XML: C++ Introspection by Extensible Visitation
Kurt Stephens
ION, Inc.
May 22, 2001
Many problems with object serialization, object conversion, debugging,
and object inspectors can be solved using meta-object protocols (MOP).
The C++ language lacks a formal MOP, although some are available as
source pre-processors, debugger information, or as a compiler
extension. A full MOP is not necessary for many classes of problems
where basic introspection is useful. This paper describes a portable
and lightweight technique: extensible visitation of objects as an
introspection primitive.
Table of Contents
1. [1]Introduction
2. [2]Visitation as an Introspection Primitive
3. [3]XVF
[4]Visitor classes
[5]Visitee type objects
[6]Visitor/Visitee Interface
[7]Visitation Methods
[8]Visitor Messages
4. [9]Handling const-ness
5. [10]Handling visit-by-value
6. [11]Visitation Attributes
7. [12]Examples
[13]A Structured Data Dumper
[14]An Archiver
[15]XML I/O
[16]Dynamic GUI generation
[17]Reflective Accessors
[18]XDR Bridge
8. [19]Related Work
9. [20]Future Work
10. [21]Conclusion
11. [22]References
Chapter 1. Introduction
Access to meta-type information about an application framework's
classes is valuable. Some approaches use aspect-oriented techniques
[OPENCXX], pre-compilation [OPENC++, IGUANA], debugger information
[???] and compiler extension [GCC]. Extensible visitation, based on
the Visitor design pattern [GAMMA95] is a lightweight and portable
mechanism, similar to XDR [XDR] for interfacing different
introspections with little impact to an existing C++ framework.
Chapter 2. Visitation as an Introspection Primitive
Standard C++ ostream classes are visitors that produce output as a
side-effect of visiting typed data. Developers must create ostream
visitation methods for each new application class. Most visitation
methods added to C++ classes are specialized for different visitors,
yet do mostly the same thing; recursively visit all data members.
For example:
class Foo
double x, y; // data members
int i3[3];
Foo() { ... }
Foo(double _x, double _y) { ... }
// Visitation Methods, one for each type of visitor.
// ostream dump method.
ostream &print(ostream &os)
os << "Foo(" << x ", " << y << ", ";
os << "{ "
<< i3[0] << ", "
<< i3[1] << ", "
<< i3[2]
<< " }";
return os << ")";
// XML output method.
ostream &print_xml(ostream &os)
os << "";
os << ""; print_xml(x, os); os << "";
os << ""; print_xml(y, os); os << "";
os << "";
print_xml(i3[0], os);
print_xml(i3[1], os);
print_xml(i3[2], os);
os << "";
return os << "";
// inspector generation method.
inspector &generate_inspector(inspector &is)
is.begin_frame("Foo", this);
is.generate_inspector("x", &x);
is.generate_inspector("y", &y);
is.begin_frame("i3[]", &i3);
is.generate_inspector("0", &i3[0]);
is.generate_inspector("1", &i3[1]);
is.generate_inspector("2", &i3[2]);
return is;
// XDR support method
int xdr(XDR *xdr)
xdr_double(xdr, &x) &&
xdr_double(xdr, &y) &&
xdr_int(xdr, &i3[0]) &&
xdr_int(xdr, &i3[1]) &&
xdr_int(xdr, &i3[2]);
// ... other visitor types
In the example above, more visitation methods are needed as the
application classes (visitees) interface with more visitors. Adding,
removing or renaming data members becomes a maintenance problem, since
each visitation method must be updated. Likewise, adding new
visitations becomes difficult as the application grows, since each
application class must be updated.
If the number of application classes in a system is N and the number
of visitor classes is M, the complexity of the application-visitor
interfaces will be N * M, if visitor-specific methods are implemented
for each application class. If a single generic visitation method is
used for each visitor class, the complexity of the application-visitor
interfaces will be N + M.
Ideally, a single visitation method suffices for most types of
visitation. Essentially we want to move the complexity from the
visited classes to the visitors, since the number of visitor classes
will be small compared to the visited classes. Visitor classes tend to
interface auxiliary systems and protocols, such as XML and other I/O
systems, and change less frequently than the application classes.
Chapter 3. XVF
Table of Contents
[23]Visitor classes
[24]Visitee type objects
[25]Visitor/Visitee Interface
[26]Visitation Methods
[27]Visitor Messages
XVF (eXtensible Visitation Framework) is a C++ template-based
framework for developing visitors and generic visitation methods. In
XVF, a generic, introspection visitor is messaged with type, naming
and layout information about the visited objects. The visitor uses the
introspective messages in any useful manner and controls the recursion
during visitation. The visitor's introspection methods are virtual,
such that any visitor can be used in any visitation traversal. The set
of introspection methods in the visitor closely follows a
decomposition of the data types in C++: structures (classes),
pointers, arrays and primitive datums (char, int, double).
Visitor classes
Visitors are sub-classes of XVFVisitor. XVFVisitor has methods for
keeping track of what object is being visited, what members are being
visited. Each intrinsic type (e.g. char, int, double) has a visitation
method specialized for it in the visitor class.
Visitors are messaged with information about the visitee during
visitation traversal.
Visitee type objects
The XVFType class provides type object information about types (e.g.
type name and size), allocation methods, and assignment.
XVFType::type("Foo") returns the type object for the Foo class.
XVFType objects are constructed dynamically by class templates. There
are five XVFType templates: intrinsic types (i.e. char, int, unsigned
long), abstract classes crea(i.e. non-instantiable classes), concrete
classes (i.e. instantiable classes), pointers, and arrays.
The XVFTypeIntrinsic template creates XVFType classes for intrinsic
types. The templates XVFTypeClass and XVFTypeAbstract create
type objects for instantiable and abstract classes, respectively. Type
objects for intrinsic types are created "by hand" in XVF. Pointer and
array type objects are constructed by XVFTypePtr and
XVFTypeArray, respectively. XVFType templates are never instatiated
by the user of XVF, but are created automatically by the instatiation
of xvf_type(T*) template functions based on pointers to type T.
Each type object implements a virtual visit(void *data, XVFVisitor *V)
method that is specialized by the type object template to call
xvf_visit((T *) data, V);
Visitor/Visitee Interface
Visitee classes are not sub-classes of a special "Visitee" class. They
are "glued" to the XVF library by static type polymorphic functions:
* XVFType *xvf_type(T *x)
returns the XVFType object for type T.
* T *xvf_alloc(T *dummy)
allocates an object of type T.
* void xvf_dealloc(T *x)
deallocates an object of type T.
* void xvf_visit(T *x, XVFVisitor *V, int opts)
recursively visit an object of type T with visitor V.
Note: XVF does not dispatch using const &T because then void could not
be handled in a unified manner and because datums are visited by
Visitation Methods
Any type T that implements a xvf_type(T *x) and xvf_visit(T *x,
XVFVisitor *V, int opts) (the opts argument is explained later)
functions can be visited by any XVFVisitor object.
XVF supplies macros for constructing a class' visitation method,
visitation and type object accessor functions.
For example:
// Declare xvf_type(Foo *)
class Foo {
double x, y;
int i3[3];
Foo() { ... }
Foo(double x, double y) { ... }
// xvf_type() support
// xvf_visit() support
// Define xvf_visit(Foo *)
// Define xvf_type(Foo *)
Visitor Messages
The visitor is messaged with information about the visited object
during traversal. The visitor can dynamically control recursion for
any visitation member. The XVF_MEMB() macro above expands into
messages to the visitor.
For example: any visitor V visiting Foo F will be have the following
methods called on it:
xvf_visit(&F, V);
is equivalent to:
V->this_begin(xvf_type(&F), &F, opts);
if ( V->memb(xvf_type(&F.x), "x", &F.x, opts) ) {
V->memb_begin(xvf_type(&F.x), "x", &F.x, opts);
xvf_visit(&F.x, V, opts);
V->memb_end(xvf_type(&F.x), "x", &F.x, opts);
if ( V->memb(xvf_type(&F.y), "y", &F.y, opts) ) {
V->memb_begin(xvf_type(&F.y), "y", &F.y, opts);
xvf_visit(&F.y, V, opts);
V->memb_end(xvf_type(&F.y), "y" &F.y, opts);
if ( V->memb(xvf_type(&F.i3), "i3", &F.y, opts) ) {
V->memb_begin(xvf_type(&F.i3), "i3", &F.y, opts);
&F.i3, 3, opts);
V->elem_begin(0, opts);
xvf_visit(&F.i3[0], V, opts);
V->elem_end(0, opts);
V->elem_begin(1, opts);
xvf_visit(&F.i3[1], V, opts);
V->elem_end(1, opts);
V->elem_begin(2, opts);
xvf_visit(&F.i3[2], V, opts);
V->elem_end(3, opts);
&F.i3, 3, opts);
V->memb_end(xvf_type(&F.i3), "i3" &F.y, opts);
Chapter 4. Handling const-ness
The opts argument to the visit functions relays const-ness to the
visitor without requiring different routines and type objects for
const and non-const visitation.
If opts == XVF_NON_CONST in V->visit(T *data, int opts), V->visit()
has license to modify *data.
For example: an inspector visitor may generate an editable or
non-editable field depending if opts == XVF_NON_CONST or opts ==
Chapter 5. Handling visit-by-value
Sometimes the visitation semantics of a class' members should been
through a pair of accessor methods or functions, rather than directly
on an object data member.
For example:
class Temperature {
double _f; // Fahrenheit: f = (c * 1.8) + 32
double _c; // Celsius: c = (f - 32) / 1.8
Temperature() { celsius(0); }
// Getter, setter.
double fahrenheit() const { return _f; }
void fahrenheit(double x) {
_f = x; _c = (_f - 32) / 1.8;
// Getter, setter.
double celsius() const { return _c; }
void celsius(double x) {
_c = x; _f = _c * 1.8 + 32;
// Visit by Value
XVF_VAL("fahrenheit", // name
double, // type
// getter
// setter
If any visitor updates to the "fahrenheit" or "celsius" members of a
Temperature object both the Fahrenheit and Celsius values will be
synchronized through the getter and setter methods in Temperature.
Chapter 6. Visitation Attributes
A visitation method can relay visitor-specific information using
visitation attributes.
Imagine a visitor that needs to know how each member is protected in
the C++ class:
class Bar {
int a; // a is private.
float b; // a is protected.
char *c; // c is public.
// Save and set attribute value.
XVF_ATTR_BEGIN("C++:protection", "private");
// Set attribute value.
XVF_ATTR("C++:protection", "protected");
XVF_ATTR("C++:protection", "public");
// Restore attribute value.
The specialized visitor will check the attribute named
"C++:protection" for its value and produce results accordingly.
Chapter 7. Examples
Table of Contents
[28]A Structured Data Dumper
[29]An Archiver
[30]XML I/O
[31]Dynamic GUI generation
[32]Reflective Accessors
[33]XDR Bridge
Here is a sample use of different visitor objects using the same visit
methods for class Foo. The visitor code is not presented here.
A Structured Data Dumper
A structured data visitor writes a human-readable representation to an
XVF_Dump_Out xvf(cout);
Foo p(1, 2);
xvfv << p;
An Archiver
An archiver visitor writes a machine-readable representation to an
XVF_Archive_Out xvfv(cout);
Foo p(1, 2);
xvfv << p;
An XML output visitor writes objects as an XML stream.
XVF_XML_Out xvfv(cout);
Foo p(1, 2);
xvfv << p;
An XML input visitor reads an XML stream into a object.
XVFV_XML_In xvfv(cin);
Foo p;
xvfv >> p;
Dynamic GUI generation
An inspector visitor generates TCL/TK code to create an inspector GUI.
Tcl_Interp *interp;
XVF_TK_Inspector xvfv(interp);
Foo p(1, 2);
xvfv << p;
TK widget generated by XVF_TK_Inspector.
Reflective Accessors
XVF_Getter xvfg;
Foo p(1, 2);
double py;
xvfg(&p, xvf_type(&p), "y", &py); // py = p.y
XVF_Setter xvfs;
xvfs(&p, xvf_type(&p), "x", &py); // p.x = py
XDR Bridge
XDR *xdr;
XVF_XDR xvfv(xdr);
xvfv << p;
Chapter 8. Related Work
EXternal Data Representation [XDR] uses generic visitation for
encoding, decoding and freeing C objects. XDR is used primarily for
Remote Procedure Calls. XDR visitors cannot be sub-classed directly
and do not provide any mechanisms for XDR visitors to determine member
OpenC++ provides introspection using pre-compiler techniques. Iguana
[IGUANA] seems to be based on pre-compiler techniques as well, but no
public implementations are offered.
Chapter 9. Future Work
Namespaces, enumerations, bit-fields, unions, function pointers and
methods are not yet handled. Class versioning for backward
compatibility is not currently handled. A pre-processor to parse class
definitions for members and insert xvf_visit() functions automatically
would be helpful; OpenC++ might be useful here. A C interface for
legacy code.
Chapter 10. Conclusion
This paper describes a a method for lightweight and portable
introspection in C++ using visitation. An prototype implementation of
XVF is available at [34]URL: http://www.ionink.com/research.
Chapter 11. References
* [GAMMA95] Design Patterns, Erich Gamma et al., Addison-Wesley,
1995, ISBN 0-201-63361-2
* [GCC] GCC User's Manual, Free Software Foundation, 2001
* [IGUANA] The Iguana Project Homepage, [35]URL:
http://www.dsg.cs.tcd.ie/~coyote, 2001
* [OPENCXX] OpenC++ Home Page, [36]URL:
http://www.csg.is.titech.ac.jp/~chiba/openc++.html, 2001
* [XDR] RFC1014: XDR: External Data Representation Standard, Sun
Microsystems, Inc, [37]URL: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1014.txt,
* [XVF] XVF Package, [38]URL:
http://www.ionink.com/research/xvf.tgz, 2001
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34. http://www.ionink.com/research
35. http://www.dsg.cs.tcd.ie/~coyote
36. http://www.csg.is.titech.ac.jp/~chiba/openc++.html
37. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1014.txt
38. http://www.ionink.com/research/xvf.tgz