Abstracting Services In Ruby C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/asir/retry_behavior.rb 51 38


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 module ASIR
2   # !SLIDE
3   # Generic retry behavior
4   module RetryBehavior
5     # Maximum trys.
6     attr_accessor :try_max
7     # Initial amount of seconds to sleep between each try.
8     attr_accessor :try_sleep
9     # Amount of seconds to increment sleep between each try.
10     attr_accessor :try_sleep_increment
11     # Maxinum amount of seconds to sleep between each try.
12     attr_accessor :try_sleep_max
14     # Yields:
15     #   :try, n_try
16     #   :rescue, exc
17     #   :retry, exc
18     #   :failed, nil
19     def with_retry
20       n_try = 0
21       sleep_secs = try_sleep
22       result = done = last_exception = nil
23       begin
24         n_try += 1
25         result = yield :try, n_try
26         done = true
27       rescue ::Exception => exc
28         last_exception = exc
29         yield :rescue, exc
30         if ! try_max || try_max > n_try
31           yield :retry, exc
32           if sleep_secs
33             sleep sleep_secs
34             sleep_secs += try_sleep_increment if try_sleep_increment
35             sleep_secs = try_sleep_max if try_sleep_max && sleep_secs > try_sleep_max
36           end
37           retry
38         end
39       end
40       unless done
41         unless yield :failed, last_exception
42           exc = last_exception
43           raise RetryError, "Retry failed: #{exc.inspect}  \n#{exc.backtrace * "\n   "}"
44         end
45       end
46       result
47     end
48     class RetryError < Error; end
49   end # module
50 end # module ASIR

Generated on Fri Jan 27 17:37:46 -0600 2012 with rcov 0.9.8