Abstracting Services In Ruby C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/asir/channel.rb 129 95


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 require 'asir'
2 require 'asir/retry_behavior'
4 module ASIR
5   # Generic I/O Channel abstraction.
6   # Handles stream per Thread and forked child processes.
7   class Channel
8     include Initialization, RetryBehavior
10     attr_accessor :on_connect, :on_close, :on_retry, :on_error
12     ON_ERROR = lambda do | channel, exc, action, stream |
13       channel.close rescue nil if stream
14       raise exc
15     end
16     ON_CLOSE = lambda do | channel, stream |
17       stream.close
18     end
19     ON_RETRY = lambda do | channel, exc, action |
20     end
22     def initialize opts = nil
23       @on_close = ON_CLOSE
24       @on_error = ON_ERROR
25       # @on_retry = ON_RETRY
26       self.try_max = 10
27       self.try_sleep = 0.1
28       self.try_sleep_increment = 0.1
29       self.try_sleep_max = 10
30       super
31     end
33     # Returns IO stream for current Thread.
34     # Automatically calls #connect! if stream is created.
35     def stream
36       _streams[self] ||= 
37         connect!
38     end
40     # Invokes @on_connect.call(self).
41     # On Exception, invokes @on_error.call(self, exc, :connect, nil).
42     def connect!
43       n_try = nil
44       with_retry do | action, data |
45         case action
46         when :try
47           n_try = data
48           @on_connect.call(self)
49         when :retry #, exc
50           $stderr.puts "RETRY: #{n_try}: ERROR : #{data.inspect}  \n#{data.backtrace * "\n  "}"
51           @on_retry.call(self, exc, :connect) if @on_retry
52         when :failed
53           exc = data
54           $stderr.puts "FAILED: #{n_try}: ERROR : #{exc.inspect}  \n#{exc.backtrace * "\n  "}"
55           handle_error!(exc, :connect, nil)
56         end
57       end
58     end
60     # Invokes @on_close.call(self, stream).
61     # On Exception, invokes @on_error.call(self, exc, :close, stream).
62     def close
63       if stream = _stream
64         self.stream = nil
65         @on_close.call(self, stream) if @on_close
66       end
67     rescue ::Exception => exc
68       handle_error!(exc, :close, stream)
69     end
71     # Yield #stream to block.
72     # On Exception, invokes @on_error.call(self, exc, :with_stream, stream).
73     def with_stream!
74       x = stream
75       begin
76         yield x
77       rescue ::Exception => exc
78         handle_error!(exc, :with_stream, x)
79       end
80     end
82     # Delegate to actual stream.
83     def method_missing sel, *args, &blk
84       with_stream! do | obj |
85         obj.__send__(sel, *args, &blk)
86       end
87     end
89     # Dispatches exception and arguments if @on_error is defined.
90     # Otherwise, reraise exception.
91     def handle_error! exc, action, stream
92       if @on_error
93         @on_error.call(self, exc, action, stream)
94       else
95         raise exc
96       end
97     end
99     # Returns a Thread-specific mapping, unique to this process id. 
100     # Maps from Channel objects to actual stream.
101     def _streams
102       streams = Thread.current[:'ASIR::Channel._streams'] ||= { }
103       if ! @owning_process || 
104           @owning_process != $$ || # child process?
105           @owning_process > $$ # PIDs wrapped around?
106         @owning_process = $$
107         streams.clear
108       end
109       streams
110     end
112     # Returns the stream for this Channel, or nil.
113     def _stream
114       _streams[self]
115     end
117     # Sets the stream for this Channel, or nil.
118     def stream= x
119       if x == nil
120         _streams.delete(self)
121       else
122         _streams[self] = x
123       end
124     end
126   end # class Channel
127 end # module

Generated on Fri Jan 27 17:37:46 -0600 2012 with rcov 0.9.8