops. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/debug.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/debugger.c: Put type and method on newline for print-frame; Dont bother printing db_at_rtn. Formatting. new properties format cleaned up debugger init. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. print-frame: Print the previous frame's type and method. Use new ~N for frame display. Use :default-exit-value if none is specified by user. *prompt-read-eval* is now ll:top-level:prompt-read-eval. New functionality in debugger! Major changes to debugger. Added debugger.c src/ll/defs.pl: Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/defs.sh: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/doc.c: Formatting. Docs are accessed by properties-mixin, by default. Added doc.c. src/ll/env.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/env.ll: src/ll/eq.c: src/ll/error.c: src/ll/eval.c: src/ll/fixnum.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/floatcfg.c: CHECKPOINT Use epsilon not rand numbers to calc error. Don't bother with all of ll.h, use value.h. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/flonum.c: new properties format Enabled -Wall. number->string supports radix. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added floor, ceiling, truncate, round, exact->inexact, inexact->exact, number->string operations. ll_*BOX_PTR() is obsolete. New flonum support (uses old PTR tag). :slots is now (( . ) ...). Byte-code slot make-locative code fixed. src/ll/fluid.c: src/ll/format.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/global.h: Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/global1.h: src/ll/init.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/init.h: Extra tokens after #endif. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/inits.c: Other changes. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. src/ll/lcache.c: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Initial. src/ll/lcache.h: Compilable lcache. Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. src/ll/lib/ll/fluid.ll: src/ll/lib/ll/let.scm: Checkpoint. src/ll/lib/ll/match.scm: Added match.scm src/ll/lib/ll/outliner.ll: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/lib/ll/strstrm.ll: Added strstrm.ll. src/ll/lib/ll/test/closed.scm: Added src/ll/lib/ll/test/mycons.scm: Minor reformatting. Fixed syntax errors. Other changes. src/ll/lib/ll/test/test.scm: Checkpoint. Other changes. Added lib/ll/test/test.scm. src/ll/lispread.c: Makefile: added lispread.c .o dependency. bcompile.c: emit "rtn" after tail-pos (quote ) form. lispread.c: check for ')' AFTER reading x in '(foo bar . x), not before. ops.h: Fixed rcs Id. Added rcs ids. no message Initial revision src/ll/list.c: src/ll/ll.h: src/ll/llt.c: src/ll/llt.gdb: src/ll/load.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/locative.c: new properties format CHECKPOINT Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added locative-contents nop. ll_UNBOX_LOC is now ll_UNBOX_locative. Added primitive accessor methods for . src/ll/lookup.c: src/ll/macro.c: src/ll/map.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/mem.c: New out-of-memory-error. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Redefine malloc, etc. to GC_malloc, maybe. added mem.c src/ll/meth.c: src/ll/named.c: src/ll/nil.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/num.c: new properties format negative? bug. CHECKPOINT New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan operations. Added num.c for more number functionality. fixnum.o and flonum.o depend on num.c src/ll/number.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/objdump.c: New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. Added type size field. Fixed stupid %obj-dump bug. Added objdump.c: ll:obj-dump operation. src/ll/object.c: src/ll/op.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/op.h: Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/op1.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/ops.c: src/ll/port.c: src/ll/posix.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/prim.c: Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision src/ll/prim.h: Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/prims.c: src/ll/props.c: new properties format properties-mixin initialize. CHECKPOINT Added new properties-mixin type. src/ll/read.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/readline.c: Minor reformatting. completion_matches is now rl_completion_matches. CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Added preliminary treadmill GC support. Added symbol completion support. ll_UNBOX_BOOL is now ll_unbox_boolean. ll_BOX_INT is now ll_make_fixnum. _ll_write_string is now ll_write_string. Initialize readline history. Added readline.c. src/ll/sig.c: Doc strings. Abort on SIGSEGV. Added new ll:hashstats. debugging. more init changes, default signal handlers, put type inits in type.c. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Added new files. src/ll/sig.h: ll_sig_service() never called _ll_sig_service Added new ll:hashstats. Added new files. src/ll/src/include/ll/README: Added README. src/ll/src/include/ll/bcs.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/debugs.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/ll/errors.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/floatcfg.h: Added errors.h, floatcfg.h src/ll/src/include/ll/globals.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/inits.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/macros.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/ops.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/prims.h: src/ll/src/include/ll/symbols.h: Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types src/ll/src/include/readline/history.h: Added readline.c. src/ll/stack.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/stack.h: Clean up of stack chaining and asserts. New file. src/ll/string.c: src/ll/symbol.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/symbol.h: Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/ll/symbol1.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/symbols.c: src/ll/syntax.c: src/ll/test.gdb: src/ll/testold.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/toplevel.c: Minor whitespace changes. Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Minor changes. *read-eval-print-loop* is now ll:top-level. Added #^, #V read macros for history. ll:top-level-* is now ll:top-level:*. Added ll:top-level:exprs, ll:top-level:results for interactive history. Use new readline protocol. Insert leading space in top-level prompts for visibility. Moved top-level code from load.c. src/ll/trace.c: src/ll/type.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/type.h: Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision src/ll/types.h: src/ll/undef.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/ll/value.h: CHECKPOINT Major changes: new assertion, new init, new DEFS names + locations; immutable+mutable types Checkpoint: New assertions, uninlined ll_call, new ll_INIT, new lcache. Preliminary stack-buffer support. Added preliminary ct_v support. New BOX -> make, UNBOX -> box function names. restargs are now named. New value.h. src/ll/vec.c: Added rcs ids. Fixed stupid errors. Initial revision src/ll/vec.h: src/ll/vector.c: src/ll/write.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision src/maks/PKG: Added swig2def dll support. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/basic.mak: Port to RH7.0. More swig support. Added swig support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak: Unknown edits. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/bin/mak.bat: Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/fixpound.pl: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/lib.mak: Added swig2def dll support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/opengl/Makefile.use: Checkpoint. Port to RH7.0. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/os/CYGWIN.mak: src/maks/os/CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak: src/maks/os/Linux.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. src/maks/pre.mak: More swig support. Added swig support. Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. Added BUILD_TARGET to BUILD_VARS. Added BUILD_VARS support. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tool.mak: Added new os support. Fixed tool.mak. MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/tools.mak: MSG, vm, proper products. Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Minor non-functional changes, and comments. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/use.mak: USE dir Unknown edits. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/maks/win32/Makefile: src/maks/win32/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/ConfigInfo.c: Merge changes from UBS. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/ConfigInfo.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new ConfigInfo_getValue1(). Added new ConfigInfo_initFromValueArray(). More documentation. Added new files. src/util/GUMakefile: Added GUMakefile. src/util/Makefile: Merge changes from UBS. Added file.c, file.h. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. Minor fixes. Added prime.c, prime.h. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h errs.pl is now errlist.pl Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/Makefile.use: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/PKG: New version releases. Minor fixes. Changes from AM. New versions. maks, not mak. Needs perl. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/bitset.h: src/util/charset.c: Fixed escape routines. Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/charset.h: Added charset.c, charset.h. src/util/enum.c: Dont use strchr() on non-null-term strings. Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/enum.h: Added C_enum_value_to_str(). Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/errlist.h: Make compatable with Linux. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/errlist.pl: New memdebug interloper. Minor change. Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. src/util/file.c: mod: fixed pe == 0 bug for last iteration of PATH. Changes from WDR Changes from UBS. Disable testing. New file.c, file.h. src/util/file.h: Changes from WDR Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. New file.c, file.h. src/util/host.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/host.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/lockfile.c: Merge changes from UBS. Fixed empty lockfile reporting. Added lockfile error support. Changes from am. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile.h: Added lockfile error support. Checkpoint. Added lockfile.c, lockfile.h src/util/lockfile_main.c: Added lockfile error support. src/util/mem.c: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/mem.h: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from AM. New versions. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/memcpy.h: src/util/midi.h: src/util/nurbs.c: CYGWIN compatibility. NURBS. src/util/nurbs.h: NURBS. src/util/outbuf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/outbuf.h: Allow reentry during flush. Added outbuf.c, outbuf.h. src/util/path.c: Remove WDR Copyrights. Changes from am. Added errlist.h, errlist.c, errlist.pl. Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/path.h: Added rcs ids. Initial revision Initial check in of D:\data\ion\src src/util/port.c: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/port.h: Merge changes from UBS. Changes from UBS. src/util/prime.c: Added prime_factors(). Merge changes from UBS. Return proper pointer. None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/prime.h: Added prime_factors(). None. Added prime.c, prime.h. src/util/rc4.c: src/util/rc4.h: Added RC4_EXPORT support for inlining. Minor optimizations. Minor fixes. Added rc4.c, rc4.h. src/util/refcntptr.cc: Added refcntptr. src/util/refcntptr.hh: Optimize constructors. Added glue support. Added refcntptr. src/util/setenv.c: src/util/setenv.h: Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/sig.c: src/util/sig.h: Changes from UBS libSignal. Added new files. src/util/sigs.pl: Changes from UBS libSignal. Changes from AM. New versions. Added new files. src/util/ssprintf.c: Merge changes from UBS. Checkpoint. src/util/ssprintf.h: Checkpoint. src/util/test/ConfigTest.c: src/util/test/ConfigTest.cfg: Added test. ============================================================================== ll 0.13 Table of Contents ============================================================================== ll0.13: total 620 drwxrwxr-x 3 stephens 4096 Feb 15 05:59 . drwxrwxr-x 3 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 602289 Feb 15 05:59 CHANGES -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 602 Feb 15 05:52 COPYRIGHT -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 779 Feb 15 04:48 README drwxrwxr-x 7 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 src -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 105 Feb 15 05:59 TOC ll0.13/src: total 32 drwxrwxr-x 7 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 . drwxrwxr-x 3 stephens 4096 Feb 15 05:59 .. drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Feb 3 12:29 bin -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 417 Feb 15 04:48 GUM_BUILD_ROOT drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Dec 2 2001 hash drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 ll drwxr-sr-x 7 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 maks drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 util ll0.13/src/bin: total 360 drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Feb 3 12:29 . drwxrwxr-x 7 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 9271 Feb 17 1999 addcr drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Oct 21 2001 addcr.t -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 3385 Jun 28 1999 addrcsid.pl -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 261 Dec 17 12:01 argouml -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 5118 Feb 17 1999 ccinfo -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 3059 Feb 17 1999 ccloclibs -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 372 Feb 19 1999 ctocnl.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 16212 Oct 1 17:26 cuecatlibrary.pl -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 15961 Jul 4 2002 cuecatlibrary.pl.~1.2.~ drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Feb 3 12:29 CVS -rwxr-xr-x 1 stephens 192 Jun 16 2001 cvsadd_r -rwxrw-r-- 1 stephens 2088 Feb 3 12:46 cvschrep.pl -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 1255 Jan 14 2001 cvschrep.pl.~1.3.~ -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1062 Feb 17 1999 cvschroot.pl -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 352 Oct 20 1999 cvsclean -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 331 Oct 13 1999 cvsedited -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1373 Oct 20 1999 cvsfind.pl -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1372 Jul 9 2001 cvsfix.pl -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1193 Sep 9 1999 cvsretag.pl -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 3571 Mar 21 2000 cvsrevhist.pl -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 945 Feb 19 1999 cwfixlib.pl -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 3010 Jan 14 2001 d2u.pl -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 312 Apr 8 1994 dos2unix.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 709 Feb 17 1999 ecd -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 190 Feb 17 1999 fe -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 103 Feb 17 1999 findsource -rwxr-xr-x 1 stephens 223 May 10 2002 ifdu -rwxr-xr-x 1 stephens 223 May 10 2002 ifud -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 6566 Sep 30 1999 igrep -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 146 Oct 1 17:27 ion_dockstatn -rwxr-xr-x 1 stephens 569 Apr 22 2002 ion_emacs -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 433 Oct 1 17:26 ion_faxview -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 431 Jul 5 2002 ion_faxview.~1.1.~ -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 1019 Nov 26 22:15 ion_getphoto -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 1018 Oct 1 17:27 ion_getphoto.~1.1.~ -rwxr-xr-x 1 stephens 237 Oct 21 2001 ion_make -rwxr-xr-x 1 stephens 180 Jun 15 2001 ion_open_url -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 943 Oct 1 17:26 ion_startx -rwxr-xr-x 1 stephens 306 Dec 25 14:55 ion_vmware drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 lib -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 647 Feb 17 1999 linkdups -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1369 Feb 17 1999 locstatic -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 189 Oct 1 17:25 lpr -rwxr-xr-x 1 stephens 126 May 10 2002 lpr.~1.1.~ -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 259 Sep 30 1999 lsup -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 6485 Feb 19 1999 mergefiles.pl -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 485 Jan 13 22:30 metriconv -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1965 Sep 30 1999 mkindex -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1739 Oct 13 1999 mvr.pl -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 279 Feb 17 1999 nmlibs -rwxr-xr-x 1 stephens 64 Feb 17 1999 nmm -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 2427 Feb 17 1999 objcsyms -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 230 Feb 17 1999 PKG -rwxr-xr-x 1 stephens 380 Nov 7 2001 procmailnow -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 18470 Oct 20 2001 publish.pl -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 2957 Feb 17 1999 sci -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 3328 Feb 17 1999 scip -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 92 Oct 13 1999 si -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 2374 Feb 19 1999 split.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 436 Apr 3 2001 swig2def.pl -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 1491 Aug 11 2002 tablefmt.pl -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 2350 Jan 14 2001 tgz -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1655 Mar 21 2000 ts -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 2170 Apr 3 2001 uud -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 2170 Feb 23 2001 .#uud.1.2 -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 3661 Apr 3 2001 uudindex -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 3661 Feb 23 2001 .#uudindex.1.2 -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 650 Jul 9 2001 which -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 99 Feb 17 1999 whichall -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 95 Sep 17 2001 wwwgrab -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 1584 Oct 1 17:25 wwwgrab.pl -rwxrwxr-x 1 stephens 1570 Sep 17 2001 wwwgrab.pl.~1.1.~ -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1777 Feb 17 1999 wwwsend ll0.13/src/bin/addcr.t: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Oct 21 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Feb 3 12:29 .. drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Oct 21 2001 backup drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Oct 21 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 143 Feb 17 1999 run ll0.13/src/bin/addcr.t/backup: total 28 drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Oct 21 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Oct 21 2001 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Oct 21 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 260 Feb 19 1999 t1.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 20 Feb 17 1999 t2 -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 41 Feb 17 1999 t3 -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 379 Feb 17 1999 t4 ll0.13/src/bin/addcr.t/backup/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Oct 21 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Oct 21 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 155 Oct 21 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 32 Oct 21 2001 Repository -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 49 Oct 21 2001 Root ll0.13/src/bin/addcr.t/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Oct 21 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Oct 21 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 49 Oct 21 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 25 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/bin/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Feb 3 12:29 . drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Feb 3 12:29 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 2533 Feb 3 12:29 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 17 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/bin/lib: total 16 drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Feb 3 12:29 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 perl ll0.13/src/bin/lib/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 11 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 21 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/bin/lib/perl: total 16 drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 ion ll0.13/src/bin/lib/perl/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 10 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 26 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/bin/lib/perl/ion: total 16 drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Oct 20 2001 _cvs drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS ll0.13/src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs: total 28 drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Oct 20 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Oct 20 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1091 Oct 20 2001 entry.pm -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 3296 Jun 2 2001 find.pm -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 5268 Oct 20 2001 rlog.pm ll0.13/src/bin/lib/perl/ion/_cvs/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Oct 20 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Oct 20 2001 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 123 Oct 20 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 35 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/bin/lib/perl/ion/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 11 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 30 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/hash: total 116 drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Dec 2 2001 . drwxrwxr-x 7 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 484 Jun 15 2001 charP_hash.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 393 Nov 4 1999 charP_int_Table.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 594 Apr 22 1999 charP_int_Table.def -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 375 Feb 19 1999 charP_int_Table.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 404 Nov 4 1999 charP_voidP_Table.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 616 Apr 22 1999 charP_voidP_Table.def -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 389 Feb 19 1999 charP_voidP_Table.h drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 299 Feb 19 1999 generic_Table.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 804 Feb 19 1999 generic_Table.def -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 361 Feb 19 1999 generic_Table.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 11487 Nov 4 1999 hash.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 7997 Nov 4 1999 hash.def -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1012 Nov 4 1999 hash_end.def -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 360 Oct 12 1999 hash.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 696 Nov 4 1999 int_voidP_Table.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 376 Feb 19 1999 int_voidP_Table.def -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 375 Feb 19 1999 int_voidP_Table.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 371 Apr 22 1999 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 223 Oct 13 1999 PKG drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 test -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 711 Nov 4 1999 voidP_voidP_Table.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 391 Apr 22 1999 voidP_voidP_Table.def -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 388 Apr 22 1999 voidP_voidP_Table.h ll0.13/src/hash/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Dec 2 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1063 Jun 15 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 18 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/hash/test: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Dec 2 2001 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 333 Oct 12 1999 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 577 Oct 12 1999 test.c ll0.13/src/hash/test/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 82 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 23 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/ll: total 732 drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 . drwxrwxr-x 7 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 1232 Jan 14 2001 ar.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 890 Jan 14 2001 assert.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 2124 Apr 3 2001 assert.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 476 Oct 2 1999 bcode.h -rwxrw-r-- 1 stephens 48094 Feb 15 04:29 bcompile.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1644 Jun 28 1999 bcompile.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 2318 Oct 13 1999 bc.pl -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 3270 Jan 14 2001 binding.c -rwxrw-r-- 1 stephens 20763 Feb 15 04:30 bmethod.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 604 Jan 14 2001 bool.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 1197 Jan 14 2001 cadr.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1339 Jun 28 1999 cadr.h -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 1654 Apr 3 2001 call.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 3363 Oct 13 1999 call.h -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 6087 Feb 15 04:31 call_int.h -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 4224 Jan 14 2001 catch.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 6197 Jan 14 2001 cfold.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 2583 Jan 14 2001 char.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 232 Aug 13 2001 config.mak -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 185 Oct 13 1999 config.pl -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 5347 Jan 14 2001 cons.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 1133 Jan 14 2001 constant.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 393 Dec 3 1999 cops.h drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:40 CVS -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 982 Jan 14 2001 debug.c -rwxrw-r-- 1 stephens 13605 Feb 15 04:31 debugger.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 2264 Apr 3 2001 defs.pl -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 645 Oct 13 1999 defs.sh -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 1795 Apr 3 2001 doc.c -rwxrw-r-- 1 stephens 13297 Feb 15 04:34 env.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 411 Oct 13 1999 env.ll -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 3897 Jan 14 2001 eq.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 7836 Apr 3 2001 error.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 2345 Apr 22 2002 eval.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 6574 Jan 14 2001 fixnum.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1086 Oct 2 1999 floatcfg.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 3646 Jan 14 2001 flonum.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 3813 Jan 14 2001 fluid.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 4386 Jan 14 2001 format.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 533 Oct 1 1999 global1.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 386 Oct 1 1999 global.h -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 3512 Jan 14 2001 init.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 1099 Feb 15 04:32 init.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 432 Oct 13 1999 inits.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1631 Nov 4 1999 lcache.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 851 Nov 4 1999 lcache.h drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 lib -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 10130 Nov 4 1999 lispread.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 8604 Jan 14 2001 list.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 12532 Apr 22 2002 ll.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 354 Mar 28 1999 llt.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 484 Oct 13 1999 llt.gdb -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 2472 Jan 14 2001 load.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 1025 Jan 14 2001 locative.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 8830 Aug 13 2001 lookup.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 4701 Apr 3 2001 macro.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 6055 Aug 13 2001 Makefile -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 3385 Feb 15 04:34 map.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1851 Oct 13 1999 mem.c -rwxrw-r-- 1 stephens 1798 Feb 15 04:34 meth.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 2337 Apr 3 2001 named.c -rwxrw-r-- 1 stephens 1044 Feb 15 04:34 nil.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 4449 Jan 14 2001 number.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 4408 Jan 14 2001 num.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 2532 Mar 24 1999 objdump.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 3524 Jan 14 2001 object.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 374 Oct 1 1999 op1.h -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 7412 Jun 2 2001 op.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 414 Oct 13 1999 op.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 362 Oct 13 1999 ops.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 401 Feb 15 04:33 PKG -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 7503 Jan 14 2001 port.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 877 Jan 14 2001 posix.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 4001 Apr 3 2001 prim.c -rwxrw-r-- 1 stephens 6943 Feb 15 04:32 prim.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 519 Oct 13 1999 prims.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 1634 Jan 14 2001 props.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 3299 Dec 3 1999 read.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 5051 Feb 15 04:44 readline.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 11387 Apr 12 1999 README -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 5274 Apr 3 2001 sig.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 385 Jan 14 2001 sig.h drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 src -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 7694 Jun 15 2001 stack.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 4158 Apr 3 2001 stack.h -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 10066 Jan 14 2001 string.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 411 Oct 2 1999 symbol1.h -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 6276 Apr 3 2001 symbol.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 408 Oct 13 1999 symbol.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 467 Oct 13 1999 symbols.c -rwxrw-r-- 1 stephens 18843 Feb 15 04:34 syntax.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 136 Feb 19 1999 test.gdb -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1757 Mar 24 1999 testold.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 287 Nov 4 1999 TODO -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 5242 Feb 15 04:34 toplevel.c -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 2046 Jan 14 2001 trace.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 17527 Feb 15 04:33 type.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 988 Oct 1 1999 type.h -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 30098 Jun 2 2001 types.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 421 Oct 1 1999 undef.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 5851 Oct 2 1999 value.h -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 13960 Jan 14 2001 vec.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 659 Feb 19 1999 vec.h -rwxrw-r-- 1 stephens 1478 Feb 15 04:44 vector.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 10112 Aug 13 2001 write.c ll0.13/src/ll/CVS: total 24 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:40 . drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 4131 Feb 15 04:40 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 16 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/ll/lib: total 16 drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 ll ll0.13/src/ll/lib/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 9 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 20 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/ll/lib/ll: total 36 drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 366 Mar 3 1999 fluid.ll -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1227 Mar 3 1999 let.scm -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 2071 Jan 14 2001 match.scm -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1487 Oct 1 1999 outliner.ll -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1316 Mar 2 1999 strstrm.ll drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:40 test ll0.13/src/ll/lib/ll/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 221 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 23 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/ll/lib/ll/test: total 52 drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:40 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 363 Jan 14 2001 closed.scm drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:40 CVS -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 649 Feb 15 04:44 mycons.scm -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 644 Feb 15 04:27 mycons.scm.~1.2.~ -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 27748 Jul 9 2001 test.scm ll0.13/src/ll/lib/ll/test/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:40 . drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:40 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 129 Feb 15 04:40 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 28 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/ll/src: total 16 drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 include ll0.13/src/ll/src/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 14 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 20 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/ll/src/include: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 ll drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 readline ll0.13/src/ll/src/include/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 24 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 28 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/ll/src/include/ll: total 56 drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 91 Oct 1 1999 bcs.h drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 97 Oct 1 1999 debugs.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 93 Mar 10 1999 errors.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 137 Mar 10 1999 floatcfg.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 94 Oct 1 1999 globals.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 95 Oct 1 1999 inits.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 82 Oct 1 1999 macros.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 90 Oct 1 1999 ops.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 92 Oct 1 1999 prims.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 156 Mar 4 1999 README -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 94 Oct 1 1999 symbols.h ll0.13/src/ll/src/include/ll/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 447 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 31 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/ll/src/include/readline: total 24 drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 5 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 8530 Mar 12 1999 history.h ll0.13/src/ll/src/include/readline/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 44 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 37 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/maks: total 68 drwxr-sr-x 7 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxrwxr-x 7 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 4407 Apr 4 2001 basic.mak drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 bin drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 172 Feb 19 1999 fixpound.pl -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 2246 Apr 3 2001 lib.mak drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 opengl drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 os -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 206 Apr 3 2001 PKG -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 6667 Apr 3 2001 pre.mak -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1651 Mar 21 2000 tool.mak -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 212 Sep 9 1999 tools.mak -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 494 Apr 3 2001 use.mak drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 win32 ll0.13/src/maks/bin: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 7 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 418 Jun 28 1999 mak -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 106 Jun 28 1999 mak.bat ll0.13/src/maks/bin/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 78 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 22 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/maks/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 7 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 370 Apr 4 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 18 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/maks/opengl: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 7 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 75 Feb 19 1999 Makefile -rwxr--r-- 1 stephens 472 Jul 9 2001 Makefile.use ll0.13/src/maks/opengl/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 88 Jul 9 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 25 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/maks/os: total 24 drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 7 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 116 Jan 13 2000 CYGWIN_98-4.10.mak -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 88 Jan 13 2000 CYGWIN.mak -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 77 Jan 13 2000 Linux.mak ll0.13/src/maks/os/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 138 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 21 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/maks/win32: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 7 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 75 Feb 19 1999 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 101 Feb 19 1999 Makefile.use ll0.13/src/maks/win32/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 88 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 24 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/util: total 252 drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 . drwxrwxr-x 7 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 712 Jan 7 2000 bitset.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 4571 Sep 30 1999 charset.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 943 Apr 22 1999 charset.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 21030 Jan 4 2000 ConfigInfo.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 4826 Apr 5 1999 ConfigInfo.h drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Nov 13 13:00 CVS -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 3438 Jan 13 2000 enum.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 790 Jan 13 2000 enum.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 184 Jan 13 2000 errlist.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 684 Oct 26 1999 errlist.pl -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 11771 Nov 13 13:05 file.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 11771 Nov 13 13:00 file.c.~1.5.~ -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1276 Feb 1 2001 file.h -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 1044 Aug 13 2001 GUMakefile -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1113 Jan 4 2000 host.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 335 Jan 4 2000 host.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 5782 Jan 4 2000 lockfile.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 781 Jun 9 1999 lockfile.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 949 Jun 9 1999 lockfile_main.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1081 Jan 4 2000 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 86 Feb 19 1999 Makefile.use -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 3146 Feb 19 1999 mem.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 457 Apr 5 2001 memcpy.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 575 Jun 28 1999 mem.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1875 Oct 13 1999 midi.h -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 2962 Aug 6 2001 nurbs.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1079 Apr 22 2001 nurbs.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1837 Jan 4 2000 outbuf.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 726 Sep 30 1999 outbuf.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 2609 Jun 28 1999 path.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 651 Feb 19 1999 path.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 249 May 7 1999 PKG -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 904 Jan 4 2000 port.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 236 Jan 4 2000 port.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 4366 Jan 13 2000 prime.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 388 Jan 13 2000 prime.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1192 May 9 2000 rc4.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 399 May 9 2000 rc4.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1301 Apr 5 2001 refcntptr.cc -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 2636 Apr 19 2001 refcntptr.hh -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1317 Apr 5 1999 setenv.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 377 Apr 5 1999 setenv.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1345 Jan 4 2000 sig.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 348 Jan 4 2000 sig.h -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 533 Jan 4 2000 sigs.pl -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 2015 Jan 4 2000 ssprintf.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 337 Apr 22 1999 ssprintf.h drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 test ll0.13/src/util/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Nov 13 13:00 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 1849 Nov 13 13:00 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 18 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ll0.13/src/util/test: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 4 stephens 4096 Feb 15 04:48 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 1192 May 7 1999 ConfigTest.c -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 44 May 7 1999 ConfigTest.cfg drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 CVS ll0.13/src/util/test/CVS: total 20 drwxr-sr-x 2 stephens 4096 Aug 13 2001 . drwxr-sr-x 3 stephens 4096 Jul 23 2001 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 94 Feb 2 2001 Entries -rw-r--r-- 1 stephens 23 Feb 2 2001 Repository -rw-rw-r-- 1 stephens 49 Aug 13 2001 Root ==============================================================================