Abstracting Services In Ruby C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
spec/example_spec.rb 88 81


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', __FILE__)
3 $:.unshift File.expand_path('../../example', __FILE__)
5 describe "ASIR Example" do
6   attr_accessor :file, :expects
8   before(:each) do
9     @expects = [ ]
10   end
12   after(:each) do
13     @file.should_not == nil
14     File.open(@file) do | fh |
15       until fh.eof?
16         line = fh.readline
17         line.chomp!
18         case
19         when line.sub!(/^\s*#\s*EXPECT\/:\s*/, '')
20           expect Regexp.new(line)
21         when line.sub!(/^\s*#\s*EXPECT!\/:\s*/, '')
22           expect Regexp.new(line), :'!~'
23         when line.sub!(/^\s*#\s*EXPECT:\s*/, '')
24           expect Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(line))
25         when line.sub!(/^\s*#\s*EXPECT!:\s*/, '')
26           expect Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(line)), :'!~'
27         end
28       end
29     end
30     @output, @exit_code = run_file!(@file)
31     @exit_code.should == 0
32     @expects.empty?.should_not == true
33     @expects.each do | rx, mode |
34       $stderr.puts "    Checking #{mode} #{rx.inspect}" if ENV['SPEC_VERBOSE']
35       case mode
36       when :'=~'
37         @output.should =~ rx
38       when :'!~'
39         @output.should_not =~ rx
40       else
41         raise ArgumentError
42       end
43     end
44   end
46   def run_file! file, output = StringIO.new('')
47     progname_save, stdout_save, stderr_save = $0, $stdout, $stderr
48     exc = system_exit = nil; exit_code = 0
49     begin
50       if true
51         cmd = "ASIR_EXAMPLE_SILENT=1 ruby -I example -I lib #{file}"
52         $stderr.puts "\n   Running #{cmd}:" if ENV['SPEC_VERBOSE']
53         output = `#{cmd} 2>&1 | tee #{file}.out`
54       else
55         $stderr.puts "\n   Loading #{file}:" if ENV['SPEC_VERBOSE']
56         $stdout.puts "*** #{$$}: client process"; $stdout.flush
57         $stdout = $stderr = output
58         $0 = file
59         Kernel.load(file, true)
60         output = output.string if StringIO === output
61       end
62     rescue ::SystemExit => system_exit
63       exit_code = 1 # ???
64     rescue ::Exception => exc
65       exit_code = -1
66     end
67     [ output, exit_code ]
68   ensure
69     $0, $stdout, $stderr = progname_save, stdout_save, stderr_save
70     $stderr.write output  if ENV['SPEC_VERBOSE']
71     if exc
72       stderr_save.puts "ERROR: #{file}: #{exc.inspect}\n#{exc.backtrace * "\n"}"
73       raise exc
74     end
75   end
77   def expect rx, mode = :'=~'
78     @expects << [ rx, mode ]
79   end
81   Dir['example/**/ex[0-9]*.rb'].sort.each do | file |
82     title = File.open(file) { | fh | fh.read(4096) }
83     title = title =~ /#\s+!SLIDE[^\n]*\n\s*#\s*([^\n]+)/ && $1
84     it "#{file} - #{title}" do
85       @file = file
86     end
87   end
88 end

Generated on Fri Jan 27 17:37:46 -0600 2012 with rcov 0.9.8