Abstracting Services In Ruby C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
spec/json_spec.rb 126 101


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', __FILE__)
2 require 'asir/coder/json'
4 describe "ASIR::Coder::JSON" do
5   before(:each) do 
6     @enc = ASIR::Coder::JSON.new
7     @dec = @enc.dup
8   end
10   basic_objs = [ ]
12   [
13    [ nil, 'null' ],
14    true,
15    false,
16   ].each do | x |
17     x, str = *x
18     str ||= x.inspect
19     str = "[#{str}]"
20     basic_objs << [ x, str ]
21     it "should handle #{x.inspect}" do
22       out = @enc.encode(x)
23       out.should == str
24       @dec.decode(out).should == x
25     end
26   end
28   [
29    1234,
30    1.234,
31    [ :symbol, '"symbol"' ],
32   ].each do | x |
33     x, str = *x
34     str ||= x.inspect
35     str = "[#{str}]"
36     basic_objs << [ x, str ]
37     it "should handle #{x.inspect}" do
38       out = @enc.encode(x)
39       out.should == str
40       y = @dec.decode(out)
41       y = y.to_sym if Symbol === x
42       y.should == x
43     end
44   end
46   [
47    'String',
48   ].each do | x |
49     x, str = *x
50     str ||= x.inspect
51     str = "[#{str}]"
52     basic_objs << [ x, str ]
53     it "should handle #{x.inspect}" do
54       out = @enc.encode(x)
55       out.should == str
56       y = @dec.decode(out)
57       y.should == x
58     end
59   end
61   it "should handle empty Array" do
62     x = [ ]
63     out = @enc.encode(x)
64     out.should == "[[]]"
65     @dec.decode(out).should == x
66   end
68   it "should handle Array" do
69     x = basic_objs.map{|e| e[0]}
70     out = @enc.encode(x)
71     out.should == "[[null,true,false,1234,1.234,\"symbol\",\"String\"]]"
72     y = @dec.decode(out)
73     y.should == x.map{|e| Symbol === e ? e.to_s : e }
74   end
76   it "should handle empty Hash" do
77     x = { }
78     out = @enc.encode(x)
79     out.should == "[{}]"
80     @dec.decode(out).should == x
81   end
83   it "should handle Hash" do
84     x = Hash[ *basic_objs.flatten.reverse ]
85     out = @enc.encode(x)
86     out.should =~ %r{\A\[\{}
87     out.should =~ %r{\}\]\Z}
88     basic_objs.each do | v, str |
89       # out.should =~ %r{#{k.inspect}:}
90       out.should =~ %r{#{str}}
91     end
92     y = @dec.decode(out)
93     y.should == x.inject({}){|h, (k, v)| h[k] = Symbol === v ? v.to_s : v; h }
94   end
96   module ASIR::Coder::Test
97     class Object
98       attr_accessor :a, :h, :o
99     end
100   end
102   it "should handle deep objects" do
103     x = ASIR::Coder::Test::Object.new
104     x.a = [ *basic_objs.map{|a| a[0]} ]
105     x.h = Hash[ *basic_objs.flatten.reverse ]
106     x.o = ASIR::Coder::Test::Object.new
107     x.o.a = 123
108     out = @enc.encode(x)
109     # FIXME:
110     out.should =~ %r{\A\[\"#<ASIR::Coder::Test::Object:[^>]+>\"\]\Z}
111     #out.should =~ %r{<#{x.class.name.gsub('::', '.')} id=\"#{x.object_id}\" >}
112     #out.should =~ %r{</#{x.class.name.gsub('::', '.')}>}
113     y = @dec.decode(out)
114     (String === y).should == true
115 =begin
116 FIXME:
117     y.a.should == x.a
118     y.h.should == x.h
119     y.o.class.should == ASIR::Coder::Test::Object
120     y.o.a.should == x.o.a
121     x.instance_variables.sort { | a, b | a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.should == 
122       y.instance_variables.sort { | a, b | a.to_s <=> b.to_s }
123 =end
124   end
125 end

Generated on Fri Jan 27 17:37:46 -0600 2012 with rcov 0.9.8